Wuchen replied absent-mindedly, his attention was not focused on the power of Yu Yihu at all, no matter how powerful the female fox was, from the moment he offended him, Yu Yihu was doomed.

"Hey hey hey... Did you make a mistake, what do you mean by changing me into this dress? What do you take me for?"

An angry voice came from the other side, and Wuchen's eyes swept over, and it was the hairy prostitute and the snow girl who brought the mad bone.

Different from before, at this moment Kuanggu has changed into a dancer's costume specially used for dancing.

"Little dwarf, don't you understand what this means? The scenery is not enough, you also need to dance to add to the fun, understand."

Wuchen sat down lazily, and Nuliang Wakana sat next to him, in charge of pouring wine and tea for Wuchen. The delicate chopping board was also filled with various snacks, such as melon seeds and peanuts, and snacks such as cakes.

"You, you, you call me a dwarf?!" The mad-backed body trembled, this bastard is too hateful.

"Stop talking nonsense, dance for me, don't disturb my interest, or I'll eat you, I love to eat a little brat like you, with thin skin and tender meat."

Wuchen deliberately licked his tongue, revealing a greedy look.

"You, don't mess around, I'll just obey your arrangement."

Mad Bone's face was pale, and in the end she danced reluctantly. Perhaps because of the tension, her movements were very rigid and did not have the slightest sense of beauty.

"You two together."

Wuchen glanced at the prostitute and the snow girl with a smile. The two of them looked at each other and then danced.

Among the three, only the prostitutes danced well, every move, every detail was done very skillfully, and they looked quite professional.

"Niu Gui, you seem to have said that Yu Yihu has a lot of subordinates, right?"

With a clean answer, Niu Gui nodded truthfully.

"Indeed, most of the monsters have taken refuge in her. After all, Yuyihu was a famous monster hundreds of years ago. Now that it has been reborn from its cocoon, its strength is estimated to be stronger than before." Niu Gui answered cautiously.

"No, no, you're wrong..."

Wuchen shook his fingers mysteriously, and the corners of his mouth revealed an elusive arc.

"In terms of power, this world is absolutely no bigger than me. Her monsters are tens of thousands, but my undead army is hundreds of millions!"

Chapter 51 I Have Ten Trillion Brothers [Second]

Naturally, the bull ghost didn't understand what Wuchen said, and he couldn't even understand it. It was like listening to a book from heaven and nodded.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

The ocean-like monster power came from afar, exaggerated like a tsunami, and slammed into the spaceship that Wuchen was riding on.

"No, we're surrounded!"

The monsters of the Nura group exclaimed loudly, and when they looked around, a large area of ​​monsters flew in the sky in front of them.

Because there are so many, the light of the sky is blocked.

"I am Bai Zangzhu, and I am responsible for guarding the gate above the capital. The monsters who are coming in front of me quickly report their names!"

The deafening sound was like rolling thunder, swept in from a distance, and all the weaker monsters were temporarily deaf.

"Hmph, are some shrimp soldiers and crab generals trying to block my journey? There are more and more scoundrels who are beyond their control these days."

Wuchen snorted coldly, being disturbed by others, and felt quite unhappy in his heart. He stood at the front of the spaceship, looking down at the densely packed monsters in the distance.

"The enemy in front, quickly report your name, I Bai Zangzhu will not kill the unknown!"

The dull thunderous voice came again, and Wuchen’s eyes swept over, and a monster in a monk’s robe suddenly appeared. He was covered in various bandages, and his appearance was scary, but his tone was actually cute. .

Only when Wuchen reported his name would he be willing to kill him, otherwise he would never do it!

"Retreat, these things you brought are not qualified to fill my teeth." Wuchen looked at Bai Zangzhu and said slowly: "If you don't run, there will be no chance."

"Do you despise us? Boom boom boom..."

Visible black power fluctuations entangled around Lord Bai Zang, his huge body instantly became suppressed, and his aura was several times stronger than before.

Looking at the black power fluctuations, Wuchen was thoughtful, and whispered lightly: "Is that your fear?"

"Don't you understand, you are already surrounded."

Seeing Wuchen's silence, Lord Bai Zang roared with arrogance: "The monsters behind me are only a small part, look at the bottom of your spaceship."

Hearing this, the monsters of the Nuliang group all looked at the ground, including Wuchen and Niugui.

"Damn it, is this the power of Yu Yihu?"

"This is only a small part. The guy said that he is the one who controls the door in the sky of Kyoto. If we really arrive in Kyoto, how many monsters will we face."

"It will be torn to shreds."


The monsters of the Nuliang group were talking a lot, and their voices were full of panic. It was no wonder that they were so frightened that they were so frightened.

Looking around, there are a large area of ​​monsters on the ground staring at the sky. There are thousands of them. The two together are estimated to be tens of thousands. This scale has reached the heyday of the Nuliang group!

If you use the crowd tactics, you can drag anyone to death, even if Nuliang Slipper comes, he will surely die.

"In front of my army, you are vulnerable, so ah, take the initiative to report your name!"

Bai Zangzhu's voice came again, with the confidence of winning, the reason why he asked Wuchen to sign up was because he wanted to fight Wuchen one-on-one. Perhaps in his opinion, Wuchen would definitely lose in a group fight.

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