Is it useful to be louder than a voice?Nothing can be changed.

"Today, I must defeat you in front of everyone's eyes." Hei Tiezhu Shizuku looked at Wuchen with awe, his fighting spirit was high.

The shame of the past must be washed away in today's war.

"Let the horses come."

Hearing this, Wuchen twitched his fingers and deliberately frightened: "If you lose, I will spank your ass in front of everyone's eyes."

"You are presumptuous!"

Hei Tiezhu Shizuku's pretty face instantly turned as red as blood, and immediately became furious. The girl's slender body floated out of the bone-piercing cold mist, which spread over the entire field in the blink of an eye.

"Hei Tie, according to your opinion, who will win this game."

On the rostrum at the moment, the chairman and Hei Tieyan were present, and other teachers were silently observing the game.

Regarding the chairman's question, Hei Tieyan hesitated for a while, and then said calmly: "From the standpoint of a father, of course I hope that my daughter will win, but it's a pity."

Yesterday, Wuchen left an indelible impression on him. Hei Tieyan knew that although this daughter had outstanding talent, some gaps could not be easily bridged by mere talent.


The floor in the center of the arena was completely frozen, and the thick ice cubes exuded a crystal clear light. Looking around, the entire arena was frozen by the black iron bead Shizuku in just one thought.

Even Wuchen was frozen by ice cubes and turned into ice sculptures, but his face remained calm and didn't care much.

"Little devil, you are too reckless."

Wuchen exerted a little force, and the ice cubes that had frozen his whole body collapsed. He looked at the black iron bead Shizuku with sweat stains on his forehead, and said slowly, "This kind of large-scale attack is too expensive, it's too early for you now. , although the scene is spectacular, the effect it plays is pitiful, and the biggest drawback is that the magic power you consume is too large to carry."

This is not Wuchen's nonsense. He has read the information about the black iron beads Shizuku, and the magic content is C, which can't stand how many times of consumption.

"Hmph, now that you are surrounded by the ice cubes I made, how dare you speak up?" Hei Tiezhu Shizuku's eyes flashed with divine light, and he smiled proudly: "What can you do if you consume a lot of ice cubes, in this world of ice cubes, I'm the..."

"The fire escapes the fire and extinguishes it!"

In an instant, an overwhelming sea of ​​fire swept out of Wuchen's mouth, and the overwhelming momentum even dyed the space red. The flames raged across the field in an instant, and the ice cubes that froze the field of play disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"He still does this trick?"

The most shocking of them was undoubtedly Stella. Looking at the flames in the center of the arena, it was as unstoppable as a tsunami. The ice cubes were melted almost instantly, which could be called destructive.

Seeing this, Stella could not help clenching her fists. In her own words, it was almost impossible to burn these ice cubes to pieces. On the other hand, Wuchen did it in the blink of an eye.

Chapter 20 Black Iron Ikki hangs up [Second]

The fire raging in the center of the arena was difficult to contain, filling the entire arena, including the surrounding area of ​​the Black Iron Bead Shizuku.

"Damn, damn, damn..."

Black Iron Pearl Shizuku kept scolding, she tried to use the ice magic to force back the flames, but the temperature of these fires was too high, and the water that had just spilled out of the body would be evaporated.

"you lose."

Wuchen's emotionless voice resounded through the audience, and said lightly: "You are nicknamed [Deep Sea Witch], and most of the tricks you use are water-based, so you have no chance of winning in front of this flame."

Wuchen's tone was as cold as a death sentence, and Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku's pretty face immediately turned pale.

Water can overcome fire, but fire also overcomes water, and the dust-free ability to play with fire is obviously better, and the black iron bead Shizuku was brutally suppressed.

"I, I, I admit defeat!" In desperation, Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku gritted his silver teeth and reluctantly admitted defeat.

There is no way if she doesn't admit defeat, the flames around her are like a cage, the black iron bead Shizuku cannot move an inch, and the condensed water tricks will also be evaporated immediately.

"It's boring."

After waiting for the referee to announce the winner, Wuchen left alone. Next was the game between Kurotsu Ikki and Kirihara Shizaki, but it seemed to have to wait until the afternoon.

Wuchen was not interested in watching it. It was estimated that it was like the original work. Kurotie Ikki was beaten for a while, and then the small universe exploded, killing the Kirihara Shizuo again.


In the hallway of the dormitory, there was no one, and Wuchen held the back of his head with both hands, humming a little song along the way.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

A figure followed Wuchen, hiding like a thief and following him closely.

"Strange, what about people?"

After passing a corner, the girl couldn't help but look left and right, and was surprised to find that the dust-free world had evaporated.

"Are you following me?"

The void beside the girl distorted for a while, and appeared strangely without dust.

"You, you, you are a human or a ghost!?"

The girl was so frightened that she backed away again and again, and Wuchen's strange appearance really made her jump.

"If it's a ghost, you'll be dead." Wuchen responded indifferently, staring at the girl's fair face, and said, "Are you called Aya Tsuji Aase?"

"You know me?" The girl's eyes widened slightly.

"do not know."

Wuchen responded very simply, and then said bluntly: "But ah, there are only two kinds of people who follow me. Either they want to kill me, or they want to ask me. You should belong to the second category, right?"

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