"The world is getting worse and morals are declining... These days, even a mere spider will play tricks and tricks." Wuchen sighed leisurely, the attack just now was obviously a feint, and the fatal thing was these spider silks hidden under the soil.

"Almost died."

At the same time, the soil spider dragged its huge body out of the flames, and his skin was burnt to black, almost out of shape.

If it was someone else, I would have screamed in agony, but this guy is indeed a tough guy, and his calm tone sounded as if he was not affected.

"It's finally over." The soil spider showed a smile and explained: "There are not many strong people who can make me use poison. Nue was one of them a thousand years ago, and you are one of them now."

"It seems that I should be honored to hear your appearance." Wuchen's complexion has changed, the venom entangled in his feet has invaded the inside of his body, and his complexion has slowly changed, showing a deep purple.

"Of course, you should be proud." The soil spider answered proudly, but the sarcasm from the corner of Wuchen's mouth disappeared.

"Boom boom boom..."

A powerful spiritual pressure swept out, and the spider silk entangled in Wuchen's feet instantly broke.

"This guy…"

The soil spider was slightly startled when he saw this, his spider silk was extremely strong, but Wuchen broke it with his own momentum, it was simply maddening!

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

Completely ignoring the venom in his body, even though his body has turned purple, Wuchen still looks calm and composed, his cheeks are like a pool of stagnant water, with no waves.

"Why is this guy still able to move after being hit by my venom? That Nue didn't dare to be careless in the face of my venom back then."

The spider's tone rarely trembled, and his confidence collapsed.

"I'm tired of playing, let's end the game of children playing house."

When he was next to the soil spider, Wuchen burst out with a chilling breath.

"The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"


Chapter 57 Saved [First Update]

"Whoosh whoosh..."

There was a tingling sound that made the scalp numb, and the shadow of death lingered in his heart for a long time. The earth spider couldn't help but panic. In the past thousands of years, he felt the real breath of death for the first time, even if he faced Nue at first. At the time, he didn't have this trembling feeling either.

Looking at the black meniscus blade that fell from the sky, it was like a huge slash, and the void was shaking, as if to cut the sky open.

"I can't be killed so easily."

The soil spider would definitely not be willing to accept his fate. He clenched his hand into an iron fist, and the black light oozes from his skin. After entangling the "fear", his power increased sharply, and he tried his best to blast the sky with all his strength, trying to smash it.


In front of the black coffin, no matter how powerful and hard the material is, it is like a fake, and the rough and sturdy skin of the soil spider is easily torn.

"Wow wow wow..."

After the iron fist was cut off, bright red blood spurted out, spilling on the ground to outline a strange picture, reflecting the blood-colored plum blossoms.

There are also some white flower buds as embellishments, which are actually chopped bones.

"Hahahaha... If you don't die, you will have good luck." Even though a hand was cut off, the soil spider was not as lost as he imagined, but laughed happily.

It was a miracle to survive that kind of detached attack. It was a stroke of luck to lose just one arm!

"Congratulations." Wuchen also smiled happily, and then he pointed to the darkened sky again, and said with a smile: "Sorry, the black coffin is not over yet, there are still several groups waiting for you, come on!"


Hearing the words, the earth spider looked up at the sky in horror, pale in horror, and as many as seven or eight crescent black lights landed again. What made him desperate was that it was bigger and sharper than before. Before he hit himself, the earth spider was shocked that his body was about to rupture.


At this moment, the soil spider resolutely gave up his dignity, and as a spider, he dived into the depths of the ground for the first time.

"I didn't escape to this end before, but now it's too late." Wuchen watched coldly, with his hands in his trouser pockets, and he had no plans to stop.

Carelessly looking for trouble and want to run away when you find that the situation is not right?There is no such cheap thing in the world, no matter what, as long as you do it, you will pay the price.

Running is useless, the moment it descends from the black coffin, the fate of the soil spider is already doomed.

"Boom boom boom..."

With a loud bang, the crescent crescent falling from the sky ripped apart the earth, splitting a long and narrow crack, as wide as a river.

The soil spider hiding in the depths of the ground was immediately exposed to the air. He was desperately digging a hole to dig into the ground, and it was impractical to avoid the black coffin.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

All the rays of the black crescent moon rushed towards the soil spider. He was a lamb to be slaughtered at the moment, and he was completely powerless to resist.


After several sounds fell, the tall body of the soil spider disintegrated and turned into a mess of shredded meat.

"A mere worm wasted so much time on me, and you can rest in peace under the yellow spring."

Taking a deep look at the corpse of the soil spider, Wuchen casually used a soil escape to bury it, and then left alone.


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