"I think we will meet again in the future."

Leaving such a sentence, Kidoumaru completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Master Wuchen, this time, we have completely torn apart the face with Yu Yihu. We have to take some precautions. It is estimated that she will call in soon."

Niu Gui said solemnly, [-] years ago, he was fortunate enough to have seen the fox in feather clothing. If he was singled out, he could easily crush Nuliang Slipper, and the monster cadres under him were also outrageously strong.

"Why wait for them to call, can't we take the initiative to attack?" Wuchen stood up from the tatami, stretched his waist, and ordered: "Go on, three days later, the entire Nuliang group will rush to Kyoto to fight Yuyihu! "


With Wuchen's order, the entire Nuliang group naturally became busy. After all, it was not one or two little monsters. The number reached a terrifying scale of several thousand. It is estimated that so many monsters poured into Kyoto at the same time. Be startled.

"Master Wuchen, the whereabouts of Yuzhang have been found."

Outside the bedroom, there were the respectful voices of the snow girl and the prostitute, and the dark hut suddenly lit up the lights, and she got out of the quilt, sleepy and full of dissatisfaction, complaining: "It's not good to find him, I have to find that kid in the middle of the night... that damn Yuzhang, he will understand the consequences of causing me to work in the middle of the night later."

"Come in."

Wuchen instructed the snow girl and the prostitute outside the door.


After the sliding door was opened, the prostitutes and the snow girl walked in one after another. Their noses wrinkled, because there was a special smell in the air, which made people blush when they smelled it, and their hearts raced. taste.

"Ah... madam?!"

Snow Maiden glanced over, and was stunned to find that Nuliang Luxiong's mother Nuliang Wakana was sleeping in the dust-free quilt, and she was still naked. It seems that some strenuous exercise has been done before.

"This stinky bastard."

The prostitute Mao stomped her feet, and then quickly covered Snow Maiden's cheeks, "Don't look at it, it's poisonous, it will be affected."

"Ah...why are you here all of a sudden!?"

Snow Maiden's scream naturally awakened the sleeping Nura Wakana, she quickly covered her exposed body and put on her clothes in a panic.

"I've seen it all, what else do you have to hide?" Wuchen was extremely calm, poured a cup of hot tea on his own, and said to Xue Nu, "I promised Lu Xiong to take good care of him. Mom."

"Take care of you and sleep together? Shameful." The prostitute Mao's face was gloomy. It didn't matter if she was there, the key was that Snow Girl was as innocent as Snow White.

"Older women are prone to hunger and thirst, understand? If I don't feed her to sleep, I will lose sleep, and over time, I will suffer from depression. If it is other women, I will definitely not care, but Ruona is Lu Xiong's mother. , how can I bear to watch her suffer? So I dedicated myself... Snow Maiden will prepare a delicious meal for me tomorrow to nourish my body, I'm exhausted these days."

Wuchen hunched over, deliberately making an appearance of fatigue, exhausted.

"It turns out to be like this." Snow Maiden nodded dazedly, and then looked at Wuchen's tired appearance and felt distressed, "Just say what kind of food Wuchen wants to eat tomorrow."

"Xue Nu, you are too stupid!"

The hairy prostitute's pretty face turned black, and she sighed innocently.

At the same time, she also has a new understanding of Wuchen's shamelessness. This guy is too good at talking nonsense. He was obviously stealing an affair with Nura Wakana, but in Wuchen's mouth, he became a friend and mother. For the sake of thinking, he even said that he had dedicated himself to how great he was.

"You need to deal with foreign enemies during the day, and you need to deal with your wife's ills at night. Lord Wuchen is indeed fortunate." Snow Maiden nodded lightly, then looked at Wuchen and said, "Can I share some of the burdens of Lord Wuchen?"

"of course can!"

Hearing that Xue Nv was going to take the initiative to bring her to the door, Wu Chen smiled like a flower. Just when he was about to make some conditions, the prostitute Mao cast her eyes that wanted to kill.

Wuchen smirked twice and shut up wisely.

Chapter 44 Instinct Reaction [Second More]

"Why should you stop others if they want to dedicate themselves." Wuchen glanced at the prostitute with thousands of resentful eyes, this woman is always doing her own good deeds.

"Forget it...let's do business first."

Wuchen looked at the cold moonlight and could capture the coldness in his eyes.

"Go and kill that kid Yuzhang first, so that there will be no future troubles, and he will play hide-and-seek with me again."


In the barren mountains far away from the city center, at night, there is a dead silence between the mountains and mountains, there is not even a ghost, Yuzhang is temporarily hiding here, and it is not easy to be discovered by the monsters of the Nuliang group.

These days, Yuzhang's life has not been easy, because the monsters of the Nuliang group are searching for him everywhere, and he has to hide in the deep mountains and forests to avoid the limelight.


Under the night sky, Yuzhang was holding a strange demon knife, frantically killing the monsters around him.

After just a moment, the bodies around Yuzhang were piled up like mountains, and there were hundreds of monsters, big and small.

"It's not enough..."

Looking at the tragic scene, Yuzhang's icy eyes were emotionless, the blood stained the earth, but he was indifferent, holding the sword in his hands, and said to himself expressionlessly: "Wuchen, and yours. Nuliang group, I will destroy it myself!"


The demon knife in Yuzhang's hand seemed to understand his words, and the blade trembled slightly, looking quite excited.

"Go back for a while, recharge your batteries for one night, and kill that guy tomorrow."

Looking at the night sky and realizing that it was getting late, Yuzhang turned his head and left, returning to the nearby stronghold.

The demon sword in Yuzhang's hand is called "Demon King's Hammer". This is a very evil demon sword. The more monsters you kill, the stronger the accumulated power.

In the past few days, countless monsters have been poisoned by Yuzhang, and the power accumulated by the devil's mallet is getting stronger and stronger.

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