Wuchen laughed, and then made a chair with a wooden dungeon. Under the watchful eyes of countless people vomiting blood, he took out a bag of melon seeds from his pocket and watched leisurely...

"Don't worry about me, you all try your best to fight."

Wuchen said with a smile, looking at the two of them with a smile while eating melon seeds, where is this game, it's clearly here to watch the show!

Chapter 64 Ophelia's Secret

This behavior has aroused the indignation of many people. Is it really appropriate for you to be so arrogant as a contestant?Everyone is watching your game, not watching you as an uncle!

"Protest... protest... protest..."

Many viewers complained to the narrator.

However, the commentator is helpless about this. The regulations of the game, but there is no regulation that does not allow dust-free watching...

Therefore, the most bizarre scene in the history of the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival" happened. Only the remaining three players, the other two players were playing hotly, while the other player sat leisurely and watched, while nibbling. The melon seeds fell asleep.

"I didn't expect you to have such an improvement, I am really impressed, Julis, is it related to that man?"

In the poisonous miasma that filled the sky, Ophelia stared at Julis with eyes like torches, with a look of surprise. This guy was able to ignore the existence of the poisonous miasma. Although Julis also managed to ignore it last time, this time The poisonous miasma was denser than the last time, but she still ignored it.

"That's right." Julis nodded and admitted, and said with a light smile: "Although the price paid is relatively high, I don't regret it."

"To a certain extent, although he turned me into a monster that is completely different from humans, but I also saw a wider world because of this, so I still have to thank Wuchen."

Julis said eloquently, the speaker is not intentional and the listener is intentional, Ophelia's mind is moved, what does the wider world mean?

"In short, defeat you first!"

Ophelia's eyes burst into a dazzling light, and a violent, materialized miasma suddenly flashed behind her, and the tens of meters of poisonous miasma instantly condensed and slapped Julis.

"Maybe it will be a little troublesome. In the past, this chick has suffered a lot of crazy experiments."

Wuchen narrowed his eyes, and he was not idle either, his right eye turned into a blue-and-white Tenseigan.

Through Tenseikan's observation, Ophelia's internal conditions were at a glance, and Wuchen discovered dozens of all-responding crystals!

This is nothing short of a miracle. Take that Ardi as an example. He can be a world leader if he owns a piece of all-response crystal, and after combining with Limshi, an extra piece of all-response crystal can sweep the entire Phoenix Star Martial Festival. .

So how powerful will Ophelia with ten dollars be?Wuchen suddenly realized that he had misunderstood. Maybe Julis would still fail miserably. There is no doubt about the domineering power of the armed color, but Julis has only learned it for more than ten days. What's the use of it?

"It seems that you still have to count on me." Wuchen couldn't help looking at Ophelia with interest.

No wonder this guy dared to recklessly squander the power of the stars, and implanted as many as ten thousand crystals in his body, fearing that he is an invincible existence.

It was a miracle that Ophelia's body could hold up.

"What a tragic woman." Wuchen looked at Ophelia, and there was no human emotion in his eyes.

Because she has been transformed into a brilliant weapon, to put it simply, it is a simple killing weapon.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the sky, a large purple poisonous miasma hand descended from the sky, covering Julis's body, and then mercilessly photographed it.

Naturally, Julis was unwilling to admit defeat. With a slight wave of her brilliance-style armament, the space behind her slammed open, and several hideous-looking fire dragons vomited explosive flames and rushed towards the sky.

"Bang bang bang..."

All the fire dragons slammed into the big hand of the poisonous miasma, trembling non-stop, and cracks appeared.

Seeing this, Wuchen smiled faintly. With Julis's own strength, it is impossible to have such an improvement, but she helped her reshape her body and drank his blood, and her strength has been greatly improved.

"Looks like you've really gotten stronger."

Ophelia also had a hint of surprise on her cheek. She had enough confidence in herself. Not many people could withstand the move just now, but Julis was easily broken, which really surprised her.


"Boom boom boom..."

Ophelia's body burst out suddenly, and there was even an enchanting purple light flashing behind her.

Seeing this, Tensei looked at the past again, and the scene in Ophelia's body had changed dramatically.

A large amount of star power poured out from the Omniscient Crystal implanted in her body, and at the same time responded to Ophelia's greeting, erupting endless purple mist.

But the human body obviously can't bear such power, Ophelia's mouth has blood flowing out, and even the violent force overflowing from the Omniscient Crystal has corroded even her own internal organs.

"In the end, it's still a trick to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred." Wuchen sighed softly. In this world, no matter when, there is no pie that falls in vain.

Although she has gained a powerful and unparalleled power, Ophelia has also lost a lot, and Wuchen can even conclude that in the next few years, she may fall.

"what is that?!"

Julis raised her eyes and stared at Ophelia closely. The miasma behind her gathered and did not disperse, surrounding the girl tightly, seemingly protecting Ophelia and preventing Julis from attacking.

If that's the case, naturally don't worry, but...

The purple miasma seemed to have been given life, and the outside was constantly compressed and changed. A monster giant dozens of meters high suddenly appeared, all composed of poisonous miasma, and looked at Julis with a dazzling expression.

The moment this monster appeared, even Wuchen's eyes widened, and he could clearly feel that the density and power of the poisonous miasma had increased dozens of times.


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


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