Above the wind and waves, black flames burned, which quickly evaporated.

"Don't think it's over."

Xijing Ningyin waved the folding fan gently, and invisible power spread out from her body, spreading hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.


Affected by the gravity of Xijing Ningyin, all the surrounding dense trees were crushed, crushed and annihilated, and the ground was shaking.

"Very tricky ability, this kid released gravity nearby." Wuchen frowned, he felt that he was carrying several mountains, unable to move, and his feet gradually fell into the soil.

That is, dust-free can resist this gravity, and other people would have exploded and died.

"Hey... it seems that it's over."

Xijing Ningyin walked up with a smile on his face, and said triumphantly, "It is a great achievement to hand you over to those guys."

"Approaching your enemy before the winner is decided is extremely stupid." Wuchen looked at Xijing Ningyin calmly, this little girl was standing in front of him, she was really bold.

"It's been decided."

Xijing Ningyin looked at Wuchen proudly, her eyes became crescents with a smile, "My gravity is all exerted on you, it's like you are carrying hundreds of tons of material, it's a miracle that your body can withstand it."

Looking at the dust-free and white cheeks, Xi Jingning couldn't help touching his cheeks, pinching them, and then said to himself, "Tsk tsk, how did you take care of this skin?"

"Are you too complacent?" Wuchen's eyes rolled out a burst of destructive power fluctuations, and he shouted sternly: "Shen Luo Tianzheng!"


The repulsive force hit the girl's body, and the defenseless Xijing Ningyin disappeared in an instant, and was directly bounced hundreds of meters away.

The light flashed in Wuchen's hand, and Tiancong Yunjian was condensed in an instant. He walked towards Xijing Ningyin step by step. He had given him a chance before, but this little girl insisted on staying and looking for a fight.

"He can control repulsion!?"

On the other side, Xijing Ningyin stood up from the ground, baring her teeth in pain, her body was about to fall apart just now.

Chapter 41 Cunning Girl [Second More]

If he knew that Wuchen had the ability to manipulate repulsion, he would not easily approach this guy if he killed Xijing Ningyin.

"Don't come here!"

Looking at Wuchen who came with the knife, Xijing Ningyin finally panicked at this moment, and the folding fan she was holding gently stirred again.

"Crack cack clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap..."

There was no substantial gravity coming again, spreading out with Xijing Ningyin as the center, and the ground collapsed one after another.

The gradually approaching Wuchen is also covered by gravity, Xijing Ning Yinben hopes to use this ability to stop Wuchen, but unfortunately the ideal is very beautiful, but the world is often cruel.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

Even though gravity covered his body, Wuchen moved forward as if nothing had happened, as easy and simple as a stroll in a leisurely garden, getting closer and closer to the girl.

Seeing this, Xijing Ningyin felt that his brain was not enough. Could it be that this guy can ignore his own gravity?Is he still human?

Xijing Ningyin, who did not believe in evil, increased her gravity again, and cold sweat slowly fell on her head.


This time it finally worked, and the dust-free body burst open on the spot, being torn to shreds by an invisible force.

"Hmph, this is the fate of underestimating me."

Xijing Ningyin stood up proudly and said to himself, "However, this guy is really strong and bizarre, and his strength is comparable to that [Biyi]."

"You think this is over?"

The ghost-like voice came from behind again, and Xijing Ningyin shuddered suddenly, and quickly turned around to see that Wuchen was standing behind him like a ghost, with a chilling light in his eyes.


Xijing Ningyin was so frightened that she screamed and fell to the ground.

"You're really... No. [-] in the world?!"

Wuchen looked at this little loli speechlessly, then squatted down, grabbed her fair chin, and pointed to herself who had been killed by her before.

"That is..."

Xijing Ningyin turned around and saw that the corpse that came into view was a pile of rotten wood.


Xijing Ningyin covered her mouth in surprise, looked at Wuchen again and exclaimed, "Are you a tree demon?"

"That's just a hidden clone, I reminded you before." Wuchen looked at Xijing Ningyin indifferently, and immediately raised Tiancong Yunjian, "If you don't have a last word, I will send you on your way."


Looking at the Tiancong Yunjian standing above her head, Xijing Ningyin choked up in her throat, never feeling that death was so close.

"There is something to say, don't get excited, in fact, we are all our own people!" Xi Jingning turned around and looked at Wuchen with a flattering smile.

"My own?"

Hearing this, Wuchen pouted, and the ghost believed that if he was weaker, he would have been killed by this woman long ago.

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