"Ha ha ha... woman, you are quite strong."

Back in the dirty cave, Yuzhang lit a candle, and through the dim light, he saw the calm-faced parent Kana.

This woman has been kidnapped by Yuzhang for a while, but the strange thing is that the parent, Kanai, has no fear, and her eyes are pure and bright.

"I believe that the adult will come to save me." Looking at Yuzhang, the parent Kana looked calm.

"That adult?!"

Yuzhang's eyes flashed a cold light, and he said coldly, "Are you talking about Wuchen? Are you sure that guy will come to save you?"

"Yes, although that adult is also a monster, he is different from you." Parent Kanai looked at Yuzhang with a ferocious expression, then blushed and said, "He is more attractive than you."

"Really? But it's a pity, you're going to die now!"

Yuzhang pulled out the demon sword, the devil's mallet, and the blade landed on the head of the parent, Kanai, "I'll cut off your head now and see if Wuchen will come to save you."

In fact, Yuzhang was already very angry with Wuchen. It would be good to kill his parent Kanai first to relieve his anger. This woman seems to be his concubine. Wuchen will definitely be heartbroken when he finds out.

All the monsters in the four kingdoms were wiped out, as well as the news of the death of his father Yinshen Puli Tan. Yuzhang knew all about it. For Wuchen, Yuzhang has only one feeling - hatred to the sky.


The long knife ruthlessly swept towards the head of the parent, Kanai, and the blade of the knife flickered coldly. Once it touched it, the corpse would be separated.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

However, it was at this moment that a majestic repulsive force fell on the parent, Kanai, and she was immediately sucked in, avoiding the deadly blade.

"Who did it?!"

Yuzhang was stunned for a while, and then he was furious. Recently, he had a bad temper, and now there are people doing bad things, how can he not be angry?

"No wonder I can't find you, I have been hiding in this kind of place all the time."

The lazy voice resounded through the dark night sky, Yuzhang looked over, even though the night was long and he couldn't reach his five fingers, the standing figure was extremely dazzling.

"It's you?!"

Yuzhang's cheeks suddenly twisted, and he said with a grim smile: "Wuchen, you came just in time, I was planning to take your head tomorrow, but now you are here to die!"

"Really you?!"

Under the control of that gravitational force, Jia Nai, the parent, fell directly into Wuchen's arms. With a surprised smile on her face, she hooked her hands around Wuchen's neck excitedly, "I thought you would definitely come to save me."

"Cough cough cough..."

Hearing this, Wuchen coughed twice, looking at her parent, Kana, who was close at hand, and could almost feel the aroma coming out of her mouth.

"Can you let me go first?" Wuchen reminded embarrassingly, the little girl's hands were still hanging around his neck.

"Uh...sorry, I was so abrupt."

Parent Kana blushed to the extreme, it was an instinctive reaction, because Wuchen felt particularly secure.

"You two should also pay attention to the occasion when you show your love!" Realizing that he was being ignored, the anger on Yuzhang's face thickened.

Wuchen was so irritating that he didn't take himself seriously at all, but instead flirted with his parent, Kana.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 45 Cowardly [First Update]

These days, Yuzhang has been hacking and killing monsters day and night, nothing more than to accumulate the grievances of the "Demon King's Hammer". When waiting for the battle with Wuchen, he can break out the strongest attack power. strength.

But Wuchen's remarks made Yuzhang hit hard, and he completely treated himself as a pawn.

"Boom boom boom..."

The majestic demon power emanated from Yuzhang's body continuously, and the cold and evil aura rushed toward him, as if he had been pulled into hell, the surroundings were chilly, and countless harsh screams could be heard.

"too horrible."

Parent Kana shrank his body and subconsciously hugged Wuchen's left arm.

Wuchen didn't say anything this time. Seeing such a terrifying environment, normal men would probably be terrified, not to mention that the parent, Kana, was a girl.

"That knife is really evil."

Wuchen couldn't help but look at the devil's mallet. No wonder Yuzhang was so keen on it. The sudden burst of powerful strength of this kid was all provided by that knife.

Looking around, the "Demon King's Hammer" has turned into a monster at this moment, and the blade has countless disgusting tentacles erupting. It is more appropriate to say that it is a living monster rather than a demon blade.

"Hahaha... This is my current strength, isn't it strong? I'm too scared to move."

Yuzhang roared excitedly, feeling the vast and endless magic power in his body, and he danced with excitement.


It seems that he heard the most ridiculous joke in the world, Wuchen grinned and laughed: "Although it's still rubbish, it's rare that you can reach this situation."

"you wanna die."

Yuzhang roared angrily, and the devil's mallet swept out a large number of tentacles, sweeping towards Wuchen like countless pythons.

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