"It's okay, it's all my fault, I forgot that Lord Wuchen is coming at night." Ayatsuji Ayase shook her head repeatedly, her pretty face still filled with an embarrassing blush.

"You drink this."

Wuchen threw a small bottle to the girl, the size of a thumb, which contained brown liquid.

Hearing this, Ayatsuji Ayase nodded repeatedly, then opened the bottle cap without hesitation and swallowed the very ominous liquid inside.

"You are very decisive, aren't you afraid of poison?" Wuchen found a place and sat down.

"Even if it is poison, there is no way. Without strong strength, the dojo my father left behind cannot be returned."

Ayatsuji Aase showed a bitter smile, and her voice became hoarse.

"Sometimes you have to look away, people have joys and sorrows, the moon is cloudy and sunny, there are many unsatisfactory things in life, if you want to change the embarrassment you face, you can only rely on strength, your choice will be correct! "Wuchen has experienced too much in the past, and he understands this much better than Ayatsuji Ayase.

"I know that too, but..."

Ayatsuji Ayase's voice stopped abruptly, and her body suddenly fell to Wuchen.


The girl fell directly on Wuchen, Aya Tsuji Aase was startled, and quickly apologized: "Master Wuchen, I didn't do it on purpose, and I don't know how..."

"I don't blame you. The power contained in my blood is very strong. It is normal for normal humans to have side effects that cannot be tolerated. Sit down."

Wuchen pointed to the seat next to him, and Ayatsuji Aase nodded lightly and sat down.

"That was your blood just now?"

Ayatsuji Ayase looked at Wuchen in shock, suddenly realized that her gums were itchy, and touched it subconsciously, she couldn't help but startled.

"what is this?!"

Touching the fangs that protruded into her lips, Ayatsuji Aase was stunned.

"Those are the fangs of a vampire. Drinking the blood of a vampire at the true ancestor level, the human body will mutate and evolve into a vampire." Wuchen stared at the frightened Ayatsuji Ayase and explained seriously: "In other words, For example, you are no longer human, you have become a vampire like me."

After speaking, Wuchen showed his fangs. However, the only difference was that the power gap was too great. In the past, he had obtained the power of the fourth real ancestor, Xiao Gucheng, and their strengths were not on the same level. The properties of the True Ancestor can also turn other people into vampires.


Ayatsuji Aase couldn't help but be surprised when she heard the words, she looked at Wuchen dully, and lost her thinking ability for a while.

"Yes, even if you blame me..."

Before Wuchen's voice could fall, Ayatsuji Ayase tightly hugged Wuchen's neck.

"It's great to be a vampire! I feel the inexhaustible power of my body." Ayatsuji Ayase said excitedly, smiling all over her face.

"as long as you are happy."

Wuchen sneered and reminded at the same time: "Then what, can you let me go first? I'm so uncomfortable!"

At this moment, Wuchen's cheeks were buried in the peaks of Ayatsuji Ayase, and it was extremely uncomfortable to breathe.

"Uh... I'm sorry, I'm too happy, so... I'm really sorry." Ayatsuji Ayase bowed to Wuchen repeatedly and apologized.

"Don't care about such trivial things." Wuchen didn't care, and then asked expectantly: "Have you acquired other abilities besides strength enhancement?"

Those who drank their own blood in the past gained special powers.

"It seems not yet."

Ayatsuji Ayase tilted her head, and then said disappointedly: "Master Wuchen, am I very useless?"

"You think too much." Wuchen touched the girl's head and comforted: "This also varies from person to person, and it may appear in the future."


Seemingly thinking of something, Ayatsuji Aase looked at Wuchen and said, "I have found out about the task that your lord explained before."

"So fast?"

Wuchen was slightly stunned. He had given Aya Tsuji Aase a task before. In fact, it was quite simple, but it was also very risky. If it was discovered, it would be over. It was to monitor Nagi Arisu.

"Is that guy flirting with people from [Xiao] Academy?" Wuchen looked at Aya Tsuji Ayase, knowing that Arisu Academy was actually an undercover agent sent by Xiao Academy to Pojun Academy.

"I don't know the details. I've been following him this afternoon. He met with a teacher from Xiao Academy." Ayatsuji Ayase explained, "I asked about that teacher later, and his name is Valente. s."


Wuchen slapped the table in front of him with a slap, with red light rolling in his eyes. The terrorist who attacked him before, the guy called Smile, was hired by Valentes.



Chapter 23 I'm Not Interested In You [Fifth More]

"Master Wuchen, do we want to report it to the chairman?" Aya Tsuji Ayase looked at Wuchen and suggested: "If that adult helps, it will be easy to dismantle them."

"She? Forget it, that woman can't be counted on at all." Hearing this, Wuchen's face swept a cold arc, full of contempt and disdain. If he reported Yuqiyuan Nagi in the past, the chairman would definitely ask for evidence.

If everything requires evidence, it is doomed to fail in the end.

"In a few days, I will personally destroy that Xiao Academy. If anyone dares to plot against me, no one wants to live." Wuchen said sternly: "The entire campus will be buried with them. It's just a den of thieves anyway."

"Master Wuchen, I don't know why, but my body is suddenly very hot."

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