"In other words, you actually came to me to save your life?" Wuchen asked calmly, with a somewhat dissatisfied expression. It turned out that it wasn't Laozi's handsome that attracted her...


As if seeing what Wuchen was thinking, Lisa pursed her lips and smiled, like a blooming flower, making people addicted to it.

"You look down on us girls too much. Not everyone has this idea." Lisa said angrily with her cheeks bulging.

"Of course I know this." Wuchen suddenly grabbed Lisa's white chin, and smiled evilly: "Aren't you attracted by my handsomeness? Come on, little girl, give the uncle a smile."

"I'm not going to mess with you!" Lisa rejected it very ladylike, and her pretty face showed a dignified look again, "I forgot to tell you, in the few hours you were sleeping, this world happened. Major accident."

"Really." Wuchen casually poured a cup of hot tea and seemed absent-minded about everything. What does all this have to do with him?

Even if the sky falls, he has nothing to do with Wuchen, he is just an outsider.

"Nefer announced to the world that the reason why dragons are destroying this world is entirely because of us D..."

At the end, Lisa's tone had a hint of coolness. Wuchen looked at the haggard girl with a worried look on her face, and already knew that what happened next was very bad.

"The guys at Nifel said that if D disappears, the dragon will disappear automatically... So most countries in the world regard us D as terrorists, and have issued an order to destroy us."

Hearing this, even Wuchen was slightly moved.

You must understand that there are quite a few students in the entire Midgar College, and they are all convicted of terrorists and wiped out. How ruthless is this?

Even Wuchen dares to conclude that at this moment, on this planet, thousands of high-tech weapons have been aimed at this island.

"This is to cross the river and demolish the bridge." Wuchen's eyes flickered, and he analyzed: "D is a unique existence, and the task is to fight against dragons. Right now, the dragons are almost dead, and there are only a few left. If they are all wiped out ...The rest of the uneasy factor is you D, and it's best to disappear with it naturally."

Lisa was speechless, Wuchen's remarks could be said to hit the nail on the head, and it touched the core.

If the dragon disappears, there is no need for D who fights with the dragon. The two are actually closely related.

It is precisely because of the existence of the dragon that D is so important. Once the dragon perishes, D will become a brand new threat.

In other words, the enemy of the students of Midgar College in front of us seems to be all mankind...

I have to say that this number is so huge that Lisa and the others feel desperate, and even their relatives have been betrayed. What a heavy blow? !


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 41 Attack! 【First Update】

If there is no accident, it is a sure thing that all the students here will be annihilated. After all, the opponent is the entire human race. Although D's personal ability is very powerful, he can't stand the crowd of opponents, and there is also a powerful Nifl. In addition to the military organization, there are creatures like dragons that have been staring at Midgar's students, in a dilemma.

Unless Wuchen is willing to help, he will definitely not be able to escape the end of death. Not only must he defend against dragons, but now he must defend against humans. Such a bad situation has never occurred before.

"It's really a little troublesome this time." Wuchen rubbed his head, feeling quite a headache.

"Hope you can help us!"

Lisa pleaded with Wuchen, and there were even crystal tears in her eyes.

"I can guarantee the safety of the students on this island, as long as they don't leave." Wuchen softly reassured: "At that time, I will build a barrier on this island, which can resist all the hot weapons in the world. "


Hearing this, Lisa showed an excited smile, and now everyone is worried about being targeted by missiles from all over the world.

"It's not difficult."

Dust-free and confident.


When D was declared a terrorist, all the students on the island were in disarray, because not only their country but even their parents were abandoned, what a blow to a single person.

Everyone's heart is very desperate, full of hesitation about the future, and even some people who are not firm, have the idea of ​​suicide.

However, these trivial matters cannot be managed without dust.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At an altitude of tens of meters, there was a sudden loud explosion. All the students subconsciously looked up to the sky with fearful eyes. All the students immediately felt that it was a hot weapon from another country.

But when he looked up, he saw a strange landscape.

In the clouds, a golden light poured down, covering the entire Midgar and completely isolating it from the outside world.

"Isn't that Mr. Wuchen?!"

Some sharp-eyed classmates saw the figures dozens of meters above the sky, and their hearts were very moved, at least Wuchen hadn't abandoned them.

"The biggest trouble seems to have been helped."

In the headmaster's office, looking at the golden barrier protecting the entire Midgar College, the headmaster's pale face also showed a gratified smile.

In her office, Mobu Fukasuki and Lisa came, and even Qi Li and Elera came.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A dark figure suddenly came in from the window, and in the absence of everyone, he was already seated on the sofa.

"I'm a little hungry, do you have anything to eat? I've been busy for a long time." Wuchen rubbed his stomach and complained. There is no doubt that the person who came in just now was him.

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