Lazy white clouds floated up and down the sky, drifting unconsciously as if asleep.

Near the gate of Xiao College, the group of students did not realize that the disaster was coming, and everyone wore a sunny smile.

"It's a pity..."

Above a high-rise building, Wuchen looked at Xiao Academy in the distance, and couldn't help sighing secretly, "If you are young, you will be buried with them all..."

The beautiful woman in a suit standing beside him was the chairman, but it was a little different from before. At this moment, the chairman's cheeks were tightly tensed.

"Why don't you go over when you want to destroy Xiao Academy?" The chairman stared at Wuchen, she was afraid that this guy would do something crazy, and the loss would not be as simple as a Xiao Academy.

"Of course we can't get too close, otherwise we will also be affected." Wuchen showed a meaningful smile.

"your eyes..."

The chairman's pupils could not help shrinking, the dust-free right eye had changed, and the eyeballs had turned into strange blue and white eyes, very beautiful.

"Don't make a fuss, it's just a tense eye."

Wuchen explained casually, and at the same time his right arm was raised high, and then he suddenly yanked towards the void.

"It's resolved, let's leave as soon as possible."

Wuchen didn't manage the reaction of the chief, turned around and left.

"Wait, didn't you say you want to destroy Xiao Academy, give up?" The chairman caught up with Wuchen, his face full of curiosity, this guy just gave up?

"give up?"

Wuchen pouted and pointed to the sky above his head, "It's better for us to leave early, otherwise we'll be smashed to pieces."


The chairman was stunned when he heard the words, and just as he was about to speak, the sky suddenly darkened.

"This is..."

The chairman subconsciously looked at the sky, and those delicate jade-like eyes solidified.

"God... is he angry?" Looking at the behemoth falling from the void, the chairman muttered absentmindedly.

"what's going on?"

The sky suddenly turned dark, and the students of Xiao Academy all raised their heads to the sky, looking at the falling behemoth. After everyone was shocked, their hearts were ashes.

"Damn, who can explain what's going on here?"

Countless students roared in fear.

Looking up at the sky, meteorites with a scale of dozens of kilometers flashed, and the big ones had no boundaries, and they slowly smashed toward the ground.

In the face of such an unprecedented attack, who can fight back?Who can escape?

"Don't be in a daze, we will also be affected if we don't leave quickly."

Seeing the chairman staring at the sky in a daze, Wuchen took the chairman's little hand and flew away.

"You liar! Don't you mean summoning meteorites?! What kind of meteorite is this, it's just an asteroid!"

The chairman was shocked and angry, and said angrily to Wuchen: "Do you know how many people will die if that thing falls?"

"Who knows."

Wuchen responded indifferently and sneered: "Anyway, I know that I can destroy Xiao Academy."

"Yes, but not everyone is a terrorist, and there is no need to do it all." The chairman said in a deep voice, after all, he couldn't bear it.

"What does this have to do with me."

Wuchen responded indifferently, and said indifferently: "In this world, there are too many innocent people who die, who will avenge them? When Valentus hired Smile before, he shot and killed a lot of innocent people. Man, now taking Xiao Academy to be buried with me is my tribute to him!"

"And...I don't think I'm cruel."

Wuchen touched his chin, looked at the meteorite falling from the void, and said indifferently: "Didn't you find it? The meteorite falls very slowly, and when it hits the ground, there will be no shock wave released, hehe... In fact, I always thought To try, what would happen if something so big hit the earth at the speed of light?"


Hearing this, the chairman was suddenly shocked and sweated, looking at the huge meteorite that was slowly falling from the void. If this thing fell at the speed of light, it was definitely not just Xiao Academy that was killed, the planet would probably be destroyed in an instant.

"Is this the ability of your eyes?" The chairman looked at Wuchen's Tenseigan, full of fear.

"Yes, Tenseigan's pupil power can control the planet. I just made a meteorite with a size of tens of kilometers. The method is very gentle." Wuchen explained to himself, but the chairman next to him rolled his eyes directly. A cold-blooded method is also called gentleness?That Wuchen went crazy, doesn't it mean that he wants to drag this planet to be buried with him?

"It's your fault..."

The chairman sighed faintly and looked at the panicked students of Xiao Academy, his inner sympathy quickly subsided.

If you don't die, you won't die. If Valentus hadn't troubled Wuchen, there would not have been such a disaster. Moreover, as Wuchen said before, this school is secretly collaborating with terrorists. The den of thieves of the Eight Classics can only be said to be deserved to be taken away in one pot.

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

About a few minutes later, the giant meteorite entrenched in the void could not bear the fall, suppressing everything, and almost no one avoided an attack of this scale.

If it weren't for Wuchen's help, the chairman would also be covered by meteorites, and the two stood in the distance quietly watching the destroyed Xiao Academy.

"Don't be in a daze, you can retreat, there is nothing to feel sorry for a cemetery."

Wuchen left without saying a word, perhaps because too many people died in his hands, and those deep eyes remained calm from beginning to end.

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