"It's so far away that you can retreat even if there is an accident." Niu Gui muttered to himself, the base camp of the Shikoku monsters was several kilometers away from where he and Wuchen were.

"It's about [-] kilometers." After a few seconds, Wuchen suddenly spoke, and the words left Niu Gui completely confused.

"What do you mean?" Niu Gui asked in confusion.

"I'm estimating the size of the Shikoku monster camp." Wuchen responded casually, and continued to say to himself: "You don't need to make a big one, or even the monsters of the Nuliang group may suffer."

Hearing this, Niu Gui is even more puzzled, what is Wu Chen talking about himself?

"It's almost time to start."

About 15 minutes later, Wuchen looked at the camp of Shikoku monsters again, with a wicked smile on their faces, they had already finished their last meal.

At the same time, Wuchen's eyes also changed, and the right eye became a reincarnation writing wheel eye, and the few hook jade in the eye sockets revealed a mysterious light.

"So strong..."

At this moment, Wuchen seems to have really incarnated into a god.

Breathing the same air as Wuchen, he felt a huge pressure, the gap in strength... No, it should be said that the gap between dimensions is too far.

"Lord Wuchen, what exactly do you want to do?" Niu Gui asked rather apprehensively, and suddenly thought of what Wuchen said before - you don't need to make a big one, or even the Nuliang group's The monsters will also suffer.

"It must be some kind of large-scale attack." Niu Gui guessed in his heart with his eyes shining.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, a strange energy fluctuation flashed from Wuchen's body, and the golden light flashed, as dazzling as the sun.

Not only was it bright to the extreme, but it was also very hot. Niu Gui had to distance himself from Wuchen again, because he felt that he was about to be cooked.

When his eyes turned to Wuchen again, Niu Gui's entire cheeks froze.

"what is that?!"

Looking along the line of sight of the bull ghost, I saw a golden behemoth shrouded in Wuchen, all made of substantive chakra, with an appearance close to human form, with two sides and four walls, and also by handprints.

"This is Susanoo, run for your life, cow ghost."

Wuchen looked indifferently at the base camp of the monsters of the four countries with a cold expression on his face.


Niu Gui was stunned for a while, and when he was about to ask why, Wuchen and his double-sided Susanoo moved.

"Heavenly Shocks the Stars!"

When these four words fell, the whole world seemed to have entered the apocalypse, the void suddenly darkened, the bull ghost looked at the sky, and when he saw the giant object falling from the sky, his eyeballs almost exploded in surprise!

No wonder Wuchen let him escape, no one could stop that thing!

"Meteor, Meteor Meteor Meteor... Meteorite?!"

Because of his extreme surprise, Niu Gui stammered when he spoke. He looked at the super meteorite falling from the sky, which was boundless and could not be seen by the naked eye.

"Why are you still in a daze? Do you also want to be hit by that thing?" Wuchen passed by the bull ghost, and the boy looked at the sky stupidly, urging: "Let's go."


Hearing this, Niugui swallowed his mouth and spit. No wonder Wuchen asked the monsters of the Nurai group to retreat first. It turned out that at the beginning, he planned to summon meteorites to destroy the monsters of Shikoku.

"I can't believe that Lord Wuchen can even do this kind of thing. It is estimated that all monsters think it is a fairy tale." Niu Gui said looking at Wuchen with great admiration.

However, Wuchen did not answer, what is this?As long as he wanted to, he could completely rely on Tenseigan's pupil power to move a planet. Compared with the collision of planets, it could only be said that it was a small fight.

Wuchen and Niugui left in a hurry, and the Shikoku monsters were also frightened when they looked at the meteorite in the void, and they all fled for their lives like frightened birds.

But the area covered by the meteorite is too large. Wuchen calculated it before, and it has a huge range of [-] kilometers. The huge meteorite landed on the top of the head, and they had no chance to escape at all.

A few minutes later, all the monsters in the Shikoku Eighty-eight Ghost Night Walk were killed.


Two days later, all the monsters sent out, including Wuchen, returned to the Nuliang group. When they heard that the Shikoku monsters were destroyed, the entire Nuliang group held a celebration party.

Wuchen's prestige has also completely reached its peak, and the admiration for him in the huge Nuliang group has also reached its peak.

"It's okay for the Nura group to celebrate, but..."

In the dust-free room, looking at the girl sitting on the tatami and eating cakes, she couldn't help but ask silently, "But, what are you doing as an onmyoji to join in the fun?"

This cute-looking girl is Huakaiyuan Yuluo. When Wuchen came back, this little girl was already in the Nuliang group. I heard that she stayed for a day, and looking at her current state, it seems that she has no plans to leave. , bring a change of clothes.

"Could it be that as an onmyoji, you plan to join us?"

Wuchen looked at Huakaiyuan Yuluo jokingly, this little girl has undergone amazing changes unknowingly, and she is very familiar with the monsters of the Nuliang group, especially Wuchen.

Chapter 37 Onmyoji from Kyoto [First Update]

"I have something very serious to remind you of."

Huakaiyuan Yuluo looked at Wuchen dignifiedly and explained: "In the past few days, the parent, Kana, has disappeared. I went to her house to check, and there was no one there. Don't you worry?"

"What you said is really inexplicable."

Wuchen put the tea brought to his mouth on the table again, as if it had nothing to do with him, and said, "What does it have to do with me when she is missing? You treat me as a fire brigade, where is the fire? Where can I go to put out the fire?"

Wuchen rolled his eyes, although he had a little friendship with his parent Kana, but it was not good enough to let himself go through fire and water. Huakaiyuan Yuluo really imagined himself too great.

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