"Didn't I kill you?" Xijing Ningyin looked at Wuchen and quibble: "You are still alive and kicking."

"Nonsense, if I were to die, you would have taken my body to claim credit." Wuchen rolled his eyes.

"It's not for taking credit, it's just that those people are very interested in you. As a condition, as long as I hand over your body to them, that group of people will release Heinai." Xijing Ningyin said truthfully.

"If the assassination of you fails, I will join hands with you to save Heino. Your strength is enough to save her." Xi Jingning's eyes were shining.

"You are so cunning."

Hearing this, Wuchen took back the Tiancong Yunjian, looked at this cunning little girl, and said, "If I want to be killed by you, you will take my body in exchange for the chairman, and if I want to defeat you, choose and I cooperate... tsk tsk, a good strategy for the best of both worlds."

Wuchen was so embarrassed, why didn't he find this little girl so insidious before?

"Is this a test for me?" Wuchen looked at Xijing Ningyin meaningfully.

"Of course, I'll pay for it if I follow you rashly." Xijing Ningyin didn't feel shameless at all.

"That's right, it's the right choice." Wuchen nodded slowly, and then asked, "Where is the chairman of the board?"

"It's in Hei Tieyan's house, but there are already a lot of masters there to protect her. It's no use trying to save her with my strength, and..."

Xijing Ningyin's tone was helpless and explained with a sigh: "Heinai was arrested on purpose, don't forget, Heinai was also the third ranked player in the KOK League, how could he be arbitrarily arrested, that group of shameless people The guy threatened her with a student from the military academy, so he had to be captured."

Xijing Ningyin gritted her silver teeth angrily and said angrily, "Why didn't you find them so shameless before?"

"Are you qualified to speak of others?" Wuchen immediately handed over his eyes.

"By the way, is the chairman locked in Hei Tieyan's house?"

Wuchen's eyes shot out a cold light, and he hated the shameless villain Hei Tieyan more and more.

"Let's go, let's discuss the countermeasures in the past."

Wuchen left first, but there was no movement behind him, Xijing Ningyin kept lying still.

"You injured me before, and I can't walk!" Xi Jingning looked at Wuchen with a painful expression, and said weakly, "Hurry up and walk with me, or I will die!"

"You little girl really likes to make trouble without reason."

Hearing this, Wuchen couldn't help laughing and laughing. He was merciful about the "Shen Luo Tianzheng" just now. A little trauma is certain, but dying is pure nonsense.

"That's all... It's just this time, it's not an example next time."

Wuchen left with the girl in his arms. Now that she and the chairman have betrayed each other, Xijing Ningyin still chooses to help them. In all fairness, she has done her best, so it's okay to let her be a little self-willed.

Chapter 42 Want to cry without tears [first]

"Those guys are really despicable, they even threatened the chairman with the students."

In the villa, after hearing about the despicable behavior of the KOK alliance, the girls all blushed with anger, and flames were brewing in their eyes.

"Is Hei Tie Yan?"

Wuchen's pupils were sullen, his eyes focused on Hei Tiezhu Shizuku, and he asked blankly, "What will happen to you if you kill him."

Hearing this, Hei Tiezhu Shizuku also cast his gaze over, looking at Wuchen for a moment, then asked coldly: "If I say no, you will kill me too, right?"

"Of course." Wuchen did not deny it.

"From the time he announced that I was a terrorist, the blood bond between us was cut off, as you like."

Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku's tone was emotionless, and his expression was full of indifference, as if Kuro Tieyan was a stranger he didn't know.

"I really don't know why those guys want to get you..." Stella looked at Wuchen suspiciously, with a curious look on the corner of her mouth, and asked, "Could it be that you have some big secret."

"I guess I want to get his god-like power." Xijing Ningyin narrowed her eyes, and even she wanted to figure out where Wuchen's overwhelming power came from.

"Having 50% of the interest, a person will take the risk, and when the interest reaches 100%, that person will dance with the devil, even at the expense of his life... For them, I am tens of thousands of times the profit, and I will do everything possible. It's okay to want me."

Wuchen looked out the window in a daze, his expression was calm, not surprising. In the past era, there were too many people who wanted to gain their own power, and he had seen all the crazy methods.

But most of them end in demise.

"But then again, how are you going to save Heino?" Xijing Ningyin's beautiful eyes were filled with anticipation, but she was still helpless.

"Does this even need to be said? Of course, it's a frontal attack. First, destroy the Hei Tie family to relieve their anger!" Wuchen's eyes shot out a surging murderous intent.

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. Hei Tieyan's old fox has been hiding for a long time." Xijing Ningyin's words disappointed Wuchen and sighed: "I contacted him by phone, that old guy. You had already guessed that after the incident was exposed, you would go to trouble with him, so you ran away ahead of time."

Hearing this, Wuchen touched his chin with a contemplative look on his face. After thinking for a while, he said, "Then tell them directly that I was captured alive."

"But others only need your corpse, not a living one." Xijing Ningyin said with great confusion.

"That old bastard..."

The corners of Wuchen's mouth twitched, and then he said coldly, "That's it, you hand over my body to him!"

"Are you crazy?"

All the girls looked at Wuchen in astonishment. Is this guy's head showing off?Do you think you are immortal?

"Don't worry, I can't die, even God can't kill me."

Wuchen's tone was full of confidence. He had been destroyed countless times, and sometimes not even a single cell was left, but he still revived with the immortal characteristics of the ten tails. What else need to be afraid of?


At this moment, in the secret base of the Hei Tie family, this is in the deep mountains and old forests, hidden in the ground several dozen meters deep, and almost no one can find it.

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