Chapter 65 I am very happy [fourth more]

"No dust, right? In fact, I also want to thank you." Ophelia's face suddenly burst into a smile, bright as a flower.

This scene made many people in a trance, that the strongest witch in history who refused to leave a thousand people still laughs?

But Julis, who was confronting Ophelia, felt a coldness that swept her whole body, as if she had been thrown into the icy hell, and a biting breath came on her face.

"Fortunately, you eliminated my teammate. For me, she is actually a burden. Without her, I can release all my strength, and I don't have to worry about accidentally hurting her." Ophelia pursed her lips and smiled, her cheeks tied With a hint of victorious arrogance.

"The poisonous miasma has indeed become stronger."

Wuchen grabbed a handful against the void, and the poisonous miasma rushed over immediately, wanting to corrode his own skin.

But this is simply impossible. At the moment, Wuchen is covered with armed domineering, and it is definitely not something that can be swallowed by a mere poisonous miasma.

But on the other hand, Julis is not as calm as Wuchen, her cheeks have turned purple, apparently poisoned by inhaling too much poisonous miasma.

However, Julis's heart was as tough as a rock, she was not afraid, and her strong will supported her.

"What's the use of talking big?"

Wuchen stared at Ophelia, and said lightly: "You know your physical condition better than anyone else, how long do you think you can last? Julis just wants to save you, why do you have to fight to the death?"


When Ophelia heard the words, she immediately cast a horrified look, and looked at Wuchen in disbelief. Can this guy see the condition inside his body?

"I have no choice!" Ophelia said firmly.

"I have no choice either."

Julis took a deep breath, she tried to move her body, she was immediately dizzy and overwhelmed, she said solemnly: "It seems that only one move can determine the outcome."

If you continue to drag on, Julis may not have no chance of winning, but in this closed space, the density of poisonous miasma is getting higher and higher, although she can achieve a certain degree of immunity, but it will not work for a long time.

The fundamental reason why Wuchen can be calm is that he is ten tails.

"Boom boom boom..."

The space behind Julis cracked open again, no longer the size of a few fireballs. Looking around, the entire playing field became fiery red.

Wuchen looked at the sky, the space in the enchantment was beautiful, dozens of fireballs were suspended in the sky, and the colors shone to the extreme, as bright as dozens of small suns.

At the moment when this large number of fireballs flashed, the miasma in the enchantment accelerated to evaporate, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Staring at the dozens of fireballs circling the void, Ophelia's face was gloomy enough to drip water, "What happened to you during this period? Your star power is definitely not enough to use this unprecedented trick."

The decisive battle between the Star Vein Generations is directly about the content of the star power. Ophelia swept the world because of that huge star power.

"Like you, she is no longer a simple human being." Wuchen said extremely plainly, but the moment the voice fell, he felt that he was being targeted by a demon.

Looking up, Ophelia was staring at her with blood-red eyes.

"What did you do to her?" Ophelia asked hoarsely.

"Oops, did I hear it wrong? That's interesting."

Seeing this, a seemingly non-existent smile swept across Wuchen's boring cheeks. He heard a trace of concern in Ophelia's tone, but of course he didn't care about himself. He seemed to be afraid that Wuchen's actions would be detrimental to Julis. matter.

"Didn't you say it before, Ophelia, I'm already like you, and I can't be considered human anymore."

Julis said calmly, with a smile on her face, "But unlike you, I am very happy. There is someone I can rely on, and I feel very secure."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

This voice fell, and the fireballs all over the sky fell at the same time, and the scene was as exaggerated as a fireball torrential rain.

"Bang bang bang..."

Ophelia's huge body of poisonous miasma was smashed back and forth, and the poisonous miasma scattered. The body was too huge, and it was the best target. Every time a fireball fell, there would be more scary holes in the body of the poisonous miasma giant.


Several fireballs slammed down at the same time, and the poisonous miasma giant was already fragmented.

"Boom boom boom..."

However, Ophelia did not give up, and a stronger miasma mist erupted from her body, and the mutilated wound that was blasted out quickly condensed and recovered.


At the same time, Ophelia spat out a mouthful of blood, and her body swayed, but she remained firm.

"Why bother."

Wuchen sighed endlessly. Others might not be able to see the condition of Ophelia's body clearly, but he was very clear.

Dozens of crystals of all-response crystals all shone, providing Ophelia with huge star power, and the poisonous miasma giant covered on her body is getting bigger and bigger, but the cost may be her life.

At first it was only a few tens of meters, but now it is more than [-] meters high, and it is about to break the enchantment.

"Bang bang bang..."

The fiery fireball hit the poisonous miasma giant again, and the effect was minimal, or even useless, and the surface was safe and sound.


Julis clenched her fists unwillingly, she waved her brilliance-style weapon again, and wanted to repeat the previous offensive, but a burst of dizziness came to her heart, and her body fell down unexpectedly.

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