
Chapter 37 The correct way to open the protagonist [Second]

In the afternoon, the news of Xiao College's destruction spread all over the world. It was hit by a meteorite with a diameter of dozens of kilometers, and no one could escape.

This time of destruction, countless people are talking about the situation, and some people think that Xiao Academy has done something unconscionable and provoked the wrath of God, so they have launched a devastating attack of that scale.

However, some people sneered at it, what is the era, and God!This group of people thought that a certain supreme power had destroyed Xiao Academy, but that mysterious person disdained to show up and had been living a life of seclusion.

No matter what the outside world is talking about, the instigator Wuchen has been sleeping leisurely at Pojun Academy.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door, and Wuchen couldn't help but open his eyes, "The little girl should be here, right?"

Hearing this, Stella's eyes fell on Wuchen, and she asked like a policeman interrogating a prisoner, "Who are you dating again?"

"It's none of your business, little brat read more books, you don't understand the world of adults." Wuchen shouted loudly, Stella is only 15 years old now, and she is still too young.

"Wait for me, one day I'll beat you to the ground begging for mercy." Stella opened her teeth and danced her claws, but she didn't dare to make trouble.

The difference in strength between the two is too great, and now she is still a servant of the dust-free.

"Go open the door." Wuchen ordered indifferently.


Stella was in a hurry, but she was helpless and could only open the door reluctantly.


The girl who caught her eye was Dongtang Daohua from the Student Union. After she saw Stella, she immediately greeted her in a friendly, soft tone, gentle and friendly, with a bright smile on her face that seemed very approachable.

"The president of the student council?"

Stella was slightly startled, and secretly gave Wuchen a thumbs up, amazing, anyone can hook it!

"Sit down now..."

In the room, there was a sound of dust-free laziness.

Dongtang Daohua was not pretentious, he entered directly, and walked gracefully in front of Wuchen, his beautiful eyes adorned with strange rays of light.

"The chairman should have told you?"

Wuchen sat on the bed and said slowly to Dongtang Daohua: "I really have no interest in participating in the [Seven-Star Sword and Martial Art Festival], so you will replace me."

"Are you going to quit?"

Stella looked at Wuchen in astonishment, thinking that she had heard the wrong thing, and ordinary people could not ask for this position.

"Are you really going to give up?"

Dongtang Daohua is also skeptical. If he finally gave up his identity, he would give up. What's the point of the previous game?

"Of course, my mission has been completed. Participating in the [Seven-Star Sword and Martial Art Festival] is of no use. Give you young people more opportunities to show yourselves." Luo Yue said extremely generously.

"You don't look too big."

Dongtang Daohua and Stella glanced at each other, Wuchen was very young, and purely from the appearance, he would definitely not be over 20 years old, but his words were always old-fashioned.

"Master Wuchen."

The girl's voice came from outside the door again.

Wuchen recognized this person in an instant, and when he heard the voice, he knew it was Aya Tsuji Aase, so he said lightly, "The door is unlocked, come in."


Ayatsuji Ayase pushed open the door and was slightly surprised when she saw Dongtang Daohua, then her eyes became strange, and she looked at Dongtang Daohua with a wary look, and it was estimated that she was thinking like Stella. .

"whats the matter?"

Wuchen looked at Ayatsuji Ayase, and he didn't seem to ask her to come.


Hearing this, Ayatsuji Ayase seemed to have some scruples, after all, there were outsiders present.

"To be honest, there are no outsiders here." Wuchen smiled.

"I heard from the chairman that you are leaving, so I plan to give up participating in this [Seven Star Sword and Martial Art Festival] competition and leave with you."

Ayatsuji Ayase's words were astonishing, and the three of them were caught off guard.

"What are you doing!? Are you giving up?"

Stella looked at Wuchen and Ayatsuji Ayase in disbelief, her mind was all messed up, and the places that others had tried so hard to snatch, these two guys didn't care at all, did they get water in their heads? !

"Are you serious?"

Wuchen was extremely satisfied with Ayatsuji Ayase, and the corners of his mouth raised a radian. When he heard that he was gone, he immediately followed. This is the correct way to open it up. How can it be like the chairman of the board, pushing three and blocking four, and also Many conditions were put forward.

"I heard that the Kurashiki Tibetan will also participate in this Seven Star Sword and Martial Arts Festival. You can defeat him with integrity." Wuchen gently advised: "I can wait for you too."

"no need."

Ayatsuji Ayase shook her head resolutely, and then explained sadly: "My father woke up just now, but he died not long ago. He told me that he didn't hold any grudge against the Kurashiki Tibetans, so..."

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