"Didn't that woman ask me to meet? She disappeared."

When Wuchen was about to turn around and leave, the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa did speak.

"Young man, are you going to ignore me?"

Gujing Wubo's voice came out of his mouth, and there was no emotional fluctuation.

"young people?"

Wuchen glanced at this person from the corner of his eyes, and after examining him for a moment, he said coldly, "No matter who you are, pay attention to your tone."

Wuchen's real age is more than enough to be his ancestor!

"Sure enough, it's the same as what the chairman of Xingong Temple said. You are a rebellious person. Although you look frivolous on the surface, you are actually arrogant than anyone else."

The man in the suit on the sofa was not angry either. He introduced himself in a gentle manner: "My name is Kuro Tezyan, the father of Kuro Tie Zhu Shizuku. I heard that you and Zhu Shizuku had some conflicts before, sorry."

Hearing this, Wuchen's expression softened a little, and he asked directly, "Did you ask the chairman to call me here? We don't seem to know each other, and to a certain extent, they are still quasi-enemies."

After all, Wuchen has a bad relationship with Kurotsuzhu Shizuku and Kurotsu Ikki.

"That said, there is no enemy that is not an enemy."

Heo Tieyan showed a smile and said quite gently: "I heard that your opponent tomorrow is Zhu Shizuku?"


Wuchen nodded and admitted, then added: "If you want me to lose to her, forget it."


Hei Tieyan's expression froze for a moment, and he took a deep breath and said, "To tell the truth, I have always valued Zhu Shizuku. If you let her be eliminated in the first match, wouldn't you say it? After all, the Kurotetsu family is also a famous family in Japan, and it will be disgraceful to be found out.”

"If you want to complain, you can only complain about her bad luck." Wuchen said indifferently, he already understood Hei Tieyan's intention, and he probably wanted to release the water himself.

The idea is very good, but it is absolutely impossible, because once Wuchen releases water, it means that the one who loses is himself. Although Wuchen doesn't care about the final result, he can crush the black with his own hands in front of everyone's eyes. How could Tie Yihui's dignity be lost to Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku, absolutely not.

"I heard that Your Excellency seems to have grievances with Yihui." Hei Tieyan looked at Wuchen with burning eyes, and suggested: "I have a suggestion, Your Excellency may wish to listen."

"I can use my own power to discredit Ikki, or even be kicked out of this school, provided you have to lose to Zhu Shizuku and let her participate in the [Seven Star Sword Dance Festival] as the representative of the Pojun Academy. Competition." Hei Tieyan's eyes flashed a strange light, shining like the bright moon, and he seemed to be sure that Wuchen would agree to him.

"Are you... serious?" Wuchen looked straight at Hei Tieyan, with no hint of joy or anger in his tone.

"Of course it's true, it's better to tell your Excellency directly, I have been making things difficult for Ikki to graduate, but that kid's temper is too stubborn to listen to me." Hei Tieyan said helplessly.

"Although your conditions are very attractive, my answer is...don't dream!"

The dust-free face squeezed out a sneer, and said contemptuously: "Do you think that without you, I can't let him be disgraced? It's ridiculous! I need to cooperate with someone like you!?"

After he finished speaking, Wuchen left, leaving behind only Hei Tieyan, whose face was ashen.

Chapter 19 Overwhelming Strength [First Update]

For people like Hei Tieyan, Wuchen is actually very annoying. It is understandable for a person to use some despicable means in order to achieve their goals. Wuchen used to be this type of character, after all, everyone has weak times.

But no matter what, there is a bottom line for certain things, such as Hei Tieyan's dirty means of using his own son, Wuchen scoffs.

As for cooperation?Go to hell!

"Your Excellency has figured it out."

Kuro Tieyan stood up with a hint of threat in his tone, "I'm the head of the Japanese branch of the International Magic Knights Alliance, and there's no harm in going against me."

Hearing this, Wuchen's steps stopped, his eyes shone with scarlet light, and he took out his ears and asked, "What are you talking about? My ears are not good, can you repeat what you just said? "

A sullen look flashed in Hei Tieyan's eyes, his mouth was wriggling, and when he was about to speak, a chilling air came to his face, Hei Tieyan immediately felt as if he had been stripped of his clothes and thrown into the North Pole. All shivered.

"I, I didn't say anything!" Hei Tieyan forced a smile, "Go slowly!"

"That's good. Only obedient and interesting people live the longest. I think Minister Hei Tie will definitely live a hundred years in the future."

Wuchen's face also showed a smile, the difference was that it was full of irony. This old boy was a typical bullying type.

Maybe he was a little weaker just now, and Hei Tieyan got even worse.

After Wuchen left, Hei Tieyan sat down with a gloomy face.

"Okay, so strong!"

Thinking of Wuchen's terrifying look just now, Hei Tieyan still feels his scalp numb, as if on pins and needles.

To be able to sit in the position of minister, Hei Tieyan must have a unique vision, and the city is very deep. After a short confrontation, he immediately understood what kind of character Wuchen was.

"This kind of person can't be offended, only flattered." Hei Tieyan's eyes kept rolling, and soon his eyes lit up, thinking about it, and then his hearty smile spread from the office.


Until the early morning of the second day, the civil war at the Po Military Academy completely kicked off, and several mock fields started fighting at the same time.

The siblings, Kurotsuzhu Shizuku and Kurotsu Ikki, competed on this day, facing Wuchen and Kirihara Shizaki respectively.

The match between Wuchen and Kurotsuzhu Shizuku was in the morning, as for Kurotsu Ikki and Kirihara Shizuki, it was in the afternoon.

"Miss Zhu Shizuku will win!"

In the audience at this moment, the excited voices of the audience can be heard, and it can be said that everyone is optimistic about the black iron beads Shizuku.

"I really can't tell, you are so popular!" In the middle of the arena, Wuchen listened to the deafening cheers, calmly.

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