Because of the great loss of the strength of the Nuliang group, this group of monsters did not take advantage of it. Although it was unexpected in the early stage, the Shikoku monster was caught off guard, but when the opponent recovered, this short-term victory disappeared. As for all the monsters, including the bull ghost, they were injured.

"Can we treat our injuries? Lord Wuchen is simply a god, he is much stronger than Nuliang Slippery and Nuliang Carp Companion."

Some monsters were so excited as if they had been beaten with blood, and they complimented Wuchen even more.

"Don't be flattering, there are still a few fierce battles to be fought."

Wuchen glared at them, and then scolded: "Go back and rest, whoever grabs the most territory will be his territory in the future."

"Thank you, Mr. Wuchen."

The monsters were all grateful to Wuchen, and immediately everyone went back to rest. With the promise of Wuchen, this is more important than anything else.

"What did the old boy say?" Wuchen looked at Niu Gui, and the old boy was the general.

"He wants me to turn back and join hands to kill Lord Wuchen... It's just a joke, I have come to this point, and I have no way back." Niu Gui dismissed Nuliang's suggestion.

He and Wuchen teamed up to kill Nuliang Lu Xiong, and most of the Nuliang group's cadres. Can Nuliang Slippery still let go of the bull ghost?This is absolutely impossible.

"That old man's life is also a scourge." Wuchen's eyes flashed coldly, and Niu Gui also followed with murderous intent.

Obviously their opinions are the same, there is no disagreement - the scourge of killing the general.

"You go and ask the old man out and say that you agreed to his proposal. I will ambush in the dark. Once the old man appears, I will send him back to the west. No one is more suitable than me. After all, I will kill his grandson. of."



Even in the middle of the night, birds were still chirping in the forest, and countless crows with dimly lit eyes stared at a certain area.

"Niu Gui, you really didn't disappoint me."

The general came as agreed, and Niu Gui informed him before, hoping to come out to meet and talk about the plan to ambush Wuchen.

This boy Nuliang Slipop is naturally happy. He has now betrayed his relatives and can only stay with his old friend in Shikoku. If Niu Gui is willing to submit to him again, Nuliang Slipop has the confidence to take revenge on Wuchen.

"It's okay to want me to deal with Wuchen, but only if there is a condition."

The strange light in the corner of Niu Gui's eyes flashed away, and his eyes were erratic. No one knew what he was thinking, including the general.

Hearing this, the General Manager walked into Niugui with doubts, looked at him a few more times, and then asked, "What other conditions do you have?"

"That is..."

Seeing the commander-in-chief approaching him unknowingly, Niu Gui's eyes flashed coldly, and the samurai sword around his waist was scabbard.

"Lend your head to use it!!!"

The dangerous blade had already swept towards the head of the general. Because the distance was too close, the moment when the sword was taken out of the scabbard, it was infinitely close to the head of the general.


When he chopped off Nuliang Slipper's head, Niu Gui was overjoyed, but before he had time to be happy for long, he immediately turned gloomy.

A dark fog emerged from the wound, and the General General disappeared like a ghost.


Niu Gui suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen, looked down, and saw a cold sword pierced into his belly.

"Niu Gui, I've already given you a chance, but you haven't cherished it..." Nura's indifferent voice came from behind, "Do you know why I dare to meet you alone? It's because you are me. The defeated generals of his men, no matter in the past or now, you are!"

"Tell me, why did you betray me and choose that guy?!" The general manager looked at the bull ghost with cold eyes, and at the same time he was confused, where is he inferior to Wuchen?

"Because that lord is the strongest existence in the world, before he appeared, I must admit that you are the best leader of the Nuliang group, but after the appearance of Lord Wuchen, I understood a truth, Nuliang slipped. Scoop, you are old!!!"

Niu Gui shouted with the last strength, his body had collapsed, because the knife used by Nura Slipper was Mimikimaru, which was specially used to kill monsters.

"Oops... it's so embarrassing, bull ghost, I'll give you a chance to kill this old man, but you're so useless."

An unusually lazy voice came from inside the forest, and the general was startled. He quickly turned around and saw that it was Wuchen who came lazily.

Chapter 34 Killing the Chief General (Part [-]) [First Update]

"You can't be here!!!"

The general's eyes widened, and he looked at Wuchen with a shocked expression. Yuzhang, who was in the Nuliang Group site, said that Wuchen was not dispatched.


"Then who am I? Are you dreaming? It's the middle of the night. It's really suitable for dreaming, General."

Wuchen smiled and ridiculed, looked at the general with a gloomy expression, and said, "I can't bear to see you in such pain, so I came to the four countries to free you."

"Free me?"

Hearing this, the general's eyes flashed, and he said coldly, "Do you think I'll be captured?"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Afterwards, there was a mist that seemed to appear to be absent from the general's body, and it began to fade, dissipating like gas, and even the most basic heartbeat and breathing disappeared.

The slick-headed ghost is a special kind of monster. He can disappear his own sense of existence, just like it is so strange in front of him. Even if he is close to his eyes, he cannot feel his existence. Niu Gui also suffered such a big loss.

"You came just in time. I'll deal with you here today, to avenge my grandson and those friends in the Nuliang group."

The General General's angry voice exploded, and the silent jungle all around trembled.

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