"Even if you use a conspiracy to win the position of the general of the Nuliang group, don't think it is a good thing. I heard that the woman in Kyoto has been resurrected." The schadenfreude in the eyes of the general's eyes became more obvious. , seems to think that Wuchen will be unlucky, "In a short time, you will see what horror is! That woman is very strong."

"What, is this what you want to say?"

Hearing this, Wuchen was suddenly disappointed and complained: "I thought you had some big move that I didn't guess, old man, you are really useless, and you put your hope of revenge on my enemy, I don't think it is too much. Irony?"

Wuchen's face was full of contempt and disdain. That woman was probably Yu Yihu. She was once defeated by Huakaiyuan Xiuyuan and Nuliang Slipper.

However, the old man Nuliang Slipop has been defeated by Wuchen, and his identity has also been replaced. If he continues to take revenge, there is no doubt that the target chosen by Yuyihu must be Wuchen. After all, he is now the Nuliang group. boss.

"Thanks to my ears, you actually said such a boring thing." Wu Chen bored his ears and continued: "Old man, you are still..."

A deadly murderous aura came from above his head, Wuchen looked up subconsciously, and the general holding the Mimiki Pill was falling from the sky, and the hatred in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Is this your last performance before the curtain call?"

The cold light on the dust-free face was fleeting, and the spiritual pressure shot out of the body, "It's too clumsy, there is no sense of art at all!"

"The Ninety Black Coffins of Destruction!"

Through the vague moonlight, I could vaguely see the sky above Nuliang Slipper's head, and there were a few dark edges emerging. The black light was filled with a sharp luster, as powerful as a huge slash, and rushed straight towards the old guy. past.

"what is that!?"

It seemed that he also felt the breath of death. Nuliang's slippery eyes lifted slightly, and several dark rays of light strangled towards him. This was the last scene he saw in the world.


No. [-]'s piercing edge easily penetrated the general's body, cutting his body into countless cuts. The process was as simple as cutting tofu, and deadly wounds appeared on his body.

"Bang bang bang..."

The general fell to the ground heavily. When he landed, his body had fallen apart, and his breathing and heartbeat had completely stopped...

"It's really embarrassing, bull ghost."

Wuchen walked lazily to the bull ghost. This guy was festering all over his body. The Mimikimaru was a demon-repelling knife specially designed to deal with monsters.

"Congratulations, Mr. Wuchen."

Seeing that the general was killed, Niu Gui said sincerely: "Under your rule, the Nuliang group will definitely grow steadily in the future and reach an unprecedented peak period."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I won't do such troublesome things." Wuchen shook his head, looked at the wound on Niu Gui's body, and said dissatisfiedly: "This wound is not very fatal, are you? Do you want to be lazy?"

"Isn't it fatal?"

Hearing this, Niu Gui is speechless. It is indeed insignificant for a powerful person like Wuchen, but not everyone has the strength of his sky-defying strength.

Niu Gui opened his mouth, but before he could speak, a burst of emerald light fell on him, containing a huge breath of life, and the festering wound on his abdomen healed automatically.

"This, this is simply a miracle!" Feeling the lost vitality and miraculously recovering, Niu Gui said in a trembling tone: "It seems like what those guys said, Mr. Wuchen, you must be a god. ... uh, what about people?!"

Before the flattery was finished, Niu Gui found sadly that Wu Chen had disappeared from his sight.

"Idiot, why are you still there? Do you want me to carry you behind your back?"

The cold voice looked from a distance, and the bull ghost followed the voice, and the dust-free body had appeared dozens of meters away.

"Hold, sorry, wait a moment." Niu Gui was stunned for a while, and then followed decisively.

"It seems that the biggest correct choice in my life is not to follow Nuliang Slipper, but to take refuge with Lord Wuchen."

Touching the wound of recovery, Niu Gui looked at Wuchen with more respect, even full of fiery worship, like a devout believer.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it was the next morning, and the battle between the Nuragumi and the Shikoku Youkai would definitely not stop.

However, the monsters of the Nuliang group are not strong, and the elites have been killed by the dust-free pit too much, and the combat power is estimated to be less than half of the original.

In desperation, Wuchen could only deal with the monsters in Shikoku himself. After all, the remaining monsters in the Nuliang group were his younger brothers, and they respected Wuchen very much.

Although he killed countless people, some things also have their own principles. Those younger brothers who are willing to be loyal to themselves, no matter how weak they are, if they can help, Wuchen will try their best to help.

"Master Wuchen... What are you trying to do?"

Niu Gui looked at Wuchen in a puzzled way. Not long after the sun rose, he let all the monsters of the Nuliang group retreat, and the faster they ran, the better.

After the monsters of the Nuliang group had all retreated, Wuchen ordered Niugui to take him to a place with a wide line of sight, where it was easy to observe the enemy's situation.

The top of the mountain in front of you is the best place. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the terrain is steep. From a distance, you can see the Shikoku Monster Base Camp at the forefront.

"The place is really nice."

Looking at the place several kilometers away from here, the smoke is slowly rising, and it is estimated that the monsters in Shikoku are busy lighting the fire and cooking.

"This is the last meal of their lives, just wait a moment."

Wuchen's words made Niu Guilei's outer and inner tender, and his head was dizzy. What does this mean? It seems that he intends to completely kill the monsters in Shikoku!

It's just a joke. Although the Shikoku Yokai is not as good as the Nuliang group in its heyday, there are thousands of monsters in total, and some of them are more powerful. The wheel battle can kill any big monster.

Chapter 36 Meteorite from the sky [Second more]

"Master Wuchen, if we go to war with all our strength, for the sake of safety, we still call back all the monsters of the Nuliang group. If we fight on wheels, we will lose, and..."

"Shut up and just watch."

Wuchen opened his eyes and glared at Niu Gui, his deep black eyes revealed unparalleled dominance and majesty, Niu Gui immediately shut up with interest.

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