The soil spider let out a loud drink, and his dozens of extra arms clenched into fists at the same time, and all of them slammed over, like a thousand-handed Guanyin exaggerated.

If it is one punch and two punches, it is easier to defend, such an exaggerated formation, countless boxing shadows attack at the same time, not to mention defense, just looking at it will be dazzling, and most people will be scared and their feet will go limp.

"It's spectacular, but it's useless at all." The golden materialized chakra overflowed from Wuchen's body, surrounding him.

"Susanoh." With Wuchen's order, the layer of chakra on the surface condensed into a small skeleton.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The heavy rain-like fists all fell on Susanoo, and the loud noise continued. The members of the Nura group who were secretly watching the fight couldn't help but sweat. There were too many fists, one punch after another, only a few dozen. Within seconds, the soil spider threw thousands of punches.

But no matter how powerful the attack was, the mature body that protected the dust-free Susano was almost safe and sound, allowing the spiders to attack at will, not to mention vain attempts to smash it, not even the slightest trace.

"How, how is it possible, there is nothing at all, what kind of strange thing is this? Even Nue back then couldn't have such a monster's defense."

After half a sound, he looked at Susanohu, a mature body taller than himself. The soil spider was panting and his voice was a little throbbing. In the few dozen seconds just now, he could blast out thousands of punches, even one punch. Mountains can be smashed into powder, but this shit is hard to shake.

"Soil Spider, aside from strength, looking at you, I always feel a bit similar to myself."

Wuchen clenched his fists and raised the corners of his lips.

"To be honest, I am also a person like you, who likes to use violence to control violence!"

This kid's attack is over, but the dust-free attack has not yet begun!

Chapter 56 I'm Tired of Playing [Chapter Three]

The soil spider tensed his nerves quickly, all the arms on his body were clenched into fists, and he looked at Wuchen in a defensive posture. By now, the soil spider has confirmed that the person in front of him is very powerful, stronger than himself.

"Before I start, I have a question that I must ask." Wuchen remembered the whereabouts of Yuluo in Huakaiyuan, and said, "If you don't ask in advance, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to speak later."

"Hmph, are you looking down on this uncle?!" The soil spider glared angrily, and he felt a strong disdain from the dust-free eyes.

"That kid is fine, his strength is too weak, and it is too small to be a snack." Tu Spider dismissed it, and then his huge body moved again.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

The soil spider didn't wait for Wuchen to attack, he couldn't wait to crush it, and thousands of arms above his head danced at the same time.

This battle is unparalleled and ferocious. There are countless black mists dancing behind him, and the powerful "fear" is all wrapped around his fists.

"Boom boom boom..."

The soul-sucking demon power surged out of the body, and the area within a radius of several hundred meters seemed to have turned into hell, covered by the powerful demon power, like a black giant axe suspended above its head.

Just relying on its own momentum can make all the monsters feel that their lives are in danger, which is enough to see how powerful the earth spider is.



The halo of destruction on Wuchen's right foot flickered, and endless divine light flew out from his body, flying out like light.

"What about the kid?!"

The soil spider couldn't help but be shocked. The speed was too fast, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. He couldn't even see it clearly.

"Behind, you idiot."

The cold voice resounded behind his back, and the soil spider shivered suddenly, and then he felt that his body was covered by hot tricks, and it was about to melt.

"Light speed kick!"

The ferocious big foot hit the back of the soil spider, and his body was instantly set on fire.

"Boom boom boom!"

The tumbling sea of ​​fire burned relentlessly on the soil spider, and it never went out. The fire spread extremely fast, and it devoured all parts of his body in the blink of an eye, and every part of his skin was burning.

"Now you should be done."

Looking at the looming phantom in the sea of ​​flames, the smell of burnt remains in the atmosphere, all emanating from the soil spider, and Wuchen's foot directly hit it hard.

"It's time to find that kid Yuluo."

Wuchen turned and left, looking at the dark sky, before taking two steps, there was a strange movement behind.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A series of roars resounded, like a poisonous snake spitting a letter, and Wuchen, who had experienced hundreds of battles, immediately sensed a danger.

Looking back, a large amount of spider silk was sprayed out, and the source was the inside of the burning sea of ​​fire.

"It seems that your greatest advantage is not your strength... but your monster-like vitality."

Wuchen sighed with emotion again and again, ordinary monsters have been abolished after a "light speed kick", but this kid is good, not only is he still alive and kicking, but also can continue to fight.

"'s not that you have strong vitality." Wuchen's eyes turned into scarlet eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, "In the final analysis, I'm still too light!!!"

Focusing on the spider silk, you can vaguely see purple liquid, which is estimated to be deadly venom. After all, the soil spider itself is a spider and contains venom.


Before the spider silk touched him, a black fire flashed out of thin air, and it was burned into nothingness in the electric light flint, including the venom was swallowed up.


The soil beside his feet suddenly cracked open, Wuchen looked down, and a pile of spider silk came out of the soil and quickly wrapped around his feet. These spider silks were as sharp as a wire saw.

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