
Julis only felt herself being thrown into a warm embrace, and when she opened her eyes again, she had a worried look on her face.

"It doesn't matter, right? You don't have to work so hard, we are partners, and me, and you have done a good job."

Wuchen comforted her softly, half a month ago, Julis was just an ant to Ophelia, and she could be eliminated in seconds with one move, but now she can be driven to a dead end, and even if Ophelia hadn't gone mad, maybe already defeated.

"Leave it to me next."

Wuchen put Julis aside, and used Mudun to create a simple wooden bed for her to lie down and rest.

"You will lose badly next, and I will trample your pride to nothing!"

Wuchen's eyes glowed with scorching light, and a suffocating pressure spread from his body.


Affected by the dust-free momentum, the enchantment around the arena swayed, all kinds of terrifying cracks!


PS: 3000 flowers plus update, 3000 reward plus update, 1000 evaluation ticket plus update, 500 automatic subscription plus update! ! ! ! !


Chapter 66 Natural Enemies! 【First Update】

This thrilling momentum swept the audience, and when it affected Ophelia, she immediately shivered, feeling her soul tremble.

Strong, not ordinary strong, strong beyond ordinary.

Just relying on her own momentum can make Ophelia feel powerless to resist. If it really moves, how terrible it would be?

"Boom boom boom..."

Ophelia was obviously planning to give it a go, and the purple poisonous miasma erupted from her body endlessly, filling the entire barrier, and rushing towards Wuchen from all directions.

"There is one thing I want to remind you before the war." The corner of Wuchen's mouth paused, his tone made people shudder, and he said solemnly: "I will not be as gentle as Julis."


Wuchen's eyes blinked, and black fire flashed around his feet and spread out endlessly.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the poisonous miasma that was coming from everywhere met Amaterasu, and after the two came into contact, they all vanished, just like encountering a natural enemy, they disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, were quickly dismembered, and purple venom kept falling to the ground.

At the same time, looking up at the poisonous miasma giant above Ophelia's head, there was a contemptuous smile on the corner of Wuchen's mouth.

Without saying a word, Wuchen just made a handprint and shouted in a low voice: "Woodun Tree Realm is coming!"


The ground in the center of the arena exploded, and dense wood swept out from the ground, filling the entire arena, and the ground on which Dustless and Ophelia stepped became wood.

"Look, in desperation, the dust-free player finally zoomed in!"

The narrator's impassioned voice echoed in everyone's ears, and the audience stood up excitedly.

"When did Lao Tzu feel helpless? Also, is this a big move? Ridiculous!"

Hearing this, Wuchen snorted very contemptuously. The scope of the "Descent of the Tree Realm" technique is very large, and it only occupies the entire arena at the moment. Is this also called a big move?

At most, it was a small fight, and Wuchen was just a little serious.

"In front of my poisonous miasma, do you think this kind of thing works?" Ophelia had a cold smile on her face, and the girl snapped her fingers in a dashing manner, and the poisonous miasma came again like a plague.

Under Ophelia's control, these poisonous miasmas penetrated deep into the wooden tunnel, dyeing the wood purple.

"These wooden tunnels of yours will be corrupted immediately, let's see who crushes whose pride."

Ophelia smiled lightly, staring at Mu Dun, which had absorbed all the poisonous miasma, and her face regained its radiance, with a victorious smile on her face.

"It seems that you are very confident in yourself, but..." Wuchen changed the topic and said indifferently: "Thank you for sending so much nourishment to Mu Dun."

"Nutrition? What do you mean?" Ophelia asked in confusion.

The words fell, and a miraculous scene happened. After absorbing the poisonous miasma, the wood that turned purple became unrestrictedly enlarged, just like taking hormones and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"how can that be?!"

Seeing this, Ophelia couldn't help but be stunned, and her beautiful eyes shot out a horrified color. There is something in this world that she can't corrode?And can you use the poisonous miasma as nourishment to strengthen yourself?Just dreaming!

A large number of purple wood on the ground surged violently, like countless thick pythons approaching. Ophelia, who was used to seeing big scenes, saw this scene, her heart trembled and her face turned pale.

"Then destroy all the wood!"

With a bite of his teeth, under the control of Ophelia's will, the arms of the poisonous miasma giant above became infinitely longer, and then descended from the sky with the power of thunder.

"Bang bang bang!"

The huge purple fist slammed into the ground like crazy, and many purple woods were shattered and smashed... The huge competition field was trembling non-stop.

But this is useless at all, what is the biggest feature of Mu Dun?It's not its powerful destructive power, but its unparalleled regeneration!

"Boom boom boom..."

The attack of the poisonous miasma giant continued, and wood was constantly being smashed to pieces, but Ophelia had not had time to be happy, and was extremely depressed to find that the more wood she destroyed, the more wood she regenerated. Much, it doesn't work at all.

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