Ayatsuji Aase's lips moved a little when she heard the words, and her eyes flashed with angry flames. She clenched her teeth and knelt down suddenly, "I hope you can help me, I'm willing to give everything for this."

"You get busy and talk about it, a girl suddenly knelt down, and those who didn't know thought I was a bully." Wuchen patted Ayatsuji Aase on the shoulder, and she slowly stood up.

In fact, even if Ayatsuji Ayase kept her mouth shut, Wuchen knew the woman's motives and asked, "You want me to improve your strength, right? Frankly speaking, I do have a way to improve your strength, but that kind of Methods are not good for you, you are a genius in kendo, as long as you practice diligently, you will surpass your enemies sooner or later."

"But I can't wait!" Ayatsuji Ayase's face was desperate, "I want to stand out in this competition, but I can't do it with my ability."

"But I'm not obliged to help you." Wuchen shook his head and refused, and he was not a Bodhisattva.


Ayatsuji Ayase was speechless, no pie fell from the sky, and she had no power or power. It seemed that she had nothing to do with Wuchen.

"I, I'll be yours from now on!" As if she was really driven to a dead end, Ayatsuji Ayase blushed and said nervously, "I will also agree with you, including those lustful things. you!"

"Sexy thing? I look like the kind of person who wants to be dissatisfied?!"

Wuchen touched his cheek, his skin was fair and lustrous, and his long Fengshen Yuxiu didn't look like a strange slut at all!

He immediately rolled his eyes, and then gently scratched the girl's nose. Wuchen knew about Aya Tsuji Aase's situation. In order to preserve her father's inheritance, she really fought hard, and even danced with the devil.

"It's not as difficult as you think, I'll give you a discount, just do one thing for me." Wuchen waved at Ayatsuji Ayase, and the girl immediately leaned her ear.

"It's that simple?" After a while, Ayatsuji Aase looked at Wuchen in surprise.

"Simple? You think too simply. Don't just look at the surface."

Wuchen shook his fingers and reminded with a serious look: "Remember, don't be discovered, or you may lose your life."

"Okay, let's go, remember to be careful." Wuchen waved his hand, and Ayatsuji Ayase left gently.

"This little girl is really innocent, aren't you afraid that I'm fooling her?" Looking at Aya Tsuji Aase who was leaving, Wuchen felt a little dazed, and then went back to rest.


As the time approached evening, Wuchen, who was sleeping, also woke up, growling hungry, and there were no snacks in the refrigerator.

"The winner Kirihara is lost!"

The sudden broadcast sound spread from every corner, resounding throughout the Po Military Academy, and Wuchen, who was about to go to the cafeteria to eat, was stunned on the spot.

"Damn, my ears are really wrong this time? Kirihara Shizuchi won that kid?! No, I think Ikki Kurotetsu won!"

Wuchen looked at the direction of the arena and quickly turned into a beam of light and rushed over.

He clearly remembered that in the original book, Hei Tie Ikki was first beaten and beaten violently, and then the microcosm broke out. He successfully counterattacked and defeated Kirihara Jingshi, but this time...

With this kind of mutation, Wuchen is considering whether he needs to make up for the knife. After all, the kid lost, and the next game will not be met.

When they arrived at the arena, Wuchen looked towards the center of the arena, where there lay a bloody corpse, which turned out to be Ikki Kuro iron.

Wuchen's arrogance spread quickly, and after a while, Pang was wrinkled, and this kid no longer had a heartbeat.

"Damn, I let you live, I just want to ruin your reputation, and then kill you, and now you are dead ahead of schedule?!"

Wuchen's mentality exploded. Looking at Tongyuan Jingshi, who was showing off his strength in the field, he couldn't wait to slap this guy a few times, but he was robbed.

Chapter 21 Marriage! 【Third Update】

"Boy, since he's dead, let's get the interest back from you." Wuchen looked at the flamboyant Tongyuan Jingshi, then took a deep breath and left again.

It's a fact that Hei Tie Yihui died. He can't be resurrected using "Outer Dao Reincarnation Born", and Wuchen used his knowledge and domineering to get a general sense. This kid was hurt all over his body, and the last blow was his heart. was blown up.

It is estimated that this is the masterpiece of Shizuo Kirihara. In the original book, he was so ruthless, deliberately torturing and humiliating Ikki Kuro Tetsu, he could have won, but he failed to pretend!

This kid, Ikki Kurotetsu, actually deserved it, and if he conceded defeat, he wouldn't be like this.

When Wuchen returned to the dormitory, there were already two more figures here.

"Your son seems to be dead." Wuchen looked at the figure standing in front of the window, it was Hei Tieyan.

"Are you gloating?!" Hei Tiezhu Shizuku looked at Wuchen angrily, bloodshot eyes flashing in his eyes.

"Anyway, Ikki has done his best."

Hei Tieyan responded calmly, as if it was not his own son who died, but a stranger.

"Really? But some people don't seem to think so."

Wuchen shook his head, looked at the black iron bead Shizuku with a sad face, and sighed: "It's really sad, I wanted to take off that kid's head, but I was taken first."

"Boom boom boom..."

Wuchen's words fell, and the little girl, Hei Tiezhu Shizuku, was suddenly enraged, and looked at herself with a murderous look.

"Stop Zhu Shizuku, the gap between you is too big, have you forgotten the previous lessons?"

Hei Tieyan warned loudly, his cheek was always indifferent, without a trace of sadness.

"Your Excellency, how about our alliance?"

Hei Tieyan's words were amazing, and he said in an encouraging tone: "With my personal connections and your strength, you will surely become famous in the world in the future."

"There is no pie falling in vain in the sky, what will I pay?" Wuchen asked flatly.

"It's simple."

Hei Tieyan pointed at Hei Tie Zhu Shizuku and said solemnly, "You just need to marry Zhu Shizuku in the future."

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