"Your Majesty [-]"

"Master Wuchen!"

"You are a perfect couple!"


The citizens called out the names of Wuchen and Julis excitedly. Because of the victory of the "Phoenix Star Martial Festival", the two of them were already famous all over the world, especially in the Kingdom of Zetania.

"Damn, it must be that guy from the king!" Julis gritted her teeth, and they all came back in secret, and almost no one knew.

Only Yobert was notified, and now the city is full of ups and downs, he must have exposed the wind.

"It's really a blessing for your brother to make such a big noise." Wuchen looked outside the airport, and the red carpet spread almost endlessly.

"Anyway, your brother is not malicious." Wuchen patted Julis on the shoulder, but he knew that Jobert loved Julis very much.

A few people got on the limousine to welcome the guests together, and the crowd of onlookers immediately took the initiative to move out of the way, shouting the name of Julis.

"You are really welcome."

Claudia stared at the excited crowd outside the car, and her eyes suddenly became hesitant. If there was no consortium of enterprises, this group of residents would probably live happier.

To a certain extent, the consortium is the moth that squeezes all mankind.

"Don't worry, I'll change the world when I leave."

Wuchen's remarks made Julis smile, but Claudia immediately cast her eyes, because her mother was the top cadre of the consortium "Galaxy".


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 70 Gustave Malraux [fifth more]

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your mother." Wuchen gave Claudia a safe look, and she nodded. Although the relationship between their mother and son was indifferent, it was Claudia's after all. Mother.

In the evening, in the palace of the Kingdom of Lazetania, Jobert, the king, prepared an extremely luxurious dinner and invited many noble nobles.

There is no doubt that Wuchen and Yulis have become absolute stars. Yulis is one of the champions of the Xingwu Festival, and Wuchen's strength is also unfathomable, and many people have been watching him. heart of.

As for Claudia, she was even treated as a guest, who made the backstage big enough for others.

At the beginning of the dinner, there was a melodious singing on the stage, and the moving voice of Lai that day made him a little familiar.

Suddenly I remembered the beautiful girl who had a relationship with one side, and Wuchen's eyes suddenly looked over.

"It really is this girl..."

On the stage, the beautiful girl singing a sweet song was the Silvia I had seen a while ago.

"How do you feel when you meet your little lover?" Claudia asked in a sour tone. At this moment, she was wearing a princess dress, with light makeup on her cheeks, and her flaming red lips were like blooming roses. Fragrant and mesmerizing.

"No matter how enchanting it is, it's not as good as you." Wuchen slapped her ass once, and the girl was instantly excited like a blooming flower.

Women, sometimes you still have to rely on flickering, cheating!

Julius and Claudia are both relatively busy people, and many people came up to chat with them, but these people also have self-knowledge, they all know that Claudia and Julius have a leg, and they dare not go too far.

On the contrary, Wuchen and Kato Teng Qirin were sitting alone together, and the two seemed out of tune with the situation in front of them.

"What's the matter, Kirin?"

Looking at the girl who had been bowing her head and seemed to be a little nervous, Wuchen couldn't help but look at it and said with admiration: "Tonight you are dressed really well. If you were older, there are probably many male perverts who couldn't help it."

"I, I, I..."

After Wuchen said this, Kato Teng Qilin's small face suddenly flushed morbidly, and nervously grabbed the corner of her clothes.

"Really, really?" The girl's beautiful eyes were filled with water mist, and she was shy and full of anticipation at the same time.

"Of course, I have to lie to you? You are very cute." Wuchen said calmly, blood dripping from Kato Fujiki's cheeks.


Suddenly, a few sharp hisses came from outside the window, and the sound contained a strong sonic shock.


In just an instant, the glass of the entire villa was shaken to pieces, and the scene was in a panic.

"what's the situation?!"

"Damn, is it a terrorist?!"

"Where's the guard?!"


One by one, the guests were like frightened birds. At this moment, the nobles with noble and elegant manners all fled in fright.

"Useless waste will show up. If you really encounter a crisis, you worms will be the first to run away."

Wuchen looked at it with contempt. Those who stood taller were more afraid of death. These nobles were the best example. They used to talk and laugh, but now they have immediately turned into bereaved dogs.

Wuchen walked out of the window alone, looking at the huge creature under the night sky, and couldn't help frowning.

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