Hei Tieyan was sitting in a separate secret room. He looked at the screen in front of him and was silent for a long time.

"Akazu, what do you think?" Hei Tieyan glanced at the ugly man in black next to him with a questioning look on his face.

"Obviously, Xijing Ningyin played for a long time and killed Wuchen, that kid is probably too careless." Chizuo Shou looked at the screen and laughed.

The video played above is the video of Xijing Ningyin killing Wuchen.

"I feel a little suspicious."

Hei Tieyan's eyes shone brightly, he was obviously not a fool, he analyzed wisely: "I have dealt with that Wuchen, although this person is young, but he looks very old-fashioned, Xijing Ningyin's strength is the third in the world, But I think it's a little bit worse to clean up."

"Do you think this is fake?"

Looking at the video of Wuchen's murder, Akazawa asked in surprise. He asked someone to identify the content of the video, and it was definitely a very real scene.

"I don't know that either."

Hei Tieyan shook his head dazedly, and said slowly: "Maybe it's really like what you said, Xijing Ningyin's supernormal performance killed Wuchen, it's not impossible."

"What's your opinion on that?"

Akaza Mamoru was speechless, it was you who said it was fake, and it was you who was telling the truth, what was your idea?

However, at this time, Hei Tieyan's eyes suddenly stared at Akazu Shou, the latter's heart jumped wildly, and he had a bad premonition.

"You can go to Xijing Ningyin on my behalf to get in touch." Hei Tie looked at Akazu Shou seriously.

"Damn, this bastard is going around, so he wants to send me as cannon fodder!"

The corner of Chizuoshou's mouth twitched, and a hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloped in his heart. He condoled Mrs. Hei Tieyan a thousand times, and then he smirked: "I am a small person, and I have no status, so I am not suitable for contact with them, right?"

"Okay, I'll call Xijing Ningyin now, and ask you to meet her on my behalf, and take back the dust-free corpse by the way." Hei Tieyan made a final decision, with a tone that could not be violated.

"Ming, I understand..."

Akazu Shou can only suppress the anger in his heart, wanting to cry without tears, this guy is really shameless, his own son can be abandoned, and his own daughter can also be abandoned.

About an hour later, Mamoru Akaza left the secret base of the Black Iron family and rushed to the place where Wuchen and others were.


Chapter 43 Plundering Memories [Second More]

"Damn, are you deliberately taking revenge?"

The dust-free acting on the other side was blown away. His cannibalistic eyes fixed on Xijing Ningyin. Although he asked Xijing Ningyin to kill him before, he just said that he would give him a heart attack.

But this little girl is good, and she cut off the dust-free head directly.

"You said you were immortal, I just wanted to try it." Xijing Ningyin laughed embarrassingly, startled by Wuchen's viciousness.

"Try your sister, is this kind of thing a casual test?!" Wuchen is still staring, what if he really hangs up?

"Am I wrong?"

Xijing Ningyin was blocked into the corner by Wuchen, and said with a shrunken neck: "For Heinai's sake, you can go around me this time, just once!"

"Hmph... now you know you're afraid?"

Hearing this, Wuchen snorted heavily, and was too lazy to get to know this little girl. He gave her a vicious look and asked, "What did that Hei Tieyan say?"

"That old guy is very cunning. He felt that there was a problem and sent his lackey to contact us." Xi Jing Ningyin said with a hint of loss, hesitating for a while, and said slowly: "I heard Hei Tieyan say it is called Akazu Shou."

As soon as the voice fell, Xijing Ningyin locked her neck and looked at Wuchen timidly, looking extremely restrained.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Wuchen touched his cheek and looked in the mirror again. He was very handsome, so he wouldn't scare people to tears.

"Don't you blame me? Your plan has failed. What if I retaliate with anger and anger, then I will be miserable, I can't beat you." Xi Jing Ningyin said with extreme fear: "The person who came Akazu Shou, not that Hei Tieyan."

"Why weren't you so timid when you cut off my head just now?" Wuchen rolled his eyes, and then comforted: "Don't worry, that Chizuo Shou can barely make a living, he must know Hei Tieyan's whereabouts."

Wuchen didn't care, as long as someone came, no matter who it was, he couldn't escape his grasp.

"Do you think that Chizuo Shouhui told Hei Tieyan's whereabouts?" Xijing Ningyin did not know where Wuchen's confidence came from. Chizuo Shou was a branch member of Hei Tieyan's family, and he was also a confidant of Hei Tieyan.

What kind of person deserves to be called a confidant?He's the kind of tough guy who won't betray his master in life or death, so Xijing Ningyin felt that Chizuoshou might rather die than give in.

"Don't worry, do I look like the kind of person who is aimless?" Wuchen showed an unfathomable smile, looking at Xijing Ningyin confused, but she did not refute.

Indeed, Wuchen is not like the kind of person who will talk big at will. Since he dares to say so, he must be sure to let Hei Tieyan speak.


At this moment, the sound of a car engine suddenly came from outside the window. Wuchen, Xijing Ningyin and others walked to the window one after another. Looking down, it was a black car.

Immediately afterwards, a short, stout man in a black hat with an extremely ugly and gloomy appearance got out of the car.

"Is that kid Akazu Shou?"

Wuchen looked at the bloated fat man, his eyes flashed with cold light, the first impression of this kid is not a good thing.

"Go and meet him..."

Wuchen glanced at Xijing Ningyin, this quirky little girl also knew the importance, so she calmed down and went out to meet Chizuoshou.

"Can you really save the chairman?"

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