"There is a problem with the soil spider - he likes to challenge powerful enemies, and he is not interested in weak ones. I guess I won't embarrass Yuluo. That kid will definitely come to me for trouble."

The old god Wuchen responded, and then closed his eyes again to cultivate his mind. Anyway, the fox in feather clothes was hidden, just wait slowly, and just clean up after that Nue was born.

Time passed quickly, and in the evening, when the sky seemed to be getting dark, unexpected trouble suddenly came.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the bottom of the spaceship, the flat earth cracked open without warning, and a thick crack appeared. Many people thought it was an earthquake and didn't pay much attention, but it didn't take long for a mighty and majestic body to drill through the crack. Come out, obviously everything before is what he did.

"Where is that guy Wuchen, come out to me quickly."

The unbridled roar lingered in the sky for a long time, and the nearby monsters covered their ears, fearing that their eardrums would be shattered.

Wuchen, who was planning to eat dinner, put down the tableware and looked at the ground, and it was a soil spider.

"Rude guy, I'll teach him a lesson."

The prostitutes clenched their fists. Before they could eat dinner, this broom star came to the door.


Wuchen glanced at the prostitute and shook his head, "Forget it, your small body is probably gone with one punch."

"You look down on me?" The prostitute Mao looked at Wuchen furiously, her cheeks puffed out with anger.

"I'm just stating the facts." Wuchen jumped out of the spaceship. The soil spider is not a weak monster. He once fought with Nue, and his strength completely broke those cadre-level monsters, such as the previous Guidoumaru and Ibaraki. Boy, there is only one outcome when encountering a soil spider - being hanged and beaten!

"come yet?"

Aware of the movement in the sky, the earth spider looked up at the shadow falling from the void, he grinned, clenched his huge fist tightly, and then blasted into the sky without hesitation.

"Bang bang bang..."

The invisible air suddenly trembled fiercely, and I saw a ripple visible to the naked eye rushing towards the sky, and the locked shadow was naturally dust-free.

Chapter 55 Fighting Violence with Violence [Second]

"It is indeed different from those monsters. The strength is far from what they can compare. No wonder even the feathered fox can't tame you."

Wuchen naturally also noticed the incoming air fist, although it didn't affect him, but once he hit the spaceship, he was afraid that it would be done with one punch, and he might die in an instant if he replaced it with an ordinary monster cadre.

The soil spider is different from the other subordinates of Yuyihu. This guy is not a subordinate of Yuyihu. He is so powerful that even Yuyihu doesn't want to offend him.

Focusing on the layer of transparent air, Wuchen blinked, "Amaterasu!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The air fist rising from the ground immediately ignited a black flame, which evaporated in a few seconds.

"It's really great."

After taking a puff of smoke, the soil spider blew out a smoke ring, grinned and said, "It didn't disappoint me."

"I don't think so. This showdown may be a disaster for you."

The dust-free body fell to the ground. In front of the huge body of the soil spider, he was like a tiny bug, as if he would fall when the wind blows.

The reason why Yu Yihu handed Huakaiyuan Yuluo to the soil spider was that this woman was not at ease at the beginning. If Wuchen won, she could get rid of the soil spider. Anyway, it was not her subordinate, but the enemy of her son Nue. If you die, you will die... If Wuchen loses, Yu Yihu will still make a steady profit, no matter what, it is a good business with huge profits.

"Father's disaster? It's your mouth to say such things." Tu Spider threw the pipe in his hand, and his fists clenched suddenly, "It seems that I need to teach you how to speak."

"Boom boom boom..."

The huge giant fist swept across, and the fist style exuded was sharper than the blade. Seeing this, Wuchen resolutely chose to hit hard, and punched without hesitation.

The two fists form a sharp contrast. The soil spider is a fist like a mountain, and the dust is like a small fist like a drizzle, which looks vulnerable.

"Bang bang bang!"

When the two fists collided, an eye-popping scene happened. The victorious Libra completely fell to Wuchen. His punch contained unparalleled power and directly blew the spider away.

"I've seen a lot of people like you who only play tricks." It seemed that this ending was expected, and there was no pride in the victory on Wuchen's face.

Whether it is a soil spider or a feathered fox, it is a worm, the only difference is that it is slightly stronger than ordinary worms.

"Boom boom boom."

The body of the soil spider fell from the sky, smashed through the ground, and fell into a deep pit. He fell so hard that he could barely stand up.

"How can the strength of such a small body be stronger than me." The soil spider rubbed his head, dizzy, and the world in front of him had a double image.

"But one thing can be confirmed..." The soil spider looked at the top of the hole, and jumped out with both feet, "That guy is really strong!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The soil spider that fell into the deep pit jumped directly into the air. When he landed, his feet smashed the ground, and the ground within a radius of tens of meters was affected.

"Is it too strong?"

Wuchen murmured softly, most monsters would be killed if they were punched by himself, and this soil spider really hit hard.

"That was your full blow just now? It's really good, you did a good job, it really hurts me, I want to fight you for [-] times!" Tu Spider looked at Wuchen excitedly, his body shape had already happened Huge change, dozens of arms grew out of the back, worthy of being a spider.

"A full blow? Fight me for [-] rounds? Hehe..."

Wuchen laughed dumbly when he heard the words, this guy took himself too seriously, if he just hit with all his strength, this planet would have turned into dust in the universe.

"It's my turn."

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