Looking up again, the dust-free eyes have turned into scarlet eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, and the unique pentagram-shaped writing wheel eyes exudes a strange light, and when they look at each other, they will feel creepy.

"I never thought you could do such a thing."

Wuchen's eyes pierced through the sea of ​​​​fires, and his eyes fell directly on Ardi. This time, he was really surprised.

Amaterasu was burning wildly beside this kid. His feet were swallowed up by this ominous black fire, but he was still intact. Could it be more bizarre?

"Hahaha... Surprised? I have your tricks in my data. The master once installed fire-resistant and high-temperature-resistant metal for me. Although your flames are powerful, they don't have much effect."

Ardi's voice carried a touch of smugness, and he said: "Sure enough, I am the most powerful simulacrum in the world."

"There is no doubt that you are really good... No one can deny this." Wuchen nodded lightly, and then his eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel blinked.

Thinking about it carefully, Wuchen did use this trick before, and it is estimated that the data was also collected by Ainiesta, but is that little girl too evil?What is the use of dust-free, defensive measures can be developed...

"However, you are still vulnerable."

The moment these words fell, the flames that were burning in Al's fourth week suddenly gathered at his feet, and these flames changed amazingly, as if they were endowed with vitality, and they actually started to move on their own.

Under the stupefied gazes of countless people, the black flames that had been raging before condensed into a sharp black sword two or three meters long, and flew towards Ardi's abdomen.


The black sharp sword was like an unparalleled divine sword, easily passing through Ardi's body, his abdomen was pierced on the spot, leaving a hole the size of his head, and the internal parts appeared unobstructed in everyone's eyes.

"Bang bang bang..."

This blow obviously caused a great threat to Aldi, destroying some important data in his body, and it exploded on its own.

"It looks like it's about to end." Kato Teng Kirin and the others beamed with joy, showing bright smiles one after another.

Claudia looked at Ainista and Camilla subconsciously. Although their faces were a little ugly, they didn't have much worry. It seemed that there were still cards that were not used.

"Why does this happen? You can still control that black flame?" After several explosions, Aldi fell to the ground and couldn't move, but he still raised his head and stared at Wuchen.

Although I can't tell what his expression is like, but listening to the voice, I can feel that he is very unwilling.

"You are always a machine. The battle is based on pure data, which is too narrow."

Wuchen shook his head lightly and explained lightly: "Amaterasu is one of my pupil techniques, which is the black flame you saw just now, but I also have a pupil technique called [Adding Earth Life], which can be controlled Amaterasu's morphological changes, you don't have this kind of data, do you?"

Ninjutsu is ever-changing and impossible to guard against, and Ardi's data on Wuchen is pitiful, so he is doomed to lose.

Chapter 58 A Finger [Second More]


The light fell on Wuchen and exploded, and if it was replaced by ordinary people, it was estimated that it had been blown into a blood mist. Wuchen, who was a person with the ability of the shining fruit, burst, and a lot of light splashed out.

However, this didn't do much, and in the next second, the burst body was easily repaired by elementalization.

This ability, I do not know how many people envy.

At the same time, Limsi flashed beside Aldi, looking at the miserable big man, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone, "It seems that I can only use that..."

"Hehe... Limushi, I'll be waiting for your words." Aldi smirked.


Wuchen looked at the two of them silently, indifferent. He also wanted to see what else they could do.

As a traverser, Wuchen understands that these two simulacrums still have a secret trick they haven't used - a fusion!

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Limushi's equipment split apart and flew towards Aldi. Julis was about to attack immediately, but was stopped by Wuchen.

"Let him perform well, after all, this is the last time." Wuchen waved his hand to stop Julis, the latter's boiling star power fell silent again, and chose to watch from the sidelines.

In terms of Wuchen's strength, it's more than enough to clean them up, so it's okay to be capricious once.

"Boom boom boom..."

After the two merged, Aldi burst out with a powerful airflow, like a storm of dozens of levels.


Even the enchantment around the arena swayed, as if it might burst at any time, swaying non-stop.

Looking up at Ardi, his form has been changed, his body has become larger, it is estimated that it is all thick armor, he is still holding a huge black giant hammer, and there is also a jet-black metal similar to wings behind him, it seems It is used for high altitude flight.

The most bizarre thing is that the previous attacks have been restored.

"Hahaha...Look at my domineering body, it's the first time I've used this form." Aldi laughed like a big fool.

"It's really domineering."

Wuchen looked at Ardi with great interest. At this moment, Ardi exudes a black edge, full of momentum, looking at the height of five or six meters, like a steel god of war...

However, the strength in the end is not known.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Ardi turned into a black shadow and rushed towards him at a speed like lightning, which aroused the amazement of many people.

"Why does such a large body move so fast?"

"The devil knows that the person who developed the simulacrum behind the scenes must be the top scientist."

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