"Fire escape..."

Wuchen's mouth bulged, he skillfully made a few handprints, and the fiery flames burst out.

"The fire is extinguished!"

A sea of ​​boiling flames swept out, the dark sky was instantly red, and the temperature increased dozens of times. The disgusting tentacles that hit the front seemed to have encountered a natural enemy.

"I thought this knife was so powerful, it was ridiculous, this is the demon knife you trusted? It was a coward at a critical moment." Wuchen pouted, and his interest disappeared instantly.

He still had some expectations before, who would have thought that the result would be so funny, wasn't it a demon sword that killed countless people?Even scared.

"Damn, you useless guy." Yuzhang was also furious, yelling at the demon knife in his hand, how can there be such a cowardly demon knife.

"That's not something you can control in the first place. The reason why it fell into your hands is that some people with ulterior motives use you to accumulate resentment and demon power." Wuchen looked at Yuzhang with pity, this kid thought he could calculate All, in fact, he is someone else's pawn.

"Don't think that just making up a few sentences will shake my mood."

Yuzhang, who was driven mad, simply threw the demon knife, looked at Wuchen eagerly, and said angrily: "Even if I don't rely on this broken knife, I can..."


Before he finished speaking, Yuzhang's tone weakened. A burning pain came from his chest. Looking down, he didn't know when it started, and a hole the size of his head had already appeared.

"what have you done?"

Yuzhang touched his chest, the whole person was stunned, and his internal organs were wiped away at once.

"Look behind you, you idiot. You have to stop at dullness. You can't even discover the most basic things. Just a half-hearted person like you still want to be the master of monsters? Or is it suitable for you to be a civet cat." Blind, I chose such a weak opponent!

Yuzhang completely ignored Wuchen's ridicule. He turned his head with difficulty and saw an identical Wuchen.

There's nothing fancy, it's actually just the most basic shadow clone.


With a slight blink of his eyes, black flames fell on Yuzhang's head, and within a few seconds, a burning smell came out.

Parent Kana quickly covered his mouth and nose, the smell was so disgusting.

"As for that demon sword, let's try to destroy it as much as possible."

Wuchen's eyes fell on the devil's mallet, and the demon knife seemed to sense a crisis. A large number of tentacles immediately erupted from the blade, and the evil demon power swept out, seemingly to show his most powerful side to Wuchen. The meaning of transmission is also very simple - just hold me and I can provide you with great power!

"It's so weak, and it's fucking disgusting!"

Unexpectedly, Wuchen looked disgusted, raised his right foot and kicked it with a speed of light kick. The knife was suddenly blown to pieces, and the destruction was very thorough, leaving no slag behind.

"Is your health okay? Let's go back." Wuchen looked at his parent, Kana, and asked. This little girl was kidnapped before, and it is estimated that she suffered a lot.

"I'm fine, thanks to you." Parent Kana Yingying smiled and said gratefully, "It wasn't for you, I would have died a long time ago, thank you."

"In the future with monsters, it's better for you as a human to be less involved. Most monsters are cold-blooded and ruthless. It's good for you to deal less with our group of people." Bad, there is another one that specializes in cannibalism!

"It's good to have you, I can always save myself from danger."

Unexpectedly, the parent, Kana, showed a simple and honest smile, and Wuchen directly rolled her eyes at her. What is it like to have himself, he is not a nanny, and there is no time to save people every day.

Chapter 46 Warming the bed girl [first more]

"Anyway, it's fine, the only thing on my mind has been resolved... Now we can go to Kyoto to clean up that woman."

Looking at the bright moonlight, the desolate sky seems to have more reflections of the fox in feather clothes, and Wuchen's eyes are cold.

"So I'm your concern?"

Parent Kana's eyes suddenly squinted into crescent moons, the corners of his lips lifted slightly, and a charming smile appeared on his jade-white cheeks.

"What the hell are you thinking about, kid?"

Wuchen looked at the parent Kanai in confusion, and said that you shouldn't guess the woman's mind, and you can't guess it right. At this moment, Wuchen really doesn't know what the parent is thinking, and she always feels that she has misunderstood something.

In such a cold night sky, a normal human has long been shivering with cold, but this child is smiling like a flower.

"Master Wuchen."

An anxious voice came from a distance, and Wuchen cast his eyes on it, and it was the Snow Girl and the prostitutes.

"Go back, the things that need to be solved have been completed." Wuchen said to his parent, Kanai, who nodded lightly and followed his pace.

But when I walked in, Wuchen accidentally discovered that both the snow girl and the prostitute had some wounds. The most bizarre thing was that there were a group of monsters chasing and killing them.

"what's going on?!"

Wuchen was stunned. Could it be that someone suddenly attacked the Nuliang group during the short time he left?Really Nima will pick the time.

This group of monsters is fierce and vicious, and everyone has a hideous face. Most of the monsters in this city have been collected by the Nuliang Group, but these monsters Wuchen have never known each other, and they are obviously outsiders.

Although none of these monsters know each other, their boss, Wuchen, has some impressions.

"Oops... isn't this Guitong Maru? I didn't expect to meet you again in this dark night. Forgive my poor hospitality."

Even though he was surrounded by a group of monsters, Wuchen still seemed calm. He had already vaguely guessed what had happened. Eighty percent of the time, when he left, the Nura group was attacked by foreign monsters.

His eyes spread like a tide, and he took every monster in his eyes. Eighty percent of these monsters were from Kyoto.

"Because of rejecting Yu Yihu...Is that woman angry? She is really a careful woman."

Wuchen muttered to himself, while looking at the embarrassed Snow Maiden and the prostitute, the cold light in his eyes condensed, they were all injured, with clear wounds, it was estimated that they had experienced a fierce battle before they found themselves.

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