
Heo Tie Zhu Shizuku screamed and looked at the father in astonishment. Heo Tie Ikki had just fallen, so it's fine if this guy doesn't have a bit of sadness, and now he still wants to marry Wu Chen?

"I reject!"

Wuchen and Kurotsuzhu Shizuku spoke in unison.

"Don't you think about it?"

Hei Tieyan directly ignored Hei Tie Zhu Shizuku's thoughts and said temptingly: "To be honest, although I still have a son, he has already left the He Tie family. In the future, I plan to let Zhu Shizuku inherit the Heir Tie family. Do you still refuse?"

"I'm so sorry, it sounds quite tempting, but I'm really not interested." Wuchen responded calmly and glanced at the black iron pearl Shizuku, "First of all, I'm not interested in this kid, and she I hate me too."

Marry this chick?What a joke, isn't that just bringing wolves into the room?

"How dare you refuse me?!"

Hei Tiezhu Shizuku was angry, her pretty face flushed with anger, she felt that she could reject Wuchen, but this kid should have no reason to reject her!

"It is undeniable that you are really beautiful, but it's a pity. I have seen too many beauties, and I have long been immune." Wuchen said expressionlessly: "So, please come back."

"Really? It's a pity if that's the case."

Hei Tieyan's tone carried a hint of regret, witnessing the battle between Wuchen and Hei Tiezhu Shizuku. He knew in his heart that this kind of person had an infinite future.

But the other party was not interested, and Hei Tieyan was helpless. He even took out the position of Hei Tie's future homeowner to tempt him, but Wuchen still didn't take the bait.

"Your Excellency, it's a pity that we can't be in-laws, but if you have any trouble, you can find me to solve it, and the door of Hei Tie's family will be open for you at any time." He Tieyan said very seriously.

"You go." Wuchen just nodded flatly.

"Shizuku, let's go."

Hei Tieyan left with Hei Tie Zhu Shizuku, looking at the backs of the two of them, Wuchen felt a little sympathetic to that boy Hei Tie Ikki, and with such an old man on the stall, he can only say that he was too unlucky, I hope I can find a good father in my next life.

"Tick tock..."

At the same time, Wuchen's mobile phone suddenly rang, and he looked up at the mobile phone screen. He was the opponent in the next game, and it was the boy Kirihara Shizuo.

"Tsk tsk tsk... You kid is not lucky."

There was a nightmarish smile on Wuchen's cheeks, and he hated this kid who was stealing people's heads.


The door of the dormitory was gently pushed open again, and Stella's cheek suddenly came into view, and Wuchen immediately looked over.

"This woman..."

Wuchen stared at Stella and didn't move, thinking that she could capture the sadness, but she didn't expect this kind of emotion.

"Is there something on my face?"

Seeing Wuchen staring at herself, Stella looked in the mirror.

"That's not true, you don't know that Kurotie Ikki died in battle, right?" Wuchen thought that Stella didn't know anything, and immediately reminded: "That kid was beaten by Kirihara Shizuchi, and then he was shot. through the heart."

"How could I not know, I was there at the time." Stella said bluntly: "I told him at the time that I would admit defeat if I couldn't do it, but... Yumu's head just didn't understand!"

"Why do you look like you don't care." Wuchen asked curiously: "I remember that you have a good relationship."

"What are you talking about? Should the relationship be good and I should be buried with you?" Stella looked at Wuchen angrily, "Why don't you see Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku and his father buried with him?"

"Er—that's right."

The corners of Wuchen's mouth froze when he heard the words, and he was really speechless. They really only knew each other for three or four days.



Chapter 22 Undercover! 【Fourth more】

"You are much more optimistic than I thought." Wuchen smiled and said slowly, "I have something to go out tonight."

"go out?"

Stella looked at Wuchen suspiciously and asked, "Where are you going?"

"It's none of your business, does this have anything to do with you?" Wuchen said extremely rudely, this little girl really cares about everything.

"I'm your servant, right?" Stella emphasized seriously.

"Since you are my servant, you should be obedient." Wuchen didn't bother to pay attention to this little girl, so he jumped out of the window and left.

"There must be a problem."

Stella looked at the dust-free under the disappearing night, her beautiful eyes turning smartly.


According to the location that Ayatsuji Aase gave before, Wuchen quickly found her dormitory and jumped in directly from the balcony.

However, it was embarrassing as soon as I entered the dust-free.

In the evening, Ayatsuji Ayase was obviously going to sleep. She stood by the bed, only wearing a bra and fat.

"Cough cough... I didn't mean to." Wuchen turned his head quickly, cursed rashly, and had come in from the front door.

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