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Chapter 31 Yamabuki Otome [First Update]


Nuliang Ruona's pretty face flushed, thinking that she had really taken the initiative just now, almost forcibly pushing Wuchen.

"It's all my own, there's nothing to be shy about, hehe..." Wuchen winked at Nuliang Wakana, skillfully took her body into his arms, and his small hands began to get restless again.

"Come back? Stop it, and I'll make it up to you at night." Nu Liang Wakana pushed the dust-free hand away and said in a very low voice, her face flushed red, the color of blood.

"It's almost the same." Wuchen smiled with satisfaction, and then asked: "But then again, I feel that you seem to hate Nuliang carp? Am I thinking too much?"

If there is no complaint to Nuliang Carp, Nuliang Wakana will not be so crazy, and almost wants to squeeze the dust out. This is not pure emptiness and loneliness, but also wants to take revenge through this extreme method Nuliang carp companion.

"Of course."

Nuliang Ruona's eyes flashed with hatred, and complained: "The reason why I married him was because I loved him, but after giving birth to the child, that guy treated me coldly. What's the difference between using chess pieces? threw."

"Also, I can feel that there are other women in the carp's heart." Nura Wakana had a bitter smile on her face.

"It's probably Yu Yihu... No, it's more appropriate to say Yamabuki Otome." Wuchen looked at Nu Liang Wakana with pity, this woman is also a tragedy.

Yamabuki Otome was Nuliang's first wife, but she couldn't give birth like a normal woman, and she couldn't let Nuliang's family end. Later, she took the initiative to leave Nuliang and died unfortunately.

Nuliang carp has always been ashamed of this, and the responsibility is not Yamabuki Otome. In fact, their Nuliang family has been cursed by the feathered fox. Only by marrying a human can this curse be broken.

To a certain extent, Nura Wakana is really just a pawn, just a substitute for Yamabuki Otome.

"I'm going to prepare dinner."

With a kiss on Wuchen's cheek, Nura Wakana stood up from the tatami, slightly tidied up her messy kimono, and left calmly.

"Nulian Luxiong, under the underworld, you can close your eyes with peace of mind. I will help take care of your mother in the future. When you meet the Lord of Hell, please say something nice to me."

Wuchen lay casually, humming a little song in his mouth, and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Master Wuchen!"

Two pleasant voices resounded in the ears, and Wuchen's eyes opened slightly, and it was the Snow Maiden and the Mao prostitute.

"Is it all resolved?" Wuchen asked.


The two women glanced at each other, and then both nodded lightly, and both the needle girl and the little monk on the shore were killed.

"Two more died, and the dog Phoenix and the dog god were also killed by me. If so, the so-called "seven people walking together" seems to have three people left, that Yuzhang has no trump cards, and continue to do it. If so, he's on his own."

There was an awe-inspiring luster in Wuchen's eyes, once he caught Yuzhang, there was only one fate - Kill Wushe!

In fact, everyone had no grievances and no grudges, but this kid had to come to his own land to find trouble, so he could only send him back to the west.

"Then what do we do next?" the prostitutes and the snow girl asked.

"It's alright to stay put. If that kid runs for his life obediently, it doesn't matter if he bypasses him once. If he keeps looking for trouble, he will jump out sooner or later, so don't worry."

Wuchen said calmly, the younger brothers are all dead, and now Yuzhang has become a bare commander.

Either leave in despair, or fight to the death, there is no other way to go.

"Speaking of which, have the troops led by Niu Gui fought against the Shikoku monsters?" Wuchen asked the two women. After he ordered a war with Shikoku, he didn't pay much attention to the news from the front line.

"Our army was victorious, and the Shikoku monsters didn't expect the Nura group to suddenly attack. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses, but..."

Xue Nv suddenly changed her words and said with a sullen face: "Later, the general was found in Shikoku, and he called on both sides to stop the war."

"That old man?"

The cold light on Wuchen's face was fleeting, and he asked calmly, "Then how did the bull ghost do?"

"He rejected the proposal of the general, and chose to continue the war with the monsters of the four countries, and he had to annihilate the opponent." Xue Nu said worriedly.

"Master Wuchen, you should persuade them!" the prostitute Mao whispered.


Wuchen rolled his eyes, persuaded?There are no doors!He has given orders to Niu Gui to kill the general when he has the chance.

"Don't worry, I'll leave for Shikoku tomorrow." Wuchen comforted with an angelic smile.

On the surface, it sounds good, but in fact, Wuchen intends to kill the bad old man with his own hands, and he is a little worried about handing it over to Niu Gui.

Because Niu Gui used to be the defeated general of the general. Although the general is old now, Niu Gui is actually old too.

"Nuragami will definitely be grateful to you!"

Both Xue Nv and Mao prostitute thanked Wuchen for bowing. Xue Nv was okay to say, but the Mao prostitute was more bold, her chest was open, and when she bowed, the snow-white touch on her chest was unobstructed, and two plump flesh 1 ball. Almost jumped out.


Wuchen looked at her in a daze, and the flame that had been extinguished in her heart started to burn again.

However, Nuliang Wakana is not here, even if he is confused, Wuchen can only endure it.

"Oops... Mr. Wuchen, where are your eyes looking?"

It was unfortunate that the prostitute Mao happened to see Se 1's squinting dust-free, and her pretty face, which could be broken by bullets, suddenly smiled.

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