"Jobert loves Lexia von Risfet?" Seeing the long name, Wuchen didn't have the slightest impression, but after thinking about it, this person has the same surname as Julis, isn't he her brother? ?

"You know Jobt?"

Claudia cast a surprised look, and Wuchen shook her head.

"I don't know, Sylvia asked me to pay attention to him, because that Mathias may be driven crazy, maybe he will attack Jobert and threaten me with Julis' brother, I think Sylvia's analysis has some truth, you guys They are all by my side, that Mathias will definitely not dare to start, so he can only start with other people, and Jobert is so weak that he can't resist when he encounters Mathias."

For Sylvia's analysis, Wuchen quite agrees, the mad dog who is driven mad can do everything.

"It does make some sense." Claudia also nodded, and then her face showed a smile that was half-smiling, "It's a perfect match for both of you."

"Are you overly sensitive? That chick is the world's number one singer, how could she post it backwards." Wuchen said angrily, "Just in time, the Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival is over, and it's boring, so I'll go to You Brother Liz, take a seat there."

It was probably in the evening when Julis finally woke up, and the poisonous miasma on her body had been cleared away.

However, coincidentally, before Wuchen said she was going to Julis's country, Flora informed herself to go to the kingdom of Lazetania, and Jobot wanted to meet him.

In this regard, Wuchen of course readily agreed.

"Are you sure you want to meet my brother?" After waking up, Julis looked suspicious, and the dustless person in her mind hated such trivial matters.

"Of course, I've always wanted to see exotic scenery."

Wuchen nodded with a smile, and found a reason to deal with it.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 69 The Kingdom of Lazetania [fourth more]

On the plane to the Kingdom of Lezetania, Wuchen and the others sat comfortably in the first-class cabin, staring boredly at the white clouds outside the window.

"What's wrong, he looks absent-minded." Julis, who was sitting next to Wuchen, asked worriedly.


Wuchen responded casually, and then asked: "Claudia told you about me."


Julis was silent, she also knew that Wuchen was extraordinary, but she did not expect that her identity was far more bizarre than she imagined.

"Needless to say, marry a chicken, marry a dog, marry a dog, of course I'll follow you wherever you go." Julis suddenly smiled sweetly.

"I will also follow the teacher." Kato Teng Qirin, who was sitting on the other side of Wuchen, also immediately expressed his position, and by the way, he deliberately rubbed against Wuchen, so that it was convenient to take advantage...

"You all give up your loved ones?"

Wuchen rubbed the head of Katoto Qirin, while the girl lay down on his lap, he continued absent-mindedly: "You still have your brother, right?"


Jobert suddenly appeared in Julis' mind, and then shook his head gently: "Brother is just happy alone."

"Are you really sure?" Wuchen asked.

"I'm also a princess anyway, do I look like the kind of woman who goes back on her word!?"

Julis looked at Wuchen angrily, and then blushed, "Besides, we already have a husband and wife relationship, what other choice do I have besides following you?"

"That's right."

Wuchen smiled, then silently looked at the white-haired girl eating snacks in front of her, "What's the situation with this little girl?"

The person in front of him was Ophelia.

"I've already helped her go through the withdrawal procedures at Rewolf Black Academy, and Ophelia will follow us from now on."

Claudia opened her sleepy eyes and smiled at Wuchen: "Is this welfare okay? I received a Julis and a bed-warming maid, tsk tsk, I envy your life. ."

"The ghosts believe that Julis will be so understanding?"

Wuchen shook his head, and as expected, Julis immediately squeezed a few times on his waist, and Wuchen grinned in pain.

"How many women are there around you?" Yuris complained, Kato Teng Qirin and Claudia, and the Silvia who flirted with Wuchen, including four of her own.

Wuchen didn't answer. If she knew that there were countless confidantes in her system, she didn't know what she would think.

"By the way, what do you think?" Wuchen looked at Claudia, and said seriously to the clear eyes of the girl: "Claudia, we will leave soon, as for the [lion and heron] I can only say sorry about the Xingwu Festival, I don't have time to wait until next year."

If it's a few months, Wuchen can wait a while, but it's better to wait until this time next year.

"Heartless man." Claudia pouted and complained, but there was not much anger on her face, her eyes were dripping, and then she smiled charmingly, and leaned over to Wuchen in his face Kissing, "How about we have a baby?"


Wuchen nodded lightly and agreed very readily, but his brows were inadvertently wrinkled, "If it is possible, I would naturally also like it, but I have only had one daughter for countless years."

When his strength has reached his level, his body has undergone tremendous changes. Wuchen is no longer a human being, and his body stores a huge amount of power. It is quite difficult to give birth to offspring like a normal person.

Of course, once a child is born in the future, they will inevitably inherit the world-shattering strength of Wuchen. This is the benefit of the descendants of the strong. They are often gifted, but the conditions for birth are also very harsh.

The plane sailed between the blue sky and white clouds, and the weather was warm and soft all the way, so it was very smooth to reach the destination - the Kingdom of Zetania!

When Wuchen and the others got off the plane, it was crowded with people. If it wasn't for the guards to stop them, I'm afraid the entire plane would be surrounded.

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