
About an hour later, several figures gathered in the chairman's office, including Wuchen, who were representatives of Pojun Academy to participate in the "Seven Star Sword and Martial Art Festival".

In addition to Wuchen, there are Ayatsuji Ayase and Stella. The others are very familiar and do not know each other.

"Okay, you all go back."

About ten minutes later, after explaining some important content, the chairman waved his hand, indicating that several people can leave.

Only Wuchen stayed in the office, which was explained by the chairman before.

"This time, you will be the captain of the [Seven-Star Sword and Martial Art Festival] delegation of the Pojun Academy." The chairman looked at Wuchen expectantly, as if he had seen the champion.

However, Wuchen's answer was destined to disappoint the chairman.

"I reject."

Wuchen decisively refused, and said lightly: "I will leave this world soon, and I will not be able to participate in this competition."

"What a joke, you have already won, what will you do if you don't participate in the game!?"

Hearing that Wuchen was going to throw the blame, the chairman suddenly stood up excitedly and looked at him with eye-catching eyes.

"Let that Dongtang Daohua replace me, her strength is still good." Wuchen thought of Dongtang Daohua, this chick's strength is not bad, she can be regarded as a talent.

"No, she lost when she participated in the [Seven-Star Sword and Martial Art Festival] last year, and she may repeat the same mistakes this year."

The chairman stubbornly shook his head, finally there is such a powerful player as Wuchen, how could he just let him go.


"What do you mean by leaving? Do you want to run away just after you fell asleep?" The chairman's eyes radiated a dangerous light, like a beast driven to a dead end, extremely dangerous.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited...have something to say!"

Seeing as if he was going to eat his own chairman, Wuchen explained: "I should have told you before, I am not a human being in this world, so it is not natural to leave, as for you, of course, take it with you. ."

"What if I refuse?" The chairman looked straight at Wuchen.

"You can make conditions, but you must never refuse me." Wuchen's tone was also unquestionable, revealing a meaning that could not be violated.

As for other trivial matters, Wuchen can also let this woman play petty, but there is absolutely no room for manoeuvre in this matter.

"My condition is very simple, help Pojun Academy to win the championship of this [Seven-Star Sword and Martial Art Festival], and then I will follow you."

The chairman said his conditions, and Wuchen frowned when he heard the words, this woman has to participate in the competition by herself.

"It's not like this..."

A flash of light flashed through his mind, and he suggested: "My position will be replaced by Dongtang Daohua. In order to ensure that he can win, I will step up her training during this time, how about it? And Aya Tsuji Aase too."

"This one……"

The chairman hesitated for a while, and if that's the case, it's not impossible, but she still asked reluctantly, "Are you going to leave now?"

"It's not..."

Wuchen shook his head, his eyes flashing with cold light, and said, "I'll go to [Xiao] Academy in a while and completely destroy them."

"only you?!"

The chairman looked at Wuchen in amazement, is this guy crazy?Even if you want to single out Xiao Academy, it is a school after all, and there are still quite a few experts.

"Of course I'm alone, do you want to help me?" Wuchen looked at the chairman sarcastically, and smiled: "If you really want to help me, when I return victorious, you will take good care of me. That's it."

At the end, Wuchen winked at the chairman with an ambiguous smile all over his face.

"You're just dreaming."

The chairman snorted coldly and said indifferently: "It's best if you die, Xiao Academy has colluded with terrorists, the last time you attacked your smile, the person who hired him was Xiao Academy's teacher Wallenstein, there are many people They are all the remnants of terrorists."

The chairman's tone was cold, and Wuchen could naturally hear the concern in it. If this woman wanted to die, she would not tell herself the situation of Xiao Academy.

"Don't worry, I won't die."

Wuchen smiled confidently, and then suddenly said to the chairman: "Have you seen the scene of a meteorite hitting the earth?"

"Do you have a funny head?"

The chairman looked at Wuchen strangely and said, "If that happens, it is estimated that it will bring unprecedented destruction."


Wuchen revealed a mysterious smile when he heard the words, and the chairman became more and more incomprehensible, always feeling that this guy was weird.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly thinking of some terrifying possibility, the chairman couldn't help but look at Wuchen in awe. Could this bastard plan to use a meteorite from outer space to attack Xiao Academy?

Can this really be done? !


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 36 The blame is self-inflicted

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