"With such a powerful strength, could it be the hero of the Hero Association?" After being beaten by Wuchen, the Asura Unicorn finally learned to speak, and her attitude was not bad, at least she didn't have the rebelliousness just now.

"I'm an unemployed retail investor, and it has nothing to do with the Hero Association. It can even be said to be a hostile existence. It's just because the people here are eyeing me, and I just have nothing to do, so I'm here to kill you all. It's gone, it's just to pass the time." Wuchen stretched and replied casually.

"Kill time?!"

The army of [-] grass and mud horses flew over the heart of the Asura unicorn, can this guy stop being so arrogant when he talks?

Destroyed the evolutionary house because it was too boring to pass the time? !

Depend on! ! !

"I'm a test item for those guys. In fact, I don't have a good impression of this place. I've been looking for an opportunity to kill them, but there's no suitable opportunity. Now I want to thank you."

The Asura Unicorn suddenly changed her face and sincerely thanked: "Let's be friends, I have always had a good impression of you humans."


Wuchen's face is full of confusion, this guy's head is confused, and he has to destroy human beings before.

Be friends now? !

"What an inexplicable guy, I have no interest in making friends with people like you." Wuchen was too lazy to pay attention to Asura Unicorn, and asked directly: "Whether there is a war, if there is no war, I will leave."

"War?! You are the benefactor who rescued me. How can I do anything to you? It's too dirty! If it weren't for you, I would still be imprisoned here. I don't know how long it will take to get out."

The Asura Unicorn was grateful.

"It's really heartbreaking."

After hearing the words, Wuchen turned around resolutely, and left with all kinds of boredom.

"Jie Jie..."

The moment Wuchen turned around, the Asura Unicorn Immortal suddenly showed an extremely brutal expression, and his two eyes were abolished.

"Die, you bloody human!"

The Asura Unicorn roared, his huge head dropped, and the sharp horns on it pierced the dust-free back.

"I knew you wouldn't obediently let me go, idiot." Wuchen turned his head, his expression as usual, "I haven't seen this kind of person for so many years, and I can't see through just your thought. ."

"The Ninety of the Broken Dao: The Black Coffin!!"

Several jet-black crescent moons fell from the sky, madly attacking the Asura Unicorn.

"Pfft... puff... puff..."

Each black crescent moon is an extremely sharp blade, which easily shreds the hard shell of the Asura Unicorn, and the deadly edge penetrated deep into his body, smashing its internal organs alive.

"Damn human!!!"

The shrill screams of the Asura unicorn lingered in the depths of the ground. There were countless gaps all over his body, and each wound was a meter or two long. The whole body was bleeding, and the pain was unbearable.

"I already knew you were not a good bird."

Wuchen pouted, and after making sure that this guy won't survive, he left with a little tune.

Chapter 29 Atomic Warrior [First Update]

I thought the matter had been resolved, but after returning to the residence, Wuchen looked ashen.

As if he was attacked by some strange person, his site was smashed to the ground, and there were several huge footprints on the ground. At first glance, it was not left by normal creatures. At first glance, it was close to the giants.

"It's not reasonable, which bastard is impatient, and makes trouble while I'm out." Wuchen searched for a long time and couldn't find any trace. It is estimated that the attacker left early and was extremely annoyed.

Who would have thought that after hunting wild geese all day, this time the geese pecked at the eyes.

"The child of Fubuki is gone too..."

This is what worries Wuchen the most. He didn't find Fubuki's body, and he was probably taken away by the other party.

But there is another possibility, which is directly destroyed by the corpse, and this possibility is even higher.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't it be the people from the Hero Association?" It's not that Wuchen is suspicious by nature. In this world, the only force he offends is the Hero Association.

"I remember that there seems to be a branch of the Hero Association in this city." Wuchen murmured, did not stop there, and quickly left quietly.

The branch of the Hero Association is not difficult to find. I just asked some people to inquire, and the location was found by Wuchen.

Half an hour later, Wuchen appeared under a high-rise building.


"No one can enter without permission!"

Soon there were security guards who stopped Wuchen, but unfortunately they responded with two fists. Wuchen didn't frighten him to death. After all, the opponent was an ordinary human.


Wuchen stepped into the interior of the high-rise building with one foot, and a series of harsh alarm sounds suddenly sounded.

"There are a lot of trash fish here."

Wuchen’s arrogance unfolded with all his might, and soon he felt a large number of people coming from all directions and emergency passages, but they were either security guards with pistols, or C-level heroes, all of which were among the little gangsters. little guy.

It took about two or three minutes, and the large number of people who came was killed.

"Isn't there a slightly more powerful hero? It's too disappointing." Wuchen sighed with dismay, most of them were C-level heroes, and they were still at the bottom.

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