"It seems to be underestimated."

Wuchen rubbed his head and glanced at the members of the Nuliang group. Most of them were crushed and sighed: "These useless wastes, I hope they will die."

There are only hundreds of monsters brought by Wuchen. What can you use to compete with the number of tens of thousands of monsters from others?So you can only rely on Wuchen to do it yourself.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wuchen took out a sword, the color of the sword was red, and the moment it appeared, the world became extremely hot, and the moisture in the atmosphere was evaporating at an accelerated rate.

"Your name is Bai Zangzhu, right? I'm sorry to tell you that you're unlucky, and you've won the lottery this time."

Wuchen said softly, "Residual Fire Sword!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sword in Wuchen's hand floated out hot gas, and the blade also had black marks out of thin air, as if it was scorched.

"Damn, what's the situation?"

The monster army of Bai Zangzhu immediately realized that something was wrong. The water between the heaven and the earth evaporated faster, and even the blood in their bodies was about to evaporate. Every monster was sweating profusely, and the temperature of the void was instantaneous. It has increased hundreds of times, and it feels like it is about to be cooked.

"A group of incompetent guys, this can't hold anymore? It's just the beginning." Seeing this, Wuchen pouted, and the monster army opposite was panicked, and many people even had the intention of retreating.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, Wuchen gently inserted the residual fire sword into the void.

"Remnant Fire Sword - South - Huo Huo Ten Trillion Death Burial Array!!!"


The ground cracked open, as if the end of the day had come, the ground cracked a hole that was dozens of kilometers long, followed by countless skeletons holding various weapons and crawling out of the crack, densely packed like locusts. Countless.

This army of undead seemed to come from the depths of the underworld, and was summoned by Wuchen at one time.

"I'm so sorry, you monsters are really not enough to see in front of my army of undead."

Wuchen's voice resounded from every corner under the starry sky, but no one cared about him at this moment. Everyone stared blankly at the army of undead on the ground, plundering from the depths of the ground, unscrupulously slashing and killing Baizang Master Belt. coming monster.

In just a few seconds, the monsters on the ground were swallowed up by the undead army, and the blood flowed into rivers.


The skeletons summoned by Wuchen kept yelling at the sky, the sound waves rushed into the sky, and even the clouds were shaken and disappeared.

"Fortunately those skeletons can't fly, or we'd be doomed!"

The monsters flying in the void, including Lord Bai Zang, were secretly rejoicing. Those undead were so terrifying that they could hardly be hacked to death, and their strength was quite strong. Some of the monsters brought by Lord Bai Zang were tortured and killed in a few seconds.

"Think it's over? I told you to get out of here before, but now it's too late to run!"

The icy color flashed across Wuchen's cheeks, and all the [-] monsters brought by Lord Bai Zang were going to die here today.

Chapter 52 Unqualified [First Update]

"Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic... Give me stability, you useless guys, what are you afraid of, that army of skeletons has no wings and can't fly up!"

Bai Zangzhu found that the younger brothers he led had the intention to retreat, and quickly comforted: "Even if we retreat, do you think Lord Yuyihu can bypass us?"

Not to mention, being so fooled by Lord Bai Zang, the tumultuous army of monsters immediately quieted down. If they fled back in such an embarrassed manner, Feather-clothed Fox would definitely not go around them.

"Since you all want to die, I will be the beauty of an adult." Wuchen waved the residual fire sword again, and the violent spiritual pressure swept out of the body.


The army of the undead on the ground seemed to be affected as well, roaring like crazy, all waving knives, guns and sticks and shouting at the monsters in the sky.

"Hahahaha... Some kind of you rush up!"

The monsters fluttered their wings one after another, and the unbridled ridicule resounded throughout the world. The biggest weakness of this army of undead was that they could only walk.

"It seems that the undead you summoned are not invincible." Bai Zangzhu also breathed a sigh of relief, with a clear smile on his rough old face, "Okay, now take the initiative to report your name, I will not kill the unknown!"


However, Wuchen didn't even look at him, this kid really didn't have a long memory, and he forgot his previous lessons.

"Just let you guys see something interesting."

Wuchen snapped his fingers with a "pop", and the army of undead on the ground immediately stopped.

"Are you going to disappear?"

The monsters brought by Bai Zangzhu are eager to see through, and I wish these monsters would go back quickly, too Nima is terrible!


"Look, something is wrong!"

Many monsters with good sight immediately noticed something was wrong. The undead army composed of skeletons came back to life and grew new flesh and blood!

From a distance, it is almost indistinguishable from a living person, and it feels like a rebirth from a cocoon, which is absolutely ridiculous.

A few seconds ago, it was still a lifeless skeleton, but with Wuchen's order, it all condensed flesh and blood. Is this something that monsters or humans can do?Call it a miracle.

"This is one of the abilities of [Remnant Fire Sword], it can summon all the dead souls who have been killed by me in the past... This group of people, every one of them was an invincible powerhouse in the past, they were either gods, or It's a demon, or a top hero in a world..."

Wuchen said: "Wake up these sleeping monsters now, and use them to deal with you monsters is overkill. Your luck is so good, let's have a good experience."


Those monsters were vomited blood by Wuchen's words, and it was good luck to encounter a group of god-like enemies? ? ?

"Damn, how did the sky change color."

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