
After waiting to return to the dormitory, Julis had returned early, and the little girl looked out the window in a daze.

"Where's Si Chun? Little devil."

Wuchen lay comfortably on the mattress, rubbed his feet, and urged, "My lovely servant, come and pinch my feet for me."

"Do you have any sympathy for this guy?" Julis complained with extreme dissatisfaction.

However, she came over to pinch her feet wisely, as Wuchen said, she was a servant.

"What, looking at your lost appearance, is it because Kuro Tie Ikki and Kuro Tie Zhu Shizuku have crossed the boundary between siblings, and they have a leg? If that's the case, you will be out of this game." Wuchen Gleefully looked at Stella.

"Sure enough, nothing good comes out of your mouth."

Stella's pretty face showed a hint of worry, and explained: "Tomorrow is the selection competition for the representative of the [Seven-Star Sword and Martial Art Festival]. Ikki's opponent is the guy called Kirihara Shizaki."

"No wonder..."

Wuchen suddenly realized when he heard the words, and said with a wicked smile: "That's bad, I've heard that those two had grievances before, tsk tsk... This time I was caught by that Tongyuan Jingshi, but I won't. Easy to bypass that kid."

"That's what I'm worried about!" Stella nodded solemnly, and then asked, "Do you think Ikki will defeat him?"

"Of course it will."

Wuchen said without thinking, one sentence made Stella smile, but the next sentence made her want to cry without tears.

"If I get killed, how can I teach Ikki Kurotetsu a lesson in the future? So he must defeat that Kirihara Shizuki."

"Is it interesting to bully a weakling?!" Stella complained about Wuchen's dissatisfaction, and pinched his feet harder.

"You want to break my foot, right? You are so powerful!" Wuchen rolled his eyes angrily, and then said faintly: "So, I still advise you to part ways with that kid, otherwise you will definitely become a Widow's."

"You bastard is really a broom star!" Julis punched Wuchen, but he was easily resolved by him.

"By the way, who is your opponent tomorrow?" Stella looked at the phone and said slowly, "My opponent is a third-year senior."

"Me? I haven't watched it yet, but what's the difference between watching it and not watching it? Don't you think I can't lose?"

Wuchen waved his hands in disapproval, not taking the so-called competition into his eyes at all. It was just a fight between a group of children. Does it make any difference who the opponent is?

"Don't look at me, let's see which unlucky bastard met you for the first time!"

Stella took a look at the mobile phone that Wuchen had placed beside the bed, and the school administration would automatically send who the opponent was to the mailbox.

"Hahaha... Now there's a good show to watch."

Looking at the phone screen, Stella wiped her eyes. At first she thought she was dazzled, but after reading it carefully, tears of laughter flowed out.

"Could it be that my opponent is your enemy?" Silently looking at Stella, who couldn't close her mouth with a smile, Wuchen was also interested, and she was slightly startled when she grabbed the phone.

"Oh, oh... This is really a narrow road for friends." Wuchen's face also outlines a smile that is not a smile. It may be unbelievable to say it, but his opponent is the black iron pearl Shizuku. No wonder Stella is so happy to be like this. .

Chapter 18 Hei Tieyan [fifth more]

"Hahaha... The incestuous girl must be finished this time, you definitely won't let the water go, right?"

Stella clutched her stomach and laughed exaggeratedly, rolling around without image next to Wuchen.

"Of course." Wuchen answered with certainty, without relatives or reasons, why would he release water?

"Hey...you must play for a long time, and teach me a lesson about the incest-loving airport." Stella winked at Wuchen, and she didn't even need to tell her. This chick pinched her feet very considerately. Relax.

It is not difficult to see that Stella is really resentful towards Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku.

"Hungry or not? Do I need this princess to cook for you and cook you something delicious to treat you?"

Stella's beautiful eyes were beating with a strange luster, and her pretty face, which could be broken by bullets, was about to stick to the dust-free face.

"Princess Tangtang cooks for me. I really can't bear it. You don't need to meddle with your own business. Go do whatever you want. I want to take a break."

Wuchen waved his hand and issued an expulsion order to Stella.

"Then you have a good rest. In the evening, this princess will let you taste my craftsmanship."

Stella jumped away, like a cheering elf.

"It's really hopeless."

Looking at the girl who was leaving, Wuchen opened her eyes.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, his mobile phone rang, and Wuchen couldn't help but read it. It was a text message from the chairman of the board. The content was very simple, asking him to meet.

"That woman... I just met, why are you looking for me again?" After complaining, Wuchen got dressed, jumped out of the window, and walked straight to the chairman's office.


At this moment, in the chairman's office, there is already a middle-aged man in a suit.

This man has an old-fashioned appearance, and his facial features are somewhat similar to Heiroi Ikki, but his temperament is too mature. Just sitting there, he doesn't need to show his aura, can make people feel a heavy pressure.

This kind of person, at first glance, has a strong aura that has been trained in high positions for a long time.

It is certain that this person is either rich or expensive.


The door of the office was gently pushed open, and Wuchen walked in, frowning involuntarily.

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