Ophelia also cast a stunned look. After a short absence, she tried to stand up again, but she still didn't give up.

But... this kind of boring game is dust-free enough.

As soon as the thought moved, the wood that was entrenched in the entire arena rushed towards Ophelia frantically.

This chick's consumption is too great, her reaction power and combat power are greatly reduced, and she is directly tied up by countless vines, making it difficult to move.

"Don't think I'll give up." Ophelia gritted her teeth, her overdrawn body still overflowing with miasma.

In order to defeat Wuchen, she really put all her strength into it.

However, it was useless at all. The moment the vines bound Ophelia, they frantically absorbed the power in her body.

"Goodbye." Wuchen glanced at Ophelia indifferently.


The school badge Ophelia was wearing shattered immediately, shattered by the dust-free wood.

"The game is over, and players Wuchen and Yuris have won! They are the champions of this Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival!"

The commentator's voice resounded throughout the arena, the audience all stood up, and the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival" that lasted for several days finally came to an end.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 68 It is better not to see [Third more]

"Damn it..."

Ophelia fell to her knees unwillingly. At this moment, she was in a daze, her eyes were blank and dull looking at the floor, so she lost like this?

"Ta Tata..."

There were crisp footsteps coming from the front, Ophelia looked up and smiled bitterly: "Are you here to mock me?"

At this moment, Wuchen's face was cold, and he could not see joy, anger, sorrow and joy.


Wuchen responded calmly and said slowly: "I have won a group of little devils, but I feel that I am guilty."

"Is your body about to collapse?"

Wuchen silently looked at Ophelia, who was kneeling on her knees. It wasn't that she didn't stand up, but that she didn't have the ability at all.

"It's a miracle that a human body can bear two crystals of all-responses, and I have as many as ten in my body, and demise is inevitable."

Ophelia said calmly, her eyes were calm, and life and death were bearish.

Hearing this, Wuchen took a few more glances at Ophelia, and then an emerald-colored light shot out from his palm and landed on Ophelia's body, covered with enormous vitality, repairing it at an astonishing speed. Trauma inside the girl?

"what do you mean?"

Ophelia couldn't help being stunned, she looked up at Wuchen, her eyes were full of astonishment, this guy is actually treating himself?

"Thank you."

Sensing the shocking change in her body, Ophelia thanked him heavily.

"Don't say thank you, I'm not familiar with you."

Wuchen glanced at Ophelia indifferently, then turned and left, "Don't get me wrong, I won't take a second look when you die, but the people I care about will be very sad, I just don't want her to be sad, that's all. That's it. If you want to thank you, thank Julis."


After the Phoenix Star Martial Festival, the news of Wuchen and Julis winning the championship came out in a trend that swept the world, and the whole world was talking about it for a while, because it represented so many things.

In the dust-free lounge at the moment, he was drinking hot tea calmly.

"You really are, did you make a mistake? If you refuse to participate in even that kind of occasion, you gave up the best chance to be famous!"

Claudia stood in front of Wuchen and reprimanded with her hands on her hips. After the game, she was about to give him an award, but this guy disappeared.

"Don't worry about Claudia, what is there to care about the champion of a small competition." Wuchen looked out the window through the window. After the end of the Xingwu Festival, there was a celebration feast outside.

This group of people is even more excited than his winner!

"You said it lightly."

Claudia rolled her eyes, and then angrily handed over the things that Sylvia left behind to Wuchen, "This is what your world's number one singer left behind, see for yourself."

"My world's No. [-] singer?" Wuchen's face was speechless, this chick is really a huge vinegar jar and can't stand the slightest stimulation.

Wuchen opened the envelope left by Silvia and looked at it carefully. The handwriting was beautiful and neat, and it was pleasing to the eyes. The recorded content was all about Mathias's past.

Finally, there is some personal analysis of Silvia, and reminds Wuchen to pay attention to the people around him, because Mathias is likely to threaten Wuchen with others.

"Claudia, Qilin, and Julis don't have to worry, as for Sasha Palace Saya..."

A trace of regret suddenly appeared on Wuchen's face, because Shasha Gong Shaye had left without saying goodbye, and left with Tian Wuyao, probably because he didn't want to meet him.

Even if the dust-free means reach the sky, it is very laborious to find Shasha Palace Shaye in the vast sea of ​​people, so I just let it go and gave up looking for her. Maybe not meeting her is the most perfect ending. Once you meet, maybe It will bring harm to each other, so it is better not to see.

Wuchen continued to look at the contents of the envelope, and soon a special name invaded his eyes.

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