Wuchen had a little impression of this man who was slender than a woman, and remembered that he claimed to be a girl with a male body.

"Let's go have a look together."

Looking at the large supermarket in front of him, Ikki Kurote showed a gentle smile like sunshine to Stella, and then he grabbed Shizuku's small hand and left.

On the other hand, Kurotsuzhu Shizuku was extremely proud, hugged Kurotsu Ikki's arm, and winked at Stella, full of provocation.

"This damn airport, incestuous girl!" Stella clenched her fists, her anger smoldering.

"Why do I feel that you brought me here to shoot yourself in the foot." Looking at the three people walking in front, Wuchen touched his head and said, "You seem to be rejected."

"It's not because of you!" Stella rolled her eyes angrily.

Hearing this, Wuchen didn't deny it, after all, it's a fact.

"Let's go and have a look, you can find a chance to get rid of that incest kid." Stella told Wuchen her plan, "It's best to get out with the roommate next to her."

"I'd like to ask what kind of ecstasy soup that kid gave you." Wuchen couldn't help but envy and hate, Kurotie Ikki was too lucky, and he always felt that Stella's current IQ was close to a negative number.

"Forget it, I'll try my best to find an opportunity." Wuchen sighed, and Quan was bored to pass the time.

After entering the mall, Stella immediately took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Ikki Kurotetsu and asked the kid to accompany her to buy clothes.

Naturally, Kurotsuzhu Shizuku would not give Stella a chance, and also asked Kurotie Ikki to accompany her to buy perfume.

After arguing for half an hour, the two chicks stopped when they felt thirsty, and they found a beverage shop and sat down.

Wuchen and Stella sat on one side, Kurotsuzhu Shizuku and Arisuin Nagi sat next to each other, and Kurotsu Ikki sat on the other side awkwardly.

"You don't help me either. When I quarreled with Zhu Shizuku just now, the one named Arisu was on her side. The same roommate, why are you so bad?!" Wuchen by the window complained in a low voice, in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "That guy is simply a model among roommates!"

"Idiot, it would be too naive if you really think so. Don't just look at some things on the surface."

Wuchen shook his head, glanced at Nagi Arisu from the corner of his eyes, and calmly analyzed: "I think he's a little scary, it's amazing that this kid can gain the trust of Hei Tiezhu Shizuku in just one day, he's very good at attacking hearts. ... This kind of person is either the type that is innocent and simple, who is easy to win the trust of others, or a person who is very shrewd and very scheming, don't be paralyzed by his sad appearance, pay attention. "

"It's really scary."

When Wuchen said this, Stella couldn't help but take a deep look at Nagi Arisu. She felt that Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku was very indifferent and the type of person who was difficult to get along with. She only had her brother in her eyes. Yuan Nagi can gain her trust in just one day, thinking about it very much!

"Brother, I'm a little dizzy, go to the bathroom and go to the bathroom with me, okay?" Kuro Tie Zhu Shizuku suddenly snorted at Kuro Tie Ikki, her beautiful eyes full of spring.

Seeing this, Wuchen suddenly got goosebumps and cramps all over her body. As for Stella, she kept scolding incestuous girls.

"This is not good?" Kurotie Ikki laughed dryly. How could he, a big man, go to the women's bathroom?

"There's nothing wrong with that, we're brothers and sisters!" Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku said disapprovingly.

"Zhu Shizuku, it's really difficult for a strong man, why don't I go with you." Arisuin Nagi said it doesn't matter.

"Okay then." Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku nodded in disappointment, and then she glared at Stella, the meaning was obvious - you don't want to take advantage of the fire.

After the two left, Stella winked at Wuchen, Wuchen was not stupid, and immediately made an OK gesture, this little girl was implying that she was going to delay time.

In front of the women's bathroom at the moment, Wuchen's expression was slightly painful, and he regretted it a little. Why did he agree to that little girl?It should be rejected obviously, otherwise it will be mistaken for a perverted person!

"Boy, stop, don't you know that's the women's bathroom?!"

Just when Wuchen was about to go in, a clear warning from the girl suddenly came from behind.

"None of your business, a man went in just now, why didn't you stop him?" Wuchen scolded impatiently without turning his head: "I just went into the women's bathroom, not to peep, don't be too much. Mind your own business and play in the mud."

"That guy is a man? But he just claimed to be a woman!"

Hearing this, the corner of Wuchen's mouth twitched, and he was really defeated by Nagi Arisu, and he was not so shameless yet.

Then Wuchen turned back depressed and looked at the brown-haired beauty who was close at hand, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The girl in front of her was wearing the uniform of the Po Military Academy and a pair of glasses, and she looked gentle. Her big watery eyes were staring at Wuchen. This person was white and beautiful, with a delicate and flawless appearance. The face is as delicate as a piece of beautiful jade, and the whole face seems to be made of water, which makes people want to touch it.

"Isn't this the student council president? I remember it was called Dongtang Daohua."

Wuchen was a little stunned. I didn't expect it to be so coincidental, but Dongtang Daohua's eyes were not quite right. Her eyes shot bright rays of light, and she released an extremely powerful momentum. There were lightning flashes around her.

"Damn, you're treating me like a pervert!"

Wuchen was extremely depressed, he opened his mouth and was about to explain, that is, at this time, the abnormality protruded.



Chapter 14 Disposal in a Pot [First Update]

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The huge explosion was deafening, and the whole building was shaking violently.

"Is it a terrorist attack?"

Wuchen pondered secretly, and when she looked at Dongtang Daohua again, she had disappeared and was running towards the stairs quickly.

"Bought so many kids clothes and juice?"

Wuchen looked at the whole bag of clothes that Dongtang Daohua was carrying, thanks to this little girl who was able to take them down by herself, there are dozens of pieces at least.

A flash of light suddenly appeared in his mind, and Wuchen suddenly remembered that Dongtang Daohua seemed to have been an orphan since he was a child. He grew up in an orphanage and bought so many clothes and various kinds of juice. It is estimated that he had to go back to visit those children.

"Why are you pervert standing here?"

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