Wuchen did not explain, and disappeared under the night sky with agile steps. Anyway, she will leave here soon, and it will be nothing to let Tianwuyao go. Can she still chase after the universe and assassinate herself?

"Miss Yao!"

Shasha Gong Shaye was very excited, and immediately helped Tian Wuyao up, looking at the panicked girl with a complicated expression. To a certain extent, amnesia was a good thing for her to be thankful for, saving her life. For the time being, there is no need to have such painful memories.

Chapter 63 Is it a parallel import? 【Second Update】

After all, there is no revenge for revenge. This is the biggest blow to a person. Instead of living in pain, it is better to forget that memory forever. This can be regarded as an alternative relief.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

Today will usher in the last match of the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival". Wuchen and Julis from Seidokan Academy will play against Ophelia and her teammates from Leiwolf Black Academy.

This will be the last game, and the winner will be the champion of the "Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival", and can make a wish to fulfill any wish... It stands to reason that on such an important occasion, Mathias should show up, and there is no dust Once Yuris and Julius have won, they should count on him to present the award.


"That kid seems to have really run away. He knew that I was going to kill him, so he was absent from such an important occasion."

Wuchen whispered to himself, looking at the position of the podium, there was no one, and he couldn't see Mathias at all.


On the field of competition, Julis looked at the white-haired girl with a burning gaze, and Wuchen couldn't help but look over. Ophelia, who came into view, was still indifferent, and her eyes were calm like a pool of stagnant water.

"It's a pity... It's almost wiped out the feelings of human beings." Wuchen's tone carried a trace of pity and sympathy.

Even if you have the strength to destroy the world, without your own emotions, and become a walking corpse, what is the use of having strength?

"I must save you today!" Julis clenched her fists, and the girl's eyes glowed with scorching colors.

Looking at the confident Julis, Wuchen smiled slightly, pointed to the girl next to Ophelia and said, "The woman next to her is handed over to me."

Julis nodded, and Wuchen already had a husband and wife relationship, and it was too much to say thank you.

"The last match of the Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival begins, defeat the opponent's school badge, or make the enemy lose consciousness to win."

The commentator's voice came out again, and countless pairs of eyes stared at the four people on the field.

"It's going to be one of the best games in the world."

In the auditorium, a girl who looked very ordinary looked expectant. She sat alone in an inconspicuous corner, staring at Wuchen and Ophelia without leaving.

In fact, this seemingly ordinary girl was Sylvia, but because her identity was too sensitive, she had to cover up skillfully, and almost no one recognized her true identity.

The reason why Sylvia came in person was that Sylvia not only wanted to witness the match, but also because Ophelia had defeated her twice in the past "Wang Long Xingwu Festival" competition, and Sylvia won the runner-up twice, and The champion is Ophelia, who has won two consecutive titles.

Of course, in addition to that, she still has some things she wants to talk about with Wuchen...

"Boom boom boom..."

At the beginning of the game, a violent purple miasma erupted in Ophelia's body, and the visibility in the competition field suddenly became blurred.

This miasma is extremely powerful. If you breathe in some air in your lungs, you will feel extremely uncomfortable, your body will be paralyzed and weak, and you will absorb too much miasma, and it may even directly corrode your internal organs.

In the face of such a powerful Ophelia, let alone fighting her, I can boast for a while in front of her miasma!

"How do you feel?" Wuchen sniffed the purple miasma, but there was no extra feeling.

"It's alright." Yuris shook her head, and several giant fireballs suddenly swept up in the space behind her. With a flick of her brilliant weapon, the fireballs condensed into a huge sphere and smashed away fiercely. .

"Ophelia, the [Huayan Witch] is handed over to you, and the man beside her is mine." Ophelia's teammates showed a bloodthirsty smile, and they could become Ophelia's teammates. Her strength is naturally one of the best.

In fact, with their strength, there is no need to participate in the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival, the grade is too low, and the "Wang Long Star Martial Arts Festival" is their stage, but Wuchen offended the Leiwofu Black Academy a while ago, so the other party will send The strong sniped at him and Julis.

"You still want to deal with me just because you are a scumbag?" Wuchen grinned with contempt on his face, "Go away and cool off."

Wuchen looked at the woman, his eyes blinked, and then he shouted in a low voice, "Boundary Prison of the Tomb of Wheels!"

In a world that was invisible to the naked eye, a black shadow rushed out immediately and rushed towards Ophelia's teammates.


The dust-free shadow suddenly launched an attack, punching out a punch, and the woman's badge burst open immediately.

"The school badge is broken, the dust-free contestant wins!" The voice of the commentator entered everyone's ears.

"Are you kidding?!"

Ophelia's teammates were furious, what happened to Nima?Looking at the school badge on the ground, the whole person is in a bad state.

"How did you do it? Who of you saw clearly?"

"It wouldn't be sorcery, would it?"

"Ghost knows, this Wuchen is indeed a monster."


The audience talked a lot, this Nima is too bizarre, Ophelia's teammate's school badge is inexplicably broken, is it a parallel import?Those who didn't know thought she had surrendered herself.

"This guy…"

Ophelia also looked at Wuchen on alert for the first time, and there were rare shocking fluctuations in her beautiful eyes.

She placed a high-density miasma around her and stepped in a little, and her feet might corrode and only bones were left. It was a measure to deal with dust.

"Don't worry, I won't attack you."

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