However, Wuchen still has no intention of punishing Elise, because his so-called punishment is usually direct killing.

"We'll talk about the punishment later." Wuchen responded casually, and then continued to lower his head and eat snacks.

However, at this time, Elise suddenly leaned over with her face flushed.

This made Wuchen quite confused, what happened to this little girl?The mind of a woman is really hard to guess!

"Then, that... I know what Mr. Wuchen likes. Would you like to try...?"

Elise's voice became weaker, almost inaudible, and there was a faint feeling of indescribable, as if she was embarrassed?

"This is interesting. I don't know my hobbies. What can you know...? Let's talk about it." Wuchen looked at Elise with interest.

"Of course I know!"

Elise blushed pretty and was quite excited, Qi Li and Elera didn't seem to notice Wuchen's hobby, but she was the exception, "In the past few days, Mr. Wuchen has liked one activity the most. "

"Which activity?"

Hearing this, Wuchen was confused, lowered his head and pondered for a while, but his face was still puzzled, his brows were slightly condensed, and his doubts were even worse.

Frankly speaking, the only thing that can interest you are the top powerhouses, but the so-called powerhouses in this world are weak, and the strongest person can even kill the opponent by blowing his breath.

So, what kind of interest is Elise talking about? Wuchen also has some expectations. Does he really have any unique hobbies?

Just when Wuchen was thinking hard, Elise suddenly turned her back, her beautiful eyes were watery, and her little head was about to be buried in the career line.

Her small hands moved down slightly and landed at the corner of her skirt, as if she had encountered the most private and shameful place, and Elise's little face was covered with a morbid blush.

"I'm going to start."

Chapter 40 Destroy D [Second]

"Hurry up, I'm embarrassed." Elise shook her left and right buttocks as if deliberately, her hands swung wildly, and she was dazzled by the dust-free shaking.


In desperation, Wuchen had to reward her with a slap.


Elise let out a coquettish cry of pain, then quickly put down her skirt, walked to Wuchen with an uneasy face, and whispered: "Master Wuchen is really a big pervert, I don't know that I feel bad for others, it hurts... ."

"Am I his..."

Hearing this, Wuchen already has the heart to die, but it won't work if you don't fight. You let me fight, and now you say I'm a big pervert?

Is it so unreasonable?

"Okay, okay, that's it, if you have nothing else to do, go back first." Wuchen urged tiredly, "I'm going to rest."

Elise didn't dare to say more, just nodded and left silently.


Wuchen slept for a few hours. When he woke up, the sun hanging high in the sky had already set. He looked up and looked out the window, the sky was getting dark.

"I don't seem to be doing anything recently, but I'm unexpectedly tired. Am I old? That's right, I'm over a thousand years old." Wuchen rubbed his head in his sleep and tried to open his eyes.

It was at this time that a girl's fragrance came from the side, and Wuchen didn't think much about it, and subconsciously hugged it.

"and many more!!!!"

The dazed eyes suddenly opened for a moment, and at this moment, Wuchen suddenly felt that there was another person beside him.

He quickly turned his head to look, and the corners of his mouth twitched suddenly, "Damn, the reaction has been getting slower and slower recently, when did I get in?! Am I really old!?"

Next to Wuchen, lay a naked girl, with her white skin unobstructed, and her golden hair hanging down like a waterfall.

This person knows nothing - Lisa!

"Has my perception degraded to this point?" Wuchen's face darkened, he couldn't help shaking his head, but he didn't find it!

After living a comfortable life for too long, a person will gradually let go of his vigilance.

"It's still early, let's sleep a little longer."

Lisa didn't mind at all, she very skillfully hugged Wuchen with one arm, and leaned on Wuchen's arm with a comfortable look.

On that pretty face, in addition to a satisfied smile, there is a calmness that has never been seen before.


Wuchen watched silently, confused by all this, he planned to wake up Lisa, but looking at the hard-won tranquility on the girl's face, he chose to remain silent.

Lifting the silk quilt slightly, the sharp-eyed Wuchen saw the scarlet plum blossoms...

What this means is self-evident.

"There's no one anymore, women in this world, can't you be a little more reserved, and come to the door at any time, and some people even dare to push me!" Wuchen complained with a tangled face.

"That's because there is no way."

Lisa suddenly opened her eyes, stared at Wuchen for a moment and explained: "We D don't know when we will be targeted by the dragon, once the dragon pattern mutates, it will be as clear as a virus... If If I can find a big backer like you, I believe that everyone will be willing to dedicate their bodies."

After all, compared with life, what is the so-called chastity, not to mention that the beauty loves heroes, such an outstanding existence like Wuchen, itself is like a poison that attracts the girls of Midgar College.

In addition to these two events of defeating the dragon, Wuchen has almost become the idol of every girl. As long as you say hello, I am afraid that countless girls will throw their arms in their arms.

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