Chapter 32 The Sad Prostitute [Second More]

"Cough cough cough..."

Wuchen blushed, then gave a thumbs up, and said, "Looking at how beautiful you are wearing today, even I am attracted to you, it's really a good woolen prostitute."

"Then why do I feel that your eyes are squinting?" The prostitute asked, blinking her eyelids.

"Just kidding, am I that kind of person?!" Wuchen asked with a stern face.

"It doesn't look like..."

The hair prostitute looked at Wuchen more, with a straight body, bright eyes like a clear spring, and a smile like a spring breeze on her cheeks, which made people feel good.

At first glance, it does not look like that kind of lecherous person, but women are extremely sensitive to those malicious eyes, and the prostitutes trust their intuition.

"Speaking of which, we saw Madam just now. She was in high spirits when she left. What did you do to her? I want to try it too. I've been exhausted recently, especially since the young master died, and I can't keep up."

Xue Nv looked at Wuchen curiously, her beautiful eyes full of anticipation.

"Idiot, don't meddle in your business."

The prostitute Mao snapped Xue Nu's forehead angrily, and the embarrassment on her pretty face disappeared in a flash.

She is not a simple girl like Snow Maiden. When the prostitute came, she smelled a lewd smell. At first, she thought it was incredible. How could Nura Wakana have such a relationship with Wuchen?Absolutely impossible, so Mao prostitutes think that Wuchen is doing that cowardly thing with other women.

But apart from Wuchen, there is no other woman in this room, only one Nu Liang Wakana, obviously she was the one who had sex with Wuchen just now.

"Xue Nv, you go first, I have something to say to Lord Wuchen." The prostitute Mao glanced at Xue Nv, who nodded and left although she was a little puzzled.

"You are so brave, do you think your life is too long?" After the Snow Maiden left, the prostitute Mao turned her face, no longer called Lord Wuchen, and looked extremely dissatisfied.

"You know it all?"

Seeing the expression on the prostitute's face that I understand everything, Wuchen didn't hide it anymore, and said indifferently: "What's the matter, I didn't force her, but she hooked up with me! It's what you want and I want. What's more, that woman is simply a hungry wolf. I have suffered a big loss. There is a saying in the human world that a woman is like a wolf at thirty, like a tiger at forty, and sucks soil at fifty. "

"But that's the wife of the former general." The prostitute Mao reminded in a deep voice, warning: "You are playing with fire, maybe you will be burned to ashes!"

"I just like to play with fire, it's very exciting." Wuchen shrugged, still caring, and said: "Since you already know, don't go out and show it casually, it doesn't matter to me, anyway, I This person is thick-skinned, but that Nura Wakana is a woman, you don't want her to be ruined, right?"

"I really don't understand what Madam likes in you." He glanced at Wuchen with a puzzled look. Apart from being handsome, powerful, and smart, this guy doesn't seem to have any specialties.

"Hey, do you really want to know?"

The corner of Wuchen's mouth showed a wicked smile, and she hooked her fingers at the furry prostitute, and she immediately brought her ears close.

"My greatest strength is my strong combat effectiveness, especially in that respect, it's like a golden spear and a pillar to the sky!!! Wakana Nura was tossed by me for a few hours, why don't you try it too?"

"Stinking rogue!"

Hearing this, the prostitute's face turned red instantly, as if it was cooked so exaggeratedly, she glared at Wuchen viciously and left in a hurry.

Why is this guy so shameless?Why hasn't it been discovered before?

After dinner, in the evening, when everyone was sleeping, Nura Wakana sneaked up alone, almost all of the monsters in the Nura group went to attack Shikoku, but left a small number of nursing homes, nothing more. people found her.

Seeing that Nura Wakana took the initiative to come to the door, Wuchen would naturally not be polite, and a fierce battle immediately kicked off.

"The prostitute is still outside? Is this really appropriate?" Nuliang Wakana asked very nervously. After all, she was a woman, and she was not as casual as Wuchen.

"It's alright, I set up a barrier outside, and no one can hear it." Wuchen Monkey hurriedly put down Nu Liang Wakana, and the latter also took the initiative to hug his neck and put on his fragrant lips.

It didn't take long for a filthy moan to come out. As for the enchantment?Not at all, Wuchen was deliberately letting the prostitutes hear it clearly.

"That bastard, he must die!"

The hairy prostitute who stood outside the door guarding the dust-free safety blushed, heard Nura Wakana's soothing moans, and was struck with doubts about her life. Is this still the dignified, elegant and virtuous Nura Wakana?

"It must have been drugged!"

The prostitute could not wait to break into the door, but she felt numb at the thought of the filthy and lewd scenes she might see.

And the most critical issue is that, just like what Wuchen did before, this is completely what you want and what you want, and no one is forcing it. The prostitutes heard it clearly. Compared with Wuchen, Nura Wakana seems to be more in a hurry!

This tossing was in the middle of the night, and it wasn't until it was almost dawn that Wuchen hugged Nu Liang Wakana and fell asleep.

The hairy prostitute guarding outside the door was extremely sad, two dark circles were obvious in the corners of her eyes, and her face was exhausted. After listening to Nura Wakana's moaning all night last night, she couldn't help but wonder, is it really that comfortable?

It was probably around noon when Wuchen and Nura Wakana got up to eat. He just ate something and planned to set off for Shikoku.

As for the purpose, it is to eliminate the general. This old man is also a scourge when he is alive. When he dies, any secrets will follow the stone into the sea.

Chapter 33 Killing the Chief General (Part [-]) [First Update]

On the way to Shikoku, Wuchen was alone, and the so-called guards could only slow down his speed, so Wuchen came out alone.

Moreover, if the general hunter is seen by others, it will inevitably be troublesome, so it is better to act alone.

Just ten minutes later, Wuchen arrived in Shikoku, and shocked the monsters such as Niugui, because it took them dozens of times longer than Wuchen to rush to Shikoku from the base camp of the Nuragumi.

"As expected of Mr. Wuchen."

After seeing Wuchen, the members of the Nuliang group showed great respect, even more than Nuliang Slippery.

"You did a good job."

Wuchen nodded with satisfaction, and his eyes swept over the only remaining cadres. Although many big monsters were secretly killed by him, causing heavy losses to the Nuliang group, the remaining cadres were almost all loyal to him. exist.

In the previous battle, these monsters were injured, and Wuchen released medical ninjutsu on them without a word, and everyone's wounds recovered at an alarming rate.

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