Julis glared at Wuchen with a fierce look.


In a dark abandoned laboratory at the moment.

It was pitch-dark here, and the five fingers could not be seen, and there were constant screams all around, and the "squeak" sound made people goosebumps.

"What the hell is this place?"

Sylvia looked dazed, this is where Mathias informed the meeting.

A faint light flashed beside Sylvia, it was the power of stars, and the originally blurred dark space suddenly brightened a lot.


Sylvia looked at the place where the strange screams came from, her eyes widened to the extreme, and she was very surprised. It was the first time she saw such a big mouse, bigger than a person.

"It seems like..."

Jobot, who was caught by Silvia, showed a heavy look in his eyes. He forgot to take a look at the dark and dilapidated warehouse, and he could clearly see all kinds of experimental equipment. It was more like a destroyed warehouse than an abandoned warehouse. secret laboratory.

"Could it be that this is that place? I remember that there was a huge accident that year."

Jobt muttered to himself in a deep voice.

"Yes, this was the test base of [The Great Doctor], but it was destroyed by a malfunction, and there were a lot of radioactive substances, which also caused the creatures here to mutate. The witch Ophelia was born from here. "

A gentle voice came from the darkness, and Yobert and Sylvia looked over at the same time.

It is the cheek of Mathias!

"I brought people."

Pointing to Jobot, Sylvia said plainly, "Now let me meet my teacher, Ursula."

"I'm sorry, I can't do it. She didn't come back before she went out. I guess she was caught." Mathias said extremely plainly.

"Didn't come back?"

Sylvia's beautiful eyes stagnated lightly, and she thought to herself, "Could it be that the teacher was caught by that guy Wuchen?"

The only people who can take down Ursula are Wuchen.

"With you, Wuchen will obey my arrangement. That Wuchen is very affectionate, and you are his future brother-in-law." Mathias looked at Jobbert with shining eyes.

"Is the chairman of the Phoenix Star Martial Festival so despicable?" Jobert looked at Mathias with annoyance, this guy has no limits.

"What can be despicable, I only care about the ending." Mathias smiled indifferently.

"The ending? Do you think you can still see the ending?"

A sneering voice came from the other side, and several people were startled, especially Mathias's face changed greatly, his eyes looked over, and Wuchen's annoying cheek immediately came into view.

"How did this guy show up?"

Mathias was stunned. This abandoned laboratory had his surveillance, but Wuchen appeared like a ghost, evading the camera's observation.

"There are so many things you can't understand."

Wuchen responded lightly, and looked at Mathias with awe-inspiring murderous intent, this old boy is sure to die, no one can save him!


Chapter 74 Amazing improvement [fourth more]

"How did you know we were here? I didn't inform you." Sylvia looked at Wuchen in surprise, then rolled her eyes and glanced at Jobot, "Could it be through the coordinates in his hand? "

"No, I guess."

Wuchen smiled lightly and explained: "I rescued your Ursula, and after hearing him talk about Mathias' ambitions, I vaguely guessed this place."

"What ambition does this guy have?"

Sylvia couldn't help but re-examine Mathias, she hadn't figured out Mathias's purpose all along.

Could it be cracked by Wuchen?

"This is the place where Ophelia was subjected to human experiments." Julius said cautiously, "It is a place full of sins."

"Indeed, but there are also huge treasures hidden here. It is estimated that there are a large number of all-purpose crystals here, which are the core materials for making pure star weapons. It is estimated that Mathias is here."

Wuchen glanced at Mathias, the old guy's face suddenly stiffened, and he lowered his head silently.

"I heard Ursula say that your goal seems to be to gain great power, create a brand new world system, and let you rule the world alone? Your ambition is really not small."

Wuchen stared at the gentle Mathias, this guy looks quite refined, but is actually ambitious.

"But why do you want to control the world and come here?" Yobert asked in confusion.

Hearing this, Wuchen slowly said: "To rule a world, what is the most needed thing, money? Power? It's not right, first of all, we must turn ourselves into an invincible existence, and deter everyone like a god! I It is estimated that Mathias is here because he wants to follow Ophelia and take an alternative shortcut to gain great strength."

After finishing speaking, everyone's eyes turned to Mathias, and it seemed that Wuchen had guessed what was on his mind, and this guy's expression suddenly became extremely ugly.

"Yes, I do hate this world!"

Mathias took a deep breath and said ambitiously: "What's wrong with me wanting to change this stupid world? Why are those consortiums so high, and some capable people are destined to be mediocre all their lives?"

"I agree with this point. To be honest, I also hate this kind of system world, but..." Wuchen's eyes flashed with a cold light, "But in order to achieve this goal, you actually used the people around me, and also Dealing with me over and over again, I have no reason to let you go!"

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