"Hmph, do you think I'm stupid? Even if I tell the whereabouts of that guy, you won't bypass me, after all, I occupy this woman's body." Varda said coldly.

"You are smart."

Wuchen couldn't help but glanced at Varda unexpectedly. Indeed, whether or not the woman said Mathias' whereabouts, she would not end well.

"So..." Varda's eyes were firm and she said solemnly, "I refuse to tell you..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Before she could finish her nonsense, a flash of light rushed towards her, and Wuchen appeared in front of Varda in an instant, grabbing her with big hands.

"let me go!"

Varda struggled hard, she was locked by Wuchen's neck and held up high, she had no resistance at all!

"I'm telling you, I'm occupying this woman's body now. If you want to kill me, you will also cause serious harm to the woman Usila." Varda warned loudly, but her eyes were a little erratic, looking very Guilt.

"It's all this time, you still want to lie to me?"

Wuchen smiled sarcastically and grabbed the black necklace that Wusila was wearing. "As long as this thing is destroyed, as a pure Xinghuang armed consciousness, you will definitely be finished, right? This thing is your body."

Seeing this, Varda's face changed greatly, and she roared sharply: "Don't..."


Wuchen directly crushed the necklace with his bare hands and turned it into powder. Although this was a powerful pure star weapon, it was too easy for him to destroy it.

The moment he crushed the necklace, Varda's consciousness suddenly disappeared, and now only Mathias is left alone, and he will die without a single tree.


Chapter 73 You will surely die [Chapter [-]]

"This is where?"

When Wusila opened her eyes again, her consciousness had returned, and she stared blankly at everything around her, her eyes full of daze for Wuchen and Julis.

"My head hurts." Wusla touched her head, her head dizzy.

"Don't have any impression?" Wuchen frowned, and then said bluntly: "We are friends of your apprentice Sylvia."

"I remember."

After a while, Wusla seemed to have regained her memory and touched her chest subconsciously, "I was armed by my own pure star brilliance...?"

Her voice stopped abruptly, because at this moment there was nothing in her chest.

"It has been destroyed by me." Wuchen pointed to the residues on the ground that had not yet dissipated.

"I see, no wonder I regained control of my body again, thank you." Wusla bowed to Wuchen with a grateful expression.

If it weren't for Wuchen, Varda would probably still use her body to do evil.

"You just recovered, you still need more rest, go back for the time being." Wuchen suggested, Wusla's body was shaking.

And Julis also took the initiative to support Usla, and the three disappeared under the night sky together.

Along the way, the three talked a lot about the news about Varda and Mathias, and Wuchen got a lot of secrets.

When he arrived at the palace, his face was in a mess, as if he had been robbed.

"Who did it?"

Looking at the messy palace, Julis stomped her feet angrily. The murderer obviously didn't care about the country at all.

"Princess, something has happened to His Majesty the King!"

As soon as Julis came back, the servants in the palace hurried over to explain: "Just now, the world's number one singer kidnapped the king!"

"What [-]?"

Julis almost jumped up with excitement, that was her only relative who was kidnapped?

Out of anger, Julis turned her head and left.

"Don't worry Julis."

Wuchen's calm voice echoed in Julis' ears, and the girl turned her head and said angrily, "My brother was taken away by that woman, how can I watch it?"

"This is just a show, I asked Sylvia to do that." Wuchen looked at Julis mysteriously, and then revealed his plan in full.

"Is it a brilliant plan?"

About a few minutes later, Julis, who understood what happened, suddenly realized, and then looked at Wuchen with a mean smile, picked up the pillow angrily and threw it over.

"Using my brother as bait, you can come up with such a bad idea!" Julis looked at Wuchen with an air of air, but she was just such a relative, what if she was played to death?

"It'll be alright, I left him the spatial coordinates of [Flying Thunder God], aren't you a living example?" Wuchen explained flatly.

"That's right." Julis nodded lightly when she heard the words, her body also had the space coordinates of the God of Thunder, and when there was a crisis, there would be no dust.

But Julis was still extremely dissatisfied and complained: "However, no matter how you use my brother as bait, it is a heinous crime!"

"Your brother also agreed." Wuchen said that he was very innocent.

"Why don't you do it like this. After the event is completed, I will make up for it a little." Wuchen said softly.

"Count you acquainted!"

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