The huge slash suddenly flew out and collided with the oncoming light.

"Boom... boom... boom..."

The powerful and unparalleled explosion spread, and the shock wave immediately swept away. The building of the Hero Association branch collapsed at once, and the atomic warrior in the middle area was directly blown away.

"Although the enemy is very strong, don't underestimate me too much!"

The Atomic Warrior who rolled over a dozen laps in the void, his eyes shot out a shimmering luster, and a powerful force erupted from his body.

"Hey hey...I said, are you doing acrobatics?"

I don't know when it started, Wuchen has flashed in front of the atomic warrior, and he lifted his foot and swept it, and the flashing big feet were covered with suffocating power.

Boom, boom boom! !

In the end, the foot greeted the atomic warrior's face, and the boy disappeared after hearing a few clicks.

"Damn... it seems a little heavy to start."

Wuchen looked away, looking at the atomic warrior who couldn't find anyone, and couldn't help but regret it in his heart.

If this atomic warrior dies, who will tell him about the dragon-level eccentric? !


Under the ruins a few hundred meters away, there was a scream of pain... Uh, this place was not a ruin at all, it was an apartment before, but I didn't know what happened just now, a black shadow hit, directly Crash the whole building.


Under the ruins, the Atomic Warrior lay miserably. He finally opened his eyes, and the burning pain suddenly swept through his body.

"Hey hey hey... Come out quickly, I can still feel the life breath of your kid, he should not be dead, hurry up and answer the question of the uncle, which bastard took Fubuki?"

Wuchen's diabolical voice resounded in the ears of the Atomic Warrior, and he immediately made a smart move. When he tried to stand up, he was horrified to find that his feet were out of order.

"what happened?"

Wuchen's brows furrowed, the atomic warrior shrank in the tortoise shell and couldn't come out, so he could only...


A ray of light popped out of the dust-free fingers.

Boom... boom... boom... boom...

The earth-shattering explosion resounded through the sky, and the sky ignited with a golden mushroom cloud... and the ruins that had been pressed on the Atomic Warrior were cleaned up. Wuchen appeared beside the Atomic Warrior, stared at him for a few glances, and then suddenly said: : "No wonder I can't come out. My feet and hands are all broken, and my ribs are broken a lot."


The Atomic Warrior roared at Wuchen like a madman when he heard the words, in his life...he has never suffered such a serious injury.

"Can't speak?" Wuchen narrowed his eyes.

Because the kick just now directly hit the Atomic Warrior in the face, his face was tilted, especially the mouth, which was split left and right, and could only hum like a beast.

"It seems that I can't get any useful value from you." Wuchen slowly approached the Atomic Warrior, and this guy seemed to see Death, his face was panic, and his eyes were full of despair.

"I'm also naive enough. Obviously, I can directly check my memory. I have to talk nonsense... It's useless. In the end, I still need to use the power of Samsara Eye."

Wuchen walked to the Atomic Warrior, grabbed his head with one hand, and the ability of the Samsara Eye was activated, and the memory of the Atomic Warrior was quickly introduced into Wuchen's mind.

After a long time, Wuchen's closed eyes opened, and the news about the dragon-level eccentric was also found. He couldn't help but wonder: "This is not a hero? Why does he want to catch Chuixue, I don't seem to have offended this..."

bang bang bang! ! !

Before the dust-free voice could fall, his head burst open, and thousands of photons dissipated with it.

At the same time, a figure flashed over, and he moved very fast and swiftly, and took the Atomic Warrior from Wuchen.

"Atomic samurai... it doesn't matter, right? Why are you hurt like this?!"

The old man in black flashed in the distance with the Atomic Warrior in his arms. He looked at the Atomic Warrior in disbelief, and his heart fell to the bottom. What kind of monster could beat the Atomic Warrior like this?

All limbs are crippled, and many ribs are broken. What is the difference between this and the dead?

"I said the old man... just want someone to give it to you. Anyway, he is of no value to me. There is no need to be so hard as soon as he comes up. This kick hurts me a lot."

With the elemental repair of the glittering fruit, Wuchen's head quickly recovered. He looked at the old man with short white hair, his face was full of wrinkles, and he was hunched over when he walked, with a twilight aura all over his body.

However, under this fragile appearance, there is indeed a powerful strength, even surpassing that of the Atomic Warrior, because this person is the silver fangs ranked third in the Hero Association!

The Atomic Samurai is fourth, still behind the silver fangs.

"It hurts? Stop lying there. It should have no effect at all, or you wouldn't be standing here chatting with the old man."

Silver Fang stared at Wuchen intently, daring not to be careless.

This is a rare formidable enemy in a lifetime!

Chapter 31 Killing the Atomic Warriors, Beating the Silver Fangs [First Update]

"Oh, ah... I said that the Hero Association is empty, and they sent an old man to deal with me." Wuchen looked at the silver fangs very seriously, "When I get old, I won't say anything with my hunched over. , even my hair is white, I can't bear to start."

"Really? I don't see any respect for the old man in your eyes." Silver Fang looked at Wuchen solemnly, daring not to be careless. Atomic Warrior is a living example.

And what Wuchen said was nice, but in fact his eyes were as brutal and cruel as a wild beast.

The strength of the fourth-ranked hero and the third-ranked hero may be a little different, but it is not a lot. Wuchen can kill the Atomic Warrior with absolute power, which even the silver fangs can't do.

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