There was a clear and tender drink from the girl behind her. Wuchen turned her head and saw that it was the black iron bead Shizuku with a red face. She looked at Wuchen angrily and asked, "Could it be that you came to peek at me using the toilet?"

"Hehe... Since you said that I'm a pervert, then it's not a matter of course to do some perverted things." Wuchen showed a wretched smile, his eyes glowed with dim light, as if terrifying to blame Shu Shu, and joked: " Remember yesterday that your fat time was black, what color is it today? You little girl has a bad taste, should it be purple today? Too mature and charming is not suitable for you, kid."

"Student Wuchen, please pay attention to your tone." Arisuin's face was slightly condensed, and there was a hint of displeasure and warning in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I've never known good or bad." Wuchen grinned and only listened to it.

Hearing this, Arisuin Nagi clenched his fist slightly, his eyes flickered, but he was very good at suppressing it, and his fist also loosened.

"You have a kind of kid, don't think it's okay, I will definitely come back, then you will... hum!"

Black Iron Pearl Shizuku made a gesture of wiping his neck, and his expression was also very cruel.

In fact, she was in a mess at the moment, and she thought to herself, "Did you really see that freak?"

It's really dust-free. Today, the black iron beads Shizuku wears purple!

"Just leave those terrorists to them. I'd better find a place where no one is alone to rest."

Wuchen walked towards the rooftop set by the stairs, just a few little hooligans.


Where Wuchen and others were drinking juice before, now countless terrorists in black are holding firearms, imprisoning a large number of ordinary people who are helpless in batches, scattered and not easy to be wiped out.

"Smile sir."

A group of younger brothers with guns gathered in front of a man in black, all with respectful faces.

"Is everyone in control?"

The BOSS, who was called Smile, asked.

"Reporting to the boss, there is not one left, we have all caught." The younger brothers nodded respectfully.

"very good."

He smiled with a satisfied look, and then distributed some flyers to a few people, "Go catch me all of this group of people, and there will be a big reward for every one caught."

Hearing this, the group of younger brothers were all excited as if they had been beaten with blood, and they searched one by one according to the appearance on the flyer.

"Remember, if these characters on the list resist, take hostages and threaten them!"

The sinister arc of the smiling lips raised a shudder.

"It's really strange, why is there no movement at all."

Wuchen, who was lying on the rooftop, opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky with a hint of doubt in his heart.

It's just an ordinary minion, a terrorist. It's been more than ten minutes, and it seems that there is no sign of a fight.

"Could it be that it has been resolved?"

Wuchen's eyes were ignoring the blue sky, and when he was about to leave, there was a messy footstep at the entrance of the stairs.

"Where did that guy named Wuchen go?"

"The devil knows, I've been looking for a long time!"

"Hurry up and catch him, and then go to the boss with a smile to receive the reward, and there is nothing left to search for this rooftop."


There were noisy discussions from the entrance of the stairs. They just ran out, and the few people who responded were dense rays of light.


All three of them had scary holes cut out in their heads, and they walked to hell with unwillingness on their cheeks. When they reported to the King of Hell, they didn't even know who the enemy was!

"No wonder those guys didn't move, tsk tsk... This is interesting. It seems that this is not an ordinary terrorist attack."

Wuchen picked up the flyers in the hands of several people, and the pupils overflowed with ripples.

"Tick tock..."

At this moment, the mobile phone in Wuchen's pocket suddenly rang. In fact, he can't use this kind of thing, but the opponents in the campus civil war will be sent to the mobile phone mailbox, and Wuchen can only do one.


After reading the phone number, Wuchen was quite surprised, and then pressed the answer button.

"Sure enough, nothing happened to you."

After Wuchen answered the phone, the chairman opposite immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's Stella and Ikki Kurotsu who have a problem, right?" Wuchen asked without hesitation.

"I don't know the specific situation. Anyway, they can't get through on the phone. Only you can get through. Someone just called the police and said that there was a terrorist attack in your place." The chairman said slowly.

"This is not a simple terrorist attack. It is estimated that they were prepared in advance, and they came to our group."

Wuchen shook his head and looked at the flyer in his hand. It was Stella, Ikki Kurotetsu, and himself, so could it be a coincidence?

"It is estimated that several of them have been caught." Wuchen said to the chairman on the opposite side of the phone.

"How is that possible?" The chairman immediately denied it, shook his head again and again, and said solemnly: "Whether it's Ikki Kurotsu, Stella, or Shizuku Kurotie, all of them are the best in our school, how could they be attacked by a group of terrifying gunmen? Molecules are taken away in one pot."

"But it's a fact that they can't connect to your phone." Wuchen bluntly attacked and sneered: "It is undeniable that their strength is more than enough to deal with terrorists, but there is a word called soldiers who never tire of deceit, that group of terrorists are well prepared. Come here, it is estimated that if you threaten the hostages, those immature brats will disarm and surrender!"

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