"Tomorrow morning, rush to Kyoto immediately."


At this moment in Kyoto, the war is already raging, and the Huakaiyuan family is retreating steadily. There is no need for Yu Yihu to do it himself. The monsters she brought are enough to easily annihilate the Huakaiyuan family.

Especially after the monster in Tono took refuge in Yu Yihu, her strength increased by several levels. The Huakaiyuan family was no opponent at all, and the base camp was occupied by the younger brothers led by Yu Yihu.

At this moment, in the barren mountains far away from Kyoto, the remnants of the Huakaiyuan family temporarily live here. It is ridiculous to say that the world-famous Huakaiyuan family was driven out of Kyoto by the monsters and had to hide in the old forest like a deep mountain. Suffocated.

But the current situation is like this, Yu Yihu's subordinates are too strong, she doesn't need her to do it herself, the younger brothers are like tigers, and they don't want to beat the Hua Kaiyuan family.

Between the mountains, there are countless deserted cave entrances, and the lingering members of the Huakaiyuan family hide in them. The rest of the people were all killed, and more than half of the capital of Kyoto was destroyed by this war, which is enough to see the tragic extent of the war, with countless casualties, and now Kyoto has become a paradise for monsters.

"When exactly did that guy come to Kyoto?"

Huakaiyuan Yuluo stood outside a cave, looking at the sky in the distance, where it was pitch black, and the raging demonic energy shot straight into the sky, it was Kyoto.

"Oops... Little Yuluo, you seem to have a soft spot for that monster. It's really strange that the Onmyoji's Hua Kaiyuan family has started to rely on monsters."

A strange voice of Yin and Yang came from behind, Huakaiyuan Yuluo turned back gently, and the person who came into view was Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan in a white Taoist uniform.

He once died [-] years ago, and now he is able to see the light of the sun again, completely relying on the broken army used by Huakaiyuan Yuluo.

"It's not that I have a soft spot for that guy, I hate that rogue." Hua Kaiyuan Yuluo's small mouth rose gently, and then helplessly said: "However, apart from him, what else can we rely on? Right now, Kyoto is already full of demons."

"Yuro is right, although I hate that guy too, but I can only rely on the dust-free one. Just relying on us to open the home in Japan will be finished!"

Long Er leaned against the rock with a gloomy face. He wanted to defeat Yu Yihu. He had two important things, Po Jun and Mimikimaru, but Mimikimaru had been destroyed by Wuchen, so he could only rely on him.


In Kyoto, after the expulsion of the Huakaiyuan family, this place has become a hell on earth, and humans have been brutally killed or eaten directly by monsters.

In a certain mansion in Kyoto, there are a large number of monsters gathered here. It is the base camp of the former Huakaiyuan family, and the cadres here are all subordinates of Yu Yihu.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After listening to Jizo's report, Yu Yihu, who was sitting in the first place, who had always been elegant and calm, smashed the jade tabletop in front of her, and her pale cheeks floated with malice.

"The mad bone was caught? Ka Ka Ka..." Yu Yihu's little hands were tightly clasped, as if the bones had burst, making a creaking sound.


The group of monsters looked at each other in dismay, and everyone was as silent as a cicada, not even daring to breathe.

They knew that Yu Yihu was really provoked, so they couldn't help sweating for Wuchen. If someone else died, Yu Yihu might not even look at her, but Crazy Bones was different. Yu Yihu even regarded her as her younger sister. The sisters on both sides are deeply in love, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they have caused a catastrophe.

Chapter 50 I love to eat children [first]

"Fuck, it's really unfortunate, I blame this dead old man, and I don't know how to bring mad bones when I run away."

Yu Yihu's younger brothers complained one after another, staring at Jijizo, what if Yu Yihu went wild and killed them?


The floor that Yu Yihu stepped on cracked open, and was easily shattered by the demon power she burst out of her body. Those beautiful eyes that pierced people's hearts exuded a cold and cold light, making people dare not look at each other.

"Lord Yuyihu, in my opinion, there's no need to be angry." The old god of Ji Zang stroked his beard, turning a deaf ear to the dissatisfaction thrown by the other monsters, and said, "When I ran away, I saw Kuanggu being captured alive. Thinking about it, there will be no danger to her life, which shows that she is still valuable."

"I hope so."

Yu Yihu's white chin lightly tapped a few times, and then gritted his silver teeth, "It's better not to do stupid things that Wuchen, or the concubine will never bypass him!"

"Jie Jie..."

Yu Jizo suddenly laughed darkly, leaned close to Yu Yihu and said in a low voice, "Lord Yu Yihu, I have a good plan to keep Kuanggu safe and sound."


Wuchen naturally did not know what happened in Kyoto. At this moment, he was on his way to Kyoto, and he had planned to bring all the monsters of the Nuliang group, but he was attacked by Yu Yihu's subordinates before, and the Nuliang group suffered heavy losses. All the nests were lifted, so Wuchen only rushed to Kyoto with a small number of elites.

In the blue sky, there are several huge spaceships moving forward, and these battleships flying in the sky are all flying the flag of the Nuliang group.

"Tsk tsk... there is such a good thing."

Wuchen stood on the spaceship, looked at the scenery below, enjoyed the cool wind that was blowing, relaxed physically and mentally, and felt inexplicably comfortable.

"Master Wuchen, now that Kyoto has become the territory of Feathered Fox, and there are thousands of monsters gathered, isn't it inappropriate for us to bring such a few people there?"

The bull ghost standing next to Wuchen is worried. According to the news from the capital, the feathered fox has occupied the entire capital, and there are countless monsters who take refuge in her. Monsters, if you add them all up, you will be terrified!

On the other hand, on the dust-free side, the situation is in danger!He was attacked by Yu Yihu's cadres before and lost a lot of monsters, but this time, the aggressive attack on Kyoto brought fewer monsters, because there were only a few spaceships, and there were only hundreds of monsters that came to Kyoto with Wuchen. .

"Bull ghost, the number can't change anything."

Wuchen dealt with it casually, and at the same time instructed the prostitute and the snow girl: "Go and call me the one called Crazy Bone."


The snow girl and the prostitute nodded lightly, and the two went to escort the mad bones together, and the little girl was brought over by Wuchen.

"Even if the number really doesn't change much, the enemy's power is too great." Niu Gui smiled bitterly: "Sir Wuchen may not know that the subordinates of Jingyu Yuyihu and the monsters in Yuanye all add up, you can Make up tens of thousands!"

When talking about this terrifying number, Niu Gui took a deep breath, panic and fear in his eyes.

Although it is true that the number of people in high-end battles can't change much, as the saying goes, more ants kill elephants, but the number has reached a certain level, and the power that erupts is absolutely devastating.

"Don't worry, many monsters are a matter of [Super God Luo Tianzheng]. If it still can't be solved, then add a [Heavenly Obstruction Zhenxing]."

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