
On the other side, Stella and Ikki Kurote finally met, and told him the dust-free conditions.

"Let me be his servant?!"

Thinking of Wuchen's horror, Ikki Heiro's face stiffened, and then he fell silent.

At the same time, she couldn't help but complain about Stella. Isn't this pushing herself into the fire pit?He had cheated on Wuchen before, that guy has been brooding and wanted to find a chance to take revenge on himself. If he became Wuchen's servant, wouldn't he be looking for abuse?

If it was someone else, Ikki Kurotetsu would still be willing to give it a try. As soon as he met Stella, he had an indescribable feeling, but if the object was Wuchen, forget it!

"Sorry, I can't agree." Kurotie Ikki shook his head decisively.


When Stella came back again, her beautiful face was full of disappointment.

"Oh, oh my...my princess, you look like you have failed." As soon as he entered the room, Wuchen laughed schadenfreudely, "How is it, that guy refused? In fact, when you left , I knew you were going to fail."

"Then you asked me to test that guy!?" Stella looked at Wuchen angrily, those eyes were about to kill.

"It's just for you to recognize the reality, not to mention that you have to verify it yourself, and I didn't force you." Wuchen made a decisive decision, and in the end, this chick is still not giving up.

"You're also a princess anyway, and you're not a nympho. What's the charm of that guy? Is he handsome or powerful, or does he have a strong background?" Wuchen looked at Stella depressedly, maybe this was the The power of the protagonist's halo can weaken a woman's IQ.

"You seem to want to say something." Stella frowned as she looked at Wuchen, then smiled sweetly, her face showed a splendid radian, and she said with her hands on her hips: "Aren't you fascinated by this princess, look at me and Is that kid jealous because he got close? No... This seems to be called jealousy? Hehe..."

A silver bell-like laughter emanated from the girl's mouth, and Wuchen just laughed when she heard the words, "With such a rich imagination, it's a pity not to be a writer."

"I just want to tell you one thing. Frankly speaking, I don't hate you very much. I'm also a roommate anyway, and you have a layer of identity - my servant!"

When mentioning the servant, Wuchen deliberately gritted her words, and Stella's cheeks twitched a few times, wishing she could beat Wuchen.

"Why don't I tell you directly, I have already put Ikki Kuro Iron on the list of enemies. My enemy has always been a dead end. If he likes him, he will become a widow." Wuchen said lightly, both advice and warning. .

"Does this guy seem to hate him?" Stella's pretty face swept a wicked arc, "Why don't you do this, how about you do me a favor?"

"Let's talk about it." Anyway, it was boring, and Wuchen also wanted to go out for a walk.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, let's go shopping." Stella said seriously looking at Wuchen.

Hearing this, Wuchen took out his ears and asked in surprise, "Is something wrong with my ears? You asked me out?"

"You heard that right." Stella nodded lightly, and then said with a wicked smile, "Tomorrow, Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku will ask Ikki to go shopping, you can help me destroy it."

"I mean, do you want me to be their brother and sister's light bulb and create opportunities for you?"

Wuchen scolded directly, feeling this chick wanted to use herself to create opportunities for her, so she couldn't help but raise her middle finger, scheming bitch.

"You don't agree?!"

Stella was suddenly unhappy, and looked at Wuchen with bright eyes, and said, "His sister is simply a brother-in-law, don't you know the meaning of incest?!"

"OK, I promise."

There was a gloomy arc at the corner of his mouth, and Wuchen said with a smile: "You may not know, I like to trample on those beautiful things."


At noon the next day, Wuchen and Stella went out together, and it took about ten minutes before everyone arrived at the appointed place to meet.

Wuchen and Stella were the last to come, and when they met, Kuro Iron Beads Shizuku and Kuro Iron Ikki both had their faces stiffened.

As for the young man beside Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku, it should be her roommate.

"Why are you here?"

Hei Tie Zhu Shizuku gritted his teeth and waited for Wu Chen, those beautiful eyes that were as pure as jade were about to burst into flames.

"Why can't I come?"

Wuchen glanced at Hei Tiezhu Shizuku lightly, then glanced at his roommate next to him, and said lightly, "Since your roommate is here, why can't I?"


Hei Tiezhu Shizuku's mouth froze for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and said, "Arisu came with me!"

"That dust-free is my bodyguard!"

Without waiting for Wuchen to speak, Stella spoke first, confronting Black Iron Bead Shizuku tit for tat, it was really incompatible.

"Bodyguard? I'm your master, okay!" Wuchen gave Stella a white glance, but didn't say much.

"You horny princess."

Black Iron Pearl Shizuku was speechless and only gritted his silver teeth in anger.

"Forget it, it's all trivial matters, let's go for a walk together." Ikki Kurotetsu saw that the two sides were about to fight, and hurriedly stood up to be a good guy.

He glanced at Wuchen out of the corner of his eyes, this guy must have no good intentions, and immediately secretly guarded.

Chapter 13 Dongtang Daohua [Third]

"Is alert useful? The gap between us can't be made up by mere alert."

Wuchen smiled without saying a word, then ignored Ikki Kuro Tetsu, and couldn't help but glance at the young man standing beside Kuro Tie Zhu Shizuku.

"Is it called Yuzu?"

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