At this moment, the monsters screamed in panic, and the sky suddenly turned dark blue. It was really strange, and many monsters looked into the depths of the sky with puzzled faces.

"What it is?!"

At the top of the sky, huge heads with ferocious faces looked down at them. Those scarlet eyeballs did not contain any biological emotion, just like a god judging sinners, full of disdain for everything.

"Look, there's a person in that head!"

Many sharp-eyed monsters exclaimed, and could vaguely see a man with fluttering black hair standing inside the head. He was wearing armor, and his domineering eyes were filled with endless contempt.

"A friendly reminder to you..."

Pointing to the huge head above, Wuchen sat lazily on the deck of the spaceship, and said with a wicked smile: "That guy is called Madara Uchiha, the monster you saw is called Susanoo, it's still a complete body, this guy The most annoying thing is a group of flies flying around in front of his eyes."

"Who are the swarms of flies?"

This group of monsters is obviously not smart enough, but Bai Zangzhu is thinking, who else can they be other than these monsters?

Moreover, compared with the body size of Susanoo, they are negligible monsters, and they are really not much different from flies.

"Look, that monster is going to attack us!"

Everyone looked at the sky in horror, only to see Madara Uchiha controlling Susanoo and pulling out the long sword around his waist.


Seeing this scene, the monsters scattered and fled. At this moment, all the courage collapsed and vanished. It was not that they were too cowardly, but that the enemy was far beyond the range that could be dealt with.

Some unrepentant monsters try to attack Susanoo, like an egg hitting a stone, and no matter what kind of attack they are hit, they are still intact.

"Boom boom boom!"

The big sword that Susanoo held high fell from the sky, and the bodies of countless monsters shattered in an instant. The sound of "bang bang bang..." continued, a large amount of blood mist covered the sky, and the stumps of countless monsters fell from the sky.

Just this random knife killed a lot of monsters in seconds.

"It's no use running away."

Wuchen watched this scene silently, and the corner of his eyes looked into the depths of the sky, where someone was already preparing.

Above Susanoo, the uncle with a stubble face shone with light in his hands. The navy cape he was wearing also had the word "justice" written on it.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

There was a golden rainstorm in the void, and thousands of light bombs fell from the sky like a meteor shower.


The area covered by the light bomb was too vast, and it was useless to escape.

"Is it that kid [Kizuna]? I remember the last time I saw this face, it seems like it was more than a thousand years ago, I really miss it."

Wuchen looked up at the tall figure in the void, his eyes became vicissitudes, the past events came to his mind one by one, and he saw that all the powerhouses he killed in the past were summoned.

However, there was no chance for others to appear, and Kizaru eliminated all the monsters with an eight-foot Qiong Gouyu.

After returning to his senses, Wuchen glanced at the stunned middle-aged man beside him, and asked lightly, "Niugui, do you think that woman in Yuyihu is worthy of warming my bed?"

"Uh... of course the feather-clothed fox is not worthy of it!"

Niu Gui was stunned when he heard the words. If it was before, he would have said that you were just talking about a dream. Feather-clothed fox is a powerful monster who is frightened by the world, but now he has seen the method of dust-free, and let a female fox be a dust-free warm bed. The girl seems to be holding her up too much!

Chapter 53 Caught [First Update]

"Really, your judgment is very wise! I think so too." Wuchen smiled lightly, just as Niu Gui said, catching that female fox to warm the bed was too flattering for her.

"Oops...seems like there's still one alive."

Looking from a distance, there was actually a figure struggling. His whole body was covered, like a hornet's nest, and the blood kept flowing out.

"People in front, quickly report your name!"

The deafening voice came from a distance, and everyone, including Wuchen, was stunned.

Looking around, it was the monster leader called Bai Zangzhu.

"The guy who doesn't know the good and the bad, how can he know the name of Lord Wuchen." Niu Gui's eyes flashed with cold light, and he only heard the sound of "Qiang", and he pulled out the sword, "I'll clean up that guy. "

"Hold on."

A faint smile appeared on Wuchen's cheeks, "This kid is very principled, he has to wait until I report his name... I think it's quite cute."


Niugui expressed his shame and couldn't understand Wuchen's thinking at all. The other party was a cadre under Yu Yihu. He was quite powerful, and he also commanded nearly ten thousand monsters. Is this also called cute?

"Go and catch him alive."

Wuchen ordered Niu Gui, who just nodded slightly.

Bai Zangzhu's whole body was pierced by the "Bachi Qionggouyu" just now, and now he has no energy to deal with bull ghosts, so he was captured alive in just a few rounds and brought to Wuchen.

This kid was covered in blood, and his flesh was blurred. If you look closely, there are dozens of holes in his wounds, but even so, Bai Zangzhu still did not flinch and escaped.

"You are very brave. It is a blessing for Yu Yihu to have a subordinate like you." After seeing Lord Bai Zang, Wuchen said slowly, "Don't you want to know my name? My name is Wuchen."

"Dust free?"

Although he had heard this name long ago, Lord Bai Zang was still shocked and asked in surprise, "Is that the one who killed Guitong Wan and captured Crazy Bones alive?"

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