

Suddenly, a huge force came and fell on Elera's shoulders. She spit out a large mouthful of blood, and the body lying on Wuchen also flew out.

"I don't listen to what I say, a woman who doesn't know what to do."

Wuchen suddenly got up and stood up, his eyes were stern, his face was resolute, how could he be drugged, he turned his head and walked towards the wardrobe of the other bedroom.

It looks like it's time to change clothes.

"how is this possible!"

Elera wiped the blood stains from the corners of her mouth, and looked at the dust-free walking, she was stunned. Could it be that this guy was pretending just now.

"Ellera...what did you do to Lord Wuchen?!"

At the same time, Elise also broke in, and Mei Mu looked at her extremely angrily. This friend she trusted, was actually attacking Wuchen at this moment?


Herrera's face jumped, seemingly inexplicable, so she shut up again.

It's useless to explain to Elise, she runs errands completely.

"I said chick, how about we make a deal."

In just a few seconds, Wuchen changed into a new shirt and held a goblet in his hand, which contained a glass of... juice?


Herrera, who was originally desperate, heard these two words and regained new vitality, and asked, "What deal?"

"You go and tell the group of people in Nifur, and say that what you want has been obtained." Wuchen's face showed a fierce light, and he said with a murderous aura: "Then I will kill them."

"You made me a traitor?!" Elera's face was extremely ugly, and Nifl's treatment of traitors was quite cruel.


Wuchen nodded and said expressionlessly: "You can refuse, but I will tell you responsibly that if you refuse, you will die immediately!"

"If you are willing to be obedient, I can guarantee your life."

Herrera looked embarrassed and hesitated in her heart. She didn't want to die, and she didn't want to be a traitor at the same time, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no plan for the best of both worlds.

If you refuse Wuchen, you will die now. If you become a traitor, although you will be included in the must-kill list by Nifol, you can get the protection of Wuchen, so...

"Master Wuchen!"

After some thought, Herrera knelt down on one knee without any hesitation to show her loyalty.

Chapter 39: Jumping into the Yellow River, I Can't Wash It Out [First Update]

"Yes, such a woman is likable." Seeing this, Wuchen showed a smug smile, handed an admiring look, and felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. Although it was forced, Wuchen only cares about the ending. , the process doesn't matter, is it not something worth showing off to be able to force a mortal enemy into a younger brother?

"You go to inform the group of guys in Nifur, and say that they will come to trade in three days, and let me see which idiot is going to die!" Wuchen said sadly, his eyes flashing with scarlet demon light.

When he spoke, the air was permeated with a strong smell of blood.

"I, I understand."

Herrera nodded pale and her body trembled unnaturally. Even if she didn't deliberately target her, Herrera's body was instinctively afraid. There is always a lingering fear.

Now she finally understands Wuchen's strength. Just now, the other party was just bored to play with her. If she really wanted to kill her, she didn't need to do anything, and she could kill her with a single thought.

"Okay, step back." Wuchen's face returned to normal, and his tone was gentle.

Although there have been countless murders, Wuchen has always used the means of grace and power towards his own people. When it is time to be tough, it is natural to be tough, and when it is time to be soft, it has to be gentle.

Elera didn't dare to stay any longer, bowed deeply, and left quietly with a look of fear.

"Master Wuchen, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, and blame me! I'm very sorry."

Elise bowed her head in shame, although Wuchen was fine, but Herrera was introduced by her.

"You're not at fault either. After all, people are separated from each other, so just keep an eye on them in the future." Wuchen sat on the sofa and ate snacks in a serious manner.

Although Elise's strength has been improving in recent days, her mind has not changed, she is still as simple and innocent as before. However, this is not her fault. This child is still young, lacks experience, and has not experienced any storms and is in a greenhouse. Elise in it will always lack the courage to deal with the crisis alone.

"What's more..."

When the conversation changed, Wuchen smiled and said, "You have turned against an undercover agent, this is a gain, and the merits and demerits are worth it."

"I still feel that I am at fault. You punish me, and I will feel more comfortable in my heart." Elise lowered her head, her tone was weak, and she said very honestly.

"You are quite honest." Wuchen smiled slightly, but shook his head and refused.

In fact, he is quite satisfied with Elise. There are no perfect people in this world. In the past, there were many better people than the dust-free younger brothers, but no one made him feel completely relieved. Some became traitors.

"But I said, this time the merits and demerits are equal, and next time I will really punish you!" Wuchen deliberately made a very terrifying expression.

"How does this work!"

Unexpectedly, Elise refused with serious words, and emphasized it very seriously: "As the first servant of Lord Wuchen, I must lead by example, so as to avoid Qi Li and Elera from trying their own way in the future, making mistakes and hitting them. Emotional card!"


This time, it was Wuchen's turn to be surprised. I didn't expect this little girl to think so far, and by the way, she also included Elera and Qi Li.

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