"Pretend to be a ghost..."

Wuchen snorted coldly when he heard the words, he was just a slick ghost, and he really took himself as one thing.

Looking at the general who was floating like clouds and mist, Wuchen raised his right foot, and suddenly the light flashed, the power of destruction spread, and the night sky turned golden.

"Light speed kick!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The speed of the beam was too fast, and the general was unable to dodge at all, and his body was blown to pieces.

"It's useless."

The general general's ghostly voice came, and Wuchen frowned suddenly, this ability is somewhat similar to his own elementalization.

I saw that the general who was killed by the speed of light kick reappeared again, and there was still fog floating all over his body, which was difficult to catch.

To touch him, it felt like grabbing a ball of air.

"No wonder you dare to clamor for killing me, it seems that you have some skills, old man." The corners of Wuchen's mouth showed unexpected eyes, and the corners of his eyes flickered with intriguing light.

"Very helpless?"

Looking at the motionless Wuchen, Nuliang said with a hint of arrogance in his slippery tone, and said triumphantly, "I relied on this monster who smashed the entire Shikoku back then, and it's normal for you to feel helpless... This old man has no entity, how much Even powerful tricks can't beat this old man!"


Wuchen didn't say anything, just silently watching Nuliang Slippery, this old guy actually took the initiative to get closer to him.

"Today I will avenge those who were killed by you!"

The general general appeared behind Wuchen like a ghost, and the mosquitoes and flies were so weak that they could hardly be heard.


Hatred floated in his eyes, and the general stabbed a knife into Wuchen's neck.


The general's eyes radiated joy, and when he looked intently, Mimikimaru's sharp edge penetrated Wuchen's head.

However, the next moment the general was stunned.

"Old man, have children played enough tricks?"

Wuchen, who had a sword in his head, suddenly turned his head, his eyes were as calm as water, and he looked at the shocked general, and said indifferently: "It's a pity, it's not just you who can do that trick, in fact, I don't have a body either. ."

The voice fell, and the dust-free finger shot a ray of sharpness, "Laser!"


The golden beam penetrated the general's chest, and blood was left on the corner of the old man's mouth, and his heart was shattered.

"Wow wow wow..."

The general commander kept spitting out blood, and he looked at Wuchen in amazement. This guy saw through his own mirror, Zhishui?

"You are too shallow."

Wuchen held his head in his hands, looked at the general in all kinds of boredom, and laughed with disdain: "In the past years, what kind of enemy have I not encountered? I have seen the ability countless times more than you, not to mention you. The ability to perform acrobatics, you want to rely on this to beat me, it's really laughable."

Although Nuliang Slippery can erase his own existence, it is actually useless to Wuchen, because he can also use his knowledge and domineering to search the existence of this old man.

In the beginning, the general was full of flaws.

Let him linger on and live until now, but it's just boring and boring. I want to see if this old man has any powerful trump cards, but the result is very disappointing.

"cough cough..."

The general's throat kept coughing up blood, cold sweat spread all over his body in an instant, and his whole body twitched slightly.

The light beam of Wuchen pierced through his heart, and the old man was finished.

"No wonder Niu Gui is so loyal to you. That guy believes in strength. You can really convince him with such strength. However, your luck doesn't seem to be very good, hehehe..."

In the end, there was a gloating smile on the old face of the general general.

"Looks like you still have cards, come and come... hurry up, hurry up! Uncle, I'm bored to death, hurry up and change to other tricks."

I thought this remark would scare Wuchen, but who would have expected this guy to not play cards according to the routine, looking at the general with excitement and eagerness on his face, looking forward to it.

Scared, afraid?That complex emotion was completely lost thousands of years ago.

The most speechless thing is that Wuchen seems to be afraid that the general general will not be able to make a big move, and even used medical ninjutsu on him, and the old guy recovered in an instant.

"Mad, mad, mad...he's a madman!"

While the general was stunned, the whole person was dumbfounded. He couldn't understand, what kind of freak was Wuchen? !

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Chapter 35 The Resurrected Feather Fox [First Update]

"You will regret this!"

The general commander took a deep breath. He didn't know what to say to someone like Wuchen. This guy was so confident in his own strength that he took the initiative to cure him.

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