"He, he won't kill me?"

Guitong Maru was overjoyed, turned his head to look at Wuchen who was leaving, gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice: "One day, I will smash your corpse..."


A few sharp wooden spears suddenly sprang from the ground, as sharp as swords and swords, and ripped Guitongmaru's abdomen to pieces.

"I originally wanted to let you die, but now it's a pity... I'm really good at hearing, I'm really sorry."

Wuchen and others gradually disappeared under the black night sky.


When I returned to the Nuliang group, it was already in ruins. There was a strong attack from the Kyoto monsters, and the entire Nuliang group was razed to the ground and blood flowed into rivers.

The battle is not over, the monsters of the Nuliang group are still fighting, fighting hard with Feather Fox's subordinates.

"It's really good, are you called a bull ghost? Are you interested in being a subordinate of Sister Yu Yihu?"

The little loli with black and beautiful long hair looked at the bloody fighting bull, and couldn't help but give birth to a few compliments. She was called Crazy Bone, and she was the confidant of Yu Yihu.

At this moment, Niu Gui has been surrounded by Yu Yihu's cadres, and there are many wounds on his body, but this guy has no signs of decadence, but his eyes are fierce, and the more he fights, the more courageous he is.

"Hmph, a group of despicable people, want me to surrender to Yu Yihu? It's just wishful thinking."

Niu Gui sneered and said sarcastically: "It's just taking advantage of the time when Lord Wuchen left to attack the Nuliang group, and Yu Yihu and her subordinates are nothing but rats."

"Unexpectedly sharp and sharp."

Crazy Bone's eyes became cold, she hated others mocking Feather Yihu the most, since the cow ghost was courting death, he could only get what he wanted, who made it his choice.

"Let me kill this guy and see how hard his bones are."

The grim-looking warrior walked in front of the bull ghost. His left cheek was actually filled with wood, and there were writings on it. If you look closely, it turned out to be a tombstone.

This guy is called Ibaraki Doji, and he is one of Yuihu's subordinates. He is very powerful.

"Hey, just use your head to please me!"

Ibaraki Doji grinned, a powerful fear radiated out, and the majestic demon power swept out, almost materialized, making many people's heart skip a beat.

"I said... What the hell are you doing? I've been watching for a long time, whether to go to war or not to go to war? I've been patronizing nonsense."

An impatient voice came from afar, and everyone was startled. Who is so bold and tired of living?

Looking at the source of the sound, everyone in the Nuliang group was ecstatic.

"Master Wuchen!"

Wuchen was sitting on a ruin at the moment, he tapped Erlang's leg comfortably, and looked at Kuanggu and the others with interest.

"What time is wasted? Hurry up and perform!"

Hearing this, Yu Yihu's subordinates were all so embarrassed that they almost ran away on the spot, performing?Acting your sister, do you think we are monkeys?

"Let's take you, the general, for a knife first!"

Ibaraki Doji swooped down, and the long sword fell from the sky, slashing at Wuchen's head.

Looking at Ibaraki Doji, who was coming towards him, Wuchen remained unmoved, still sitting there motionless.

"Sure enough, they are unprofessional extras. If they say they are on strike, they will strike."

Chapter 48 One Punch to Death [First Update]

"Bang bang bang..."

This knife stopped before it touched Wuchen. I saw a substantial energy halo flowing from his body, forming a golden energy barrier, as stable as a copper wall and an iron wall, and the dangerous blade hit this layer of light. On the screen, let alone slicing it, the smooth surface doesn't even have any traces.

"What is this... demon power?"

Ibaraki Doji was slightly startled, the golden light in front of him was so dazzling that he had to close his eyes, because if he looked at it any more, he would be dizzy.

"Demon power? I don't have that kind of superficial stuff."

Wuchen snorted with contempt, and explained: "This is called Susanoo, and it is rumored that anyone who has seen it will die."

"Hahaha... Then do you think I'm dead?" Ibaraki Doji grinned, his words were full of irony, and he didn't make drafts for bragging!


Wuchen said nothing, just raised his arm and pointed to the sky.

"Idiot, on top of your head!"

Crazy bone reminded anxiously, the smile on Ibaraki Doji's face faded, and he looked up at the sky, the night sky was full of bright light, and he could vaguely see the golden giant fist of destruction descending.

"Don't look down on my father!!!"

Ibaraki Doji let out a loud roar, and he concentrated his entire body on the place of his feet, and then jumped into the sky with a "hush", and the powerful "fear" condensed his fists and slammed towards the golden light.

"The ignorant have no fear..."

Seeing this, Wuchen couldn't help shaking his head. A mere monster dared to fight against Susanoo. Although it was only a mature body, it was not something that a monster like Ibaraki Doji could compete at will.


The moment the two fists collided, the scene was naturally crushing, blood poured from the sky, and Ibaraki Doji disappeared.

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