"It's useless to regret now, a guy with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth."

Guitong Maru stared at Wuchen's eyes, revealing a murderous meaning, he waved his hand, and the monsters entrenched around were surrounded by Wuchen.

"Before you die, let me ask you a question."

Guitong Maru's eyes fell on Wuchen, and the person in front of him was like an upright javelin, fearless.

"Last time you put forward two conditions, what is the other one?"

"There is one condition left. If Yu Yihu knew, she would wake up with a smile when she fell asleep."

Wuchen cleared his throat, squeezed a smile on his face, and said: "It's cold, I hate this person, every time I get into the quilt, I freeze and tremble..."

"What does this mean?" Guitong Maru was confused, confused by Wuchen's words.

"So, I have a good job for Yu Yihu." With a teasing smile on Wuchen's face, he teased: "The second condition at that time was to give Yu Yihu to me as a bed warmer."

"Is this guy crazy?!"

After these words fell, the group of monsters brought by Guitong Maru stopped their steps, and their eyes were round. If these words fell into Yu Yihu's ears, I am afraid that Wuchen would be cut into eight pieces, and even swallowed alive to relieve hatred.

"Give it to me, tear this stinky boy to pieces for Lao Tzu!"

Guitong Wan shivered with anger, how dare this guy let his most respected Mr. Yuyihu be a bed warmer?Unforgivable!

"Boom boom boom..."

The monsters entrenched around were madly rampaging, and at the same time, they galloped like an earthquake, and the ground in a radius of several hundred meters trembled slightly.

"A bunch of people who don't know how to live or die..."

The monstrous aura erupted from Wuchen's body, and an invisible force raged out.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

The night sky was like a dull thunder, the deafening roar resounded through the void, the sky was torn apart, and the bursting sound wave contained a strong impact.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

All the monsters that rushed in vomited blood, and blood dripped from their ears, eyes, and nose.

The most astonishing thing is that the eyes of some monsters exploded directly, and when they were dying, their faces were twisted, and they looked extremely painful.

"What's wrong? Stand up for me, don't pretend to be dead!" Guitong Maru was startled at first, and then roared again and again.

"Don't bother, they were all shocked to death by my [Overlord Color Domineering]." Wuchen said, approaching Guitongwan step by step.

"Why is this old man okay?" Guitong Wan's face was gloomy and he didn't believe it.

"That's because I let you go. After all, I still have something to ask you. If you die, it will be troublesome. Remember that you are a cadre at Yuyihu. That female fox seems to trust you very much."

Wuchen's eyes flashed with a strange luster. The monsters in Kyoto appeared here. Does it mean that the Huakaiyuan family has been defeated?

"Mother fox?!"

Hearing Wuchen's name, Guitongwan laughed angrily and shouted, "Pay attention to your name! That is Lord Yuyihu."

"It's really a shame this kid doesn't want to be an actor."

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help sneering, is Guitongwan loyal to Yuyihu?Loyal ass!He is actually the younger brother of Abe Seimei, who had a leg a thousand years ago.

Chapter 47 Hurry up and perform [Second]

"It's useless to perform in front of me, anyway, you are a dead end." Wuchen announced expressionlessly, stared at Guitong Wan for a moment, and said: "However, answering my question obediently can give you a happy one. How to die, if you refuse..."


Wuchen's right foot landed on Guitongwan's calf and stepped on it directly. The old guy was in a cold sweat and his cheeks were twisted.

"Did Yu Yihu send you here?" Wuchen asked.

Guitong Wan hated Wuchen to death, how could he answer the question obediently, and grinned and roared: "You even take me... ah ah ah~~~"

A series of harsh screams came out of Guitongwan's mouth again, and his other leg was easily trampled by Wuchen again, and his bones were shattered into powder.

"You are about to be killed. Before you die, are you planning to challenge the pain in the world? If you like to endure hardship so much, you are really not suitable for being a monster, or are you more suitable for those ascetic monks." Wuchen teased and continued. He joked: "I think you cast the wrong tire."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Yuyihu..." After Wuchen's two torments, the old man could finally speak.

Hearing this, Wuchen's heart sank a little, that woman still in the mood to send monsters to fight the Nuliang group?Shouldn't it be at war with the Huakaiyuan family at this time?

"Could it be that the Huakaiyuan family has been destroyed by you?" Wuchen felt a little remorse in his heart. He had promised Huakaiyuan Yuluo to go to Kyoto to fight against Yu Yihu.

"It's not that simple. The other party is also a famous Onmyoji family. There are many means to prepare. It will take some time to completely destroy them."

Guitong Maru muttered rather unhappily, when he mentioned the Huakai Hospital, he complained a lot, and it seemed that he had suffered a great loss.

"Dare to send monsters to provoke me without solving the problem of Hua Kaiyuan... Is that female fox overconfident?"

Wuchen touched his chin and guessed, "Could it be that Yu Yihu intends to single-handedly pick flowers and open a family? In terms of her strength, it seems to be no problem."

"No, it's not like this... Lord Feather Fox recruited the monsters from Tono, so he divided a part of his troops to attack the Nuliang group."

Guitong Maru gritted his teeth in pain, his bones were crushed by Wuchen, and he almost fainted in pain.

"I see."

Hearing this, Wuchen was relieved, and then passed by Guitongwan, Xue Nu and Mao prostitutes froze for a while, and then they went to Wuchen.

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