Wuchen looked at the unbelievable Mathias and said very generously: "This is your last time on stage, I'll learn from that Ardi...Stand still and let you play for ten minutes!"

Hearing this, Mathias's face was ashen, and the spit star roared out, "Don't be too self-righteous!!!"

"Whoosh whoosh..."

As soon as the voice fell, Mathias waved his lightsaber frantically, and thousands of swords, lights, swords and shadows all hit Wuchen's body.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang..."

However, this has no effect at all. After the sword is cut to dust-free, there will be a roar of steel.

The dust-free in front of him seemed to be a steel bunker. When the blade rubbed against the dust-free skin, sparks would flicker, which could not shake him at all.

"How is this possible?!"

After seven or eight minutes of onslaught, Mathias was out of breath. He looked at Wuchen in disbelief. What kind of monster is this?

My own strength has been improved in dimension, I thought it would open the distance from Wuchen, but who knows that the gap is still so far away.

Mathias's heart is cold. Could it be that the dust-free that he saw before is just the tip of the iceberg, this guy has never shown his full strength from beginning to end?

"Damn monster!"

Mathias couldn't help but scolded, and when he was about to attack Wuchen, he spoke indifferently.

"Ten minutes are up, it's my turn."

Wuchen's closed eyes suddenly opened, and his right foot jumped up, covered with a powerful destructive light, "Light speed kick!"

"Damn it!" Mathias was desperate, looking at the oncoming flash, if he was kicked, it might really be over, and he quickly blocked the pure Xinghuang Armament in front of him to defend against the dust-free attack.


Wuchen fell with one foot, and the hard pure Xinghuang armament was immediately broken, and Mathias flew out in an instant, his body smashed through the wall of the abandoned laboratory, and fell heavily on the snow outside.

Chun Xinghuang Armed Forces helped him resist most of the power, otherwise if the foot fell, this kid may have been disabled, and this weapon was scrapped, and it was considered a death.


Mathias spat out a mouthful of blood in pain, looked up at Wuchen, who was walking near, and saw that his expression was light and calm, and there was no load at all.

On the contrary, Mathias is already on the verge of a critical limit, and defeating Wuchen is just a simple dream!

"Damn, why is he still so strong, I have been strengthened, not as good as him!" Mathias's eyes were scarlet, his fists clenched, and his words were full of unwillingness.

"Stupid stuff."

When he was still a few meters away from Mathias, Wuchen stopped and sneered: "Strength can only be tempered step by step. Taking shortcuts like you will eventually improve only limited."

"You are talking nonsense!" Mathias also sneered again and again, sarcastically: "You say that others take shortcuts, as if you are not the same, otherwise you are young, how can your strength reach this level?"

"How ignorant."

Seeing this, Wuchen didn't bother to explain. It's useless to talk nonsense. Don't look at his appearance, which is only twenty years old. He is already over a thousand years old. As long as Wuchen doesn't say it, there is no instrument that can detect it.

"No matter what, you will die!" Wuchen's tone was full of killing intent, and his eyes shot at Mathias like blades.


Affected by the dust-free murderous aura, Mathias stunned at the time, and his eyes were full of fear. How strong is this guy?You can oppress yourself just by relying on your own murderous aura.

"If I keep fighting like this, I'm really screwed."

Mathias's eyes kept changing, and the gap between them was too great. It was as simple as giants bullying human babies.


Then his mind flashed, and he seemed to have thought of some trick, and Mathias showed a sinister smile that the conspiracy had succeeded.


Chapter 76 Cruelty [Second]

"This old guy... still doesn't give up."

With a mocking look on the dust-free face, in the face of absolute strength, does Mathias think he has any chance of winning?Ridiculous.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Mathias's body roared out again, with a speed comparable to lightning, coming and going without a trace.

But this time, he was not targeting Wuchen, but...

"What do you want?!"

Sylvia looked at Mathias who suddenly flashed in front of her, and her heart couldn't help trembling. Looking at the evil smile in this guy's eyes, she felt even more uneasy.

"Get out of the way, stay away from me, especially you, if you dare to go further, I will kill her!"

Mathias growled at Wuchen.

"It's nerve-wracking."

Wuchen rubbed his head, his eyes shot out an icy cold light, "Don't think you can survive like this, useless waste."

"You know right away how stupid your choice is!"

Wuchen directly ignored Mathias' threat and said in a dark voice: "I changed my mind, I was going to kill you before, but now I'm dead without a corpse!"

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