"Let me go?! Hahaha, Wuchen, you are still arrogant as always, do you know why I chose this place?"

Mathias suddenly laughed frantically, and said with a grim face: "Why can Ophelia become the strongest witch in the world? It's because of this laboratory, there is something very hidden in it!"

"But this laboratory was all blown up because of a malfunction." Julis frowned. She was from this country, so she knew it perfectly.

"Blown up?"

Mathias curled his lips and showed a contemptuous smile, "The person in charge of this experiment is the great doctor. That woman has always been cunning and left behind the most important things, but most of the experimental materials did blow up."

"All in all, you want to show that you have transformed and have the strength to compete with me, right?"

Wuchen went straight to the topic and talked nonsense for a long time. This guy just wanted to express one meaning - I succeeded!

"Yes, I found the Wanying Jingjing left by the experiment, and implanted it in my body. In fact, I had a plan to die, but I didn't expect it to succeed in the end. Even God is helping me. , I am absolutely invincible now!"

Mathias looked at Wuchen triumphantly, trying to catch the fear from his cheeks.

But Wuchen has always maintained indifference and calmness. From the beginning to the end, his eyes are full of peaceful colors, and he is unshakable and not shaken in the slightest.

Fear?Not to mention the junk like Mathias, in the more ancient years, when Wuchen faced God, he was not afraid!

"Come here, I'll see how much you've improved." Wuchen showed his signature move, hooked his fingers at Mathias, and made no secret of his contempt.

"you wanna die!!!"

"Boom boom... boom boom... boom boom..."

When Mathiaston burst into full force, his body was like a flood dam, and a violent star force burst out.

"Bang bang bang..."

Affected by this violent force, Julis, Sylvia and the others who were caught off guard were all blown away, their bodies smashed heavily on the wall, and their internal organs trembled.

"So strong!"

Sylvia couldn't help showing a look of consternation. This terrifying star power far surpassed Ophelia, because Orpheus was not so exaggerated at the time of the "Wanglong Star Martial Art Festival", and she was lifted off by the star power alone.

"Of course it's strong enough. This lunatic is more powerful than Ophelia, and there are more than [-] quick response crystals in his body."

Wuchen saw through Mathias instantly through Tensei's observation. Twenty Elemental Crystals provided infinite power, while Ophelia, who was also a test subject, only had more than [-] Elements of Omniscient.

In the case of not being dust-free, at this moment Mathias is the number one in the world, invincible in the world, and it is estimated that no one can defeat him.


Unable to withstand the impact of Mathias' momentum, the laboratory collapsed and collapsed, and the steel plates with a thickness of tens of centimeters were easily twisted and shredded by him.

"You are the same as Ophelia, drinking poison to quench thirst, is extremely stupid."

Wuchen is dismissive, the human body can't bear the crystallization of all things, although there are heretics such as Ophelia and Mathias, but in the end, they are still desperate.

After a long time, without dust-free hands, his body will crack on its own.


Chapter 75 Still Crushing [First Update]

Therefore, in Wuchen's eyes, Mathias at this moment is no different from a mad dog, because the price for obtaining this strength will be his own life.

"Hahaha... This power is really pleasing, I feel like I have stepped into the level of a god."

Feeling the continuous power, Mathias laughed wildly, revealing endless joy in his words.

This time, finally Nima's salted fish turned over.

"The level of a god? If it's just like this, you feel that you have reached the level of a god, then the god is really sad, and you are the weakest and most useless god I have ever seen."

Wuchen opened his mouth to ridicule, this kind of power dares to call himself a god?I have never seen a big turtle on the market!

"It's arrogant, and I'll make you kneel and beg me later!"

Mathias gave a grim smile, he suddenly took out a sword hilt, and then injected star power into it.

A magic sword that cut iron like mud suddenly appeared.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Without further ado, Mathias turned into a storm and swept in.

"Reaction is too slow!"

When he was in front of Wuchen, his face was still dull, and the contempt on Mathias's face was even stronger.

Sure enough, he is a frivolous person who only speaks big words!


Mathias held the sword in both hands, and the strength contained tens of millions of pounds, and the dangerous sword edge went straight to the dust-free head.


At the moment of the dust-free cut, Mathias's arm trembled on the spot, and then a "click" sound suddenly came.

"Damn, how hard are human brains?!"

Looking at the safe and sound dust-free, Mathias's face was stunned. Looking around, his pure star-brilliant armament was broken.

"Come on, don't stop, keep going..."

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